Recent PICS of my Kinky Curly Weave -- 3rd month strong


Well-Known Member
This is my third month with this kinky curly weave. I've straightened it twice already. Here are pics of it curly after the 2nd flat iron. I'm actually considering leaving it in until next month
which will make it 4 months total (DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED). The curls look wayyyy better than they did when I first installed it, but some parts of this hair now has a slightly looser texture. I attribute the defined curls to me plopping and plunking yesterday. It really helped define the curls and eliminate ALL frizz! Yep, I DID NOT have ANY frizz.

The process
I washed my hair yesterday, and applied a heaping amount of Cantu leave in that I brushed through with my Denman. Then, I applied some IC Fantasia gel and brushed it through. Next I tied the top of my hair down with a scarf. I laid my head down on my towel, plopped my head down, and 'plunked/wrapped the towel to secure the curls. I let my hair dry like that without messing with the curls. I'm telling you guys, I was truly amazed at how it looked when I took off the towel. My SO was blown away and I haven't stopped receiving compliments about my hair. The only thing different that I did was the 'plop/plunk'. I guess with the old process my hair snagged on things and got frizzy before it dried. This is definitely a keeper!


Awkward pose, yes I know. I had to cover the huge bandaid on my knee. lol

Next morning

More pics in my fotki

If you guys have any questions about this hair, please check out my other postings. Thanks.

ps...yes, I know, I know...I slicked down my edges. lol
I remember when you first posted about this! It still looks great and the curls do look much looser.
You look just beautiful, I love that dress and the shoes!
*sighs* I wish I trusted someone well enough to do a great weave install like this! If I didn't know it wasn't your hair, I'd never guess. Lovely! :clap:

One of these days Ediese... :look: :lol:
Most natural looking weave I've seen... blends so well w/your texture. Looks great, I'm sure you're enjoying :-)
Your hair looks great and blends perfectly! Although I'm not interesting in weaves at this time, thank you for all of the information that you provide.

BTW, do you not have any problems with using the IC along with the Cantu? I love Cantu for buns, but once I add gel on top of it, it literally 'curds'. If there was a way around that, I would be soooo happy.
I bought that same exact hair from Laniks. It was so frizzy and big that I took it out after only a week.

I'm gonna try it again though.

Your weave always look great and you do too. Just beautiful!!
Girl, you are the Queen of Fly Weaves!! I have NEVER seem them as fly on anyone else! "FLY"...I am showing my age to the youngins on the board! lol

But seriously, your hair looks GREAT!
Girl! You and me both! :grin: My hair texture is coarse, so I'm really happy it blends well. Thanks!

Edi, you and your hair are gorgeous (love your eyebrows too)!! I can't believe that's a weave. I usually can tell, but this looks so real. How did you do it?

And where is your hair the back? Cause the front looks so smooth and silky. :yep: