recent BCers....progress updates!!!


Hair product junkie reloaded!
Those of you have done the BC within the last couple of's your growth coming along? Any "now" and "then" photos welcome!!!!
I did the BC last year November. I think my hair has grown alot. It is much healthier and thicker but I hope to gain more length after I try to stretch my texturizer to 6 months. Pics are in my album.
you could open up a bss with all them products! how are you liking your hair? if you take a strand and you stretch it, how long is it?
i cut the permed ends off at the end of dec i think i have a decent amount of growth i just let my hair rest for a week with deep treatments and put some more braids in thursday and i am leaving them in for 10 weeks my last perm was june 04 i was bald at the back and now i can make little pony tails
I did the BC on march 27th after transitioning for a year and a half. So far so good :yep:
This thread reminded me to take pictures today after I washed it. I'll put them up in a minute.
Not much to see yet since it hasn't been that long. I think it's in better condition after a few weeks of consistent moisturizing and low manipulation. Kinda hard to *see* any length difference yet but I can tell it has gotten a little longer when I wash it in the shower.
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It's only been 2 weeks since I chopped. The only thing that I have noticed is that I can do my hair much faster. No new pics yet.
PittGirl06 said:
you could open up a bss with all them products! how are you liking your hair? if you take a strand and you stretch it, how long is it?

I know right!!:grin: At first I felt really weird after I did the BC because I have never rocked bald head before but my hair thanks me for taking this big step. I wear a wig most of the time so I don't really have to deal with my own hair until my wash day which is once a week. After my hair has been airdried I plait my hair up and leave it alone until my next wash day. I will continue to wear a wig until I have gained more length in order for me to at least wear a big puff. But so far I love being texturized than having relaxed hair. I have less stress and less damage and I love my curls.

I have not tried to remove a strand of hair and measured it. I will do this whenever I get a hold of a ruler or a tape measure and I will let you know the length.
I chopped the beginning of this month and I swear it's growing already, despite me stopping taking my biotin. I may wear it out for church tomorrow I'll try and take some pics then...
PittGirl06 said:
you could open up a bss with all them products! how are you liking your hair? if you take a strand and you stretch it, how long is it?

I measured my hair this morning and it is only 4 inches. :look: I am not sure if I measured it correctly but that's what I got when I used the tape measure.