Recent PICS of my Kinky Curly Weave -- 3rd month strong

Thanks ladies!! You guys are always great! :-)

It matches very well. You have really nice skin!

Thank you! Last year it looked totally different. I've been using Black and White fading cream on any dark spots I have from acne. The key is to only apply it to the spot otherwise it discolors your skin.

Your hair looks great and blends perfectly! Although I'm not interesting in weaves at this time, thank you for all of the information that you provide.

BTW, do you not have any problems with using the IC along with the Cantu? I love Cantu for buns, but once I add gel on top of it, it literally 'curds'. If there was a way around that, I would be soooo happy.

You're welcome! I actually did have problems before when I used Cantu and any product. This time I applied the Cantu while I was in the shower, and brushed it through my hair. Then I applied the IC gel in the crown and brushed that through. I think since my hair was still dripping with water I didn't have any issues with the 'curds'.

I bought that same exact hair from Laniks. It was so frizzy and big that I took it out after only a week.

I'm gonna try it again though.

Your weave always look great and you do too. Just beautiful!!

Thanks! Did you get the new kinky curly from Laniks? I've seen pics, and I think it's pretty. I'm a little afraid because of my last experience with the Kinky Curly X2 that I bought. It got really tangled and matted. I can't reuse it. I'd love to see your pics if you have any. I also had the same issue with my Laniks kinky getting frizzy and big. It's kinda why I chose this kinky because it doesn't get big like that. I think I'm going to try the Halleys Curls Creole Curly next.

Edi, you and your hair are gorgeous (love your eyebrows too)!! I can't believe that's a weave. I usually can tell, but this looks so real. How did you do it?

And where is your hair the back? Cause the front looks so smooth and silky. :yep:

Thank you! I actually got it done a few months ago. I think it's key to get hair that's similiar in texture. My hair is definitely coarse. I have to give it up for IC gel because it is laying down my hair. :yep: I think I may have some waves that I didn't have before. This is the first time I did my hair in the shower before getting out. I brushed the gel through with dripping wet hair, and then I tied it down with a scarf. I'm positive that's why it's blending even better than before.
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Love it! I broke down and got the brazilian wave sewn in the beginning of this month. i've started letting it dry in 4 or 5 fat twists and it is MUCH more manageable and i don't have to wet it as often. hopefully i can make it til the end of september...haven't had a weave since last fall and didn't realize how much i miss it!
Thank you! I actually got it done a few months ago. I think it's key to get hair that's similiar in texture. My hair is definitely coarse. I have to give it up for IC gel because it is laying down my hair. :yep: I think I may have some waves that I didn't have before. This is the first time I did my hair in the shower before getting out. I brushed the gel through with dripping wet hair, and then I tied it down with a scarf. I'm positive that's why it's blending even better than before.

Oh, I see...I do that when I do my ponytails too, but never tried it with a style that's "out". I'll have to try that.

Thanks girle; stay fly! :yep:
I would wear that style for a VERY long time! By the time I take it out, my own hair would be on the floor, lol!!!!!

It looks so natural on you and most of all, the extension hair is absolutely gorgeous! It also blends in very well with your natural curly hair.
I love that hair. What brand is it? what is the name on the bag. I'm ready to go to the beauty supply store and purchase that lol.