Recently BCed...


Well-Known Member
I just BCed on the 19th and I don't know if my hair is in shock or what but it is barely curling up. It looks like I have no curl definition at all. And I'm confused because before I BCed I had pretty coily ringlets and now it looks like brillo after drying. Anybody else experienced this? Is there any thing I can do?

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It could be a couple of things - do you have before and after pictures? The relaxed hair weighs down the new growth, so it could be that your curl pattern looked different. But - your hair might be "in shock" too, so make sure you are deep conditioning at least weekly (twice a week if you can).
I can post pictures when I get off. But thanks for the tips. I haven't been deep conditioning a lot or moisturizing a lot. Anything you would recommend

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So I was tagged in this thread b/c SOMEONE knew I went through the same thing (thanks baby face). I BC'd last month on the 24th and had the exact same thing happen to me. It's been a month now and my curl definition is starting to show more and more every day. I was REALLY worried b/c after a long DC the day after and the weekend after, there was still nothing. I noticed that I still had a few straight hairs and feared that "scab hair" was the culprit. Well one day, I decided to trim off about another 1/8" and did an Aphogee 2-step treatment followed by SE Mega Moisture Treatment mixed with Amla oil and Hot 6 Oil. I left the DC on for about an hour. Low and behold...IT WORKED! I think the trim and the protein treatment really helped out a lot. Maybe you should try a protein treatment followed by a long DC with a little heat to see if it does the trick.
I think shock might be the right term. I relaxed for 25 years, bone straight, and ran all the way through every time. I think the fact that I started texlaxing and transitioned for a year helped but the day of my bc I was like that's it. I think it took about a month for my hair's true texture to fully surface.
It'll come as your hair grows out a bit. I said the same thing after my BC. Be sure to moisturize and deep condition. Are you letting your hair to dry without products; leave-ins, moisturizers etc? If so, that could be the cause of the "brillo" feeling.

FYI, my hair looks a lot different wet vs. dry, unless I use a styler or gel. Depending on your hair type you may have to get used to the idea that you're not going to have an abundance of coils an curls on dry hair.

Congrats on your BC!
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Thanks for the replies ladies. I'll try deep conditioning more often and try a protein treatment and see if that helps. Hopefully these things work for me. I'll be sure to keep you ladies updated. Be back in a minute with pics

it doesnt look all that different to me keeping in mind that your hair is wet in one picture and dry in the other.
OP it looks like you may need to up your moisturizing regi- are you using a leave-in conditioner? Sealing with an oil? Co-washing? The more moisture, the more coil-popping. HTH
what products are you using on your hair?

you might hair hair that is puffy like mine and needs a little cajoling to clump together.
It'll come as your hair grows out a bit. I said the same thing after my BC. Be sure to moisturize and deep condition. Are you letting your hair to dry without products; leave-ins, moisturizers etc? If so, that could be the cause of the "brillo" feeling.

FYI, my hair looks a lot different wet vs. dry, unless I use a styler or gel. Depending on your hair type you may have to get used to the idea that you're not going to have an abundance of coils an curls on dry hair.

Congrats on your BC!
