Recent Study on Hair Growth Oils

Just wondering are all of these oils mixed together or are they all applied seperatly?

The Essential Oils must be mixed with the carrier oils. These should always be diluted before using them.

The carrier Oil is the Grape seed and Jojoba.
I think the recipe is in the beginning of the thread.

But you can purchase at Whole Foods or Wild Oats a small glass bottle with a dropper. You can get many of the Eo's there. Or order on line what you can't find.

Mix the EO's first then add your carrier oils last.

Vitimin D3 you take 2,000 or 3,000 a day. its in the same article as WomanWorld. I always buy that mag but I never do anything in there really. They had the coconut oil thing in there to but I wasn't going to take oil everyday. The only oil I would try to get down was Cod liver and that was just to much. Anyway I take three pills a day. I notice that I don't crave sweets and I can get by on much less and if I cheat I don't gain so much as an ounce. Its not good if your not overweight it really only works good for overweight people because we have a deficiency in the vitamin and it keeps yours cells from holding on to the fat. I gain weight if I have one glass of soda or juice. I will gain a pound so of course that had to go. I only drink tea and water now and if I do get a glass of juice in I haven't gained since I been taking the Vit D3. So for now its a keeper.

Vitamin D3 eh? I'm gonna have to check it out. :sekret:
I e-mailed Aphogee about the ingredients in essential oil blend. Here iswhat they sent me. It looks to me like those oils listed in the research are not in this blend. Let me know if you see something different.
