Reasons Why You Love Your SO/DH/Boo/Etc...


New Member
Hey, ladies. I thought it would be a fun thread if we all came in and listed the reasons why we love who we love, whether it be you DH, SO, or what have you. :yep:

I do want to preface it with saying that I think we (I know I do), as people, man or woman, tend to take the person we have for granted. We don't give them the best, or all that we should, despite knowing this person would traverse the world ten times over if it meant it would make us happy. None of us are without our faults, but I do think that if the relationship is worth it, they are easily overcome with love, faith, and time. I would hate to be one of those people who lost something amazing, only to realize what a mistake it was later in life.

I've been feeling some kind a way about my relationship now, not quite sure what I want to do, or what I want from him, so I thought that making this thread and listing reasons would remind me of all the love he selflessly showers me with daily and how I came to love him in the first place. I've often told my SO that I don't want to just be in a relationship, I want to live in one, to thrive. And after some introspection and realizing what an undeserved blessing God has sent me, I know I'm right where I need to be. :heart2:
Since I'm feeling the lovebug all over again, I'll start. :grin:

One. His selflessness. I am constant amazed at how quickly he'll give up whatever he needs to to make sure I am comfortable. Whether it be money, his own personal comfort, a seat, anything. I want for nothing and he constantly reminds me, "I got you." And I love hearing that. Anything I need, I know I can ask for. I don't like asking for help or money or for anyone to buy me anything; I like being independent, and I've never had someone so eager to please me, so I was uncomfortable at first. Thanks to him I realize that love is not tit-for-tat. It doesn't keep a record, or expect "paybacks." You do it out of the kindness of your heart and expect nothing in return.

Two. His common sense. Not to say I lack any, but I'm definitely a lot more book smart than I am street smart and he's the opposite. He's not unintelligent by any means, but he's definitely a lot more street savvy than I am. :lol: I appreciate this because it gives me another perspective to work with and makes me see things in a way I haven't previously considered. We learn from and teach one another, and this is invaluable.

Three. Sense of humor. He's silly, like I am, but can appreciate more sophisticated humor. It doesn't take much to make him laugh and I like knowing that I'm amusing to him. He makes me laugh, even when I don't want him to, and I couldn't be happy with someone stuffy and boring. He gets a little foolish sometimes and regularly indulges in vaguely rude boy humor, but that's to be expected. :lol:

Four. His commitment to me is absolute and in this I trust and know for sure. I don't have to worry about side pieces or him "talking" to anyone else. I know for a fact that I am all he needs and he reminds me of this often. This kind of security is new to me and, almost ironically, has given me a new sense of independence. I can go about my life without worrying about him talking to any random hoodboogers or whooties (:lachen:).

Five. He's taught me that it is okay to ask for help when I need it. If we were meant to go through life by our own means, God wouldn't have given us families or each other. There is no shame on relying on those who you trust can help you and don't mind helping you. He's taught me that while being independent is fine, I shouldn't let it push me away from others. It is okay to depend on him every once in a while. It helps me and makes him feel dependable, manly, etc., and I want him to feel like the strong man he is.
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I love my honey bunny (lol) because...
I can count on him every day
he is very sexy
he is a good father
he is an excellent provider
he is strong and masculine
he just keeps getting better
I love my SO because he's such a beautiful person in every way. He has the most beautiful spirit. He's so loving, kind, and honest. I love the way he loves me. We were talking on the phone two nights ago and he was telling me what he loves and appreciates about me and as he was going on and on, I started crying 'cos no one has ever appreciated me so completely before and I don't know whether/not I deserve it. He respects me a lot and does what he can to make sure i'm comfortable and happy. He has a good sense of humour and a beautifuul mind.
He is very ambitious
He has a hot bod
He is so generous...Robotxcore, I am the same as you..I like to be independent and I don't like to ask for help even if I'm having a hard time with something..I'd rather try to find the solution myself..but he too, tells me it's ok to ask for help..and he is there ready and willing when I finally do.
He does so much for me
He is a great communicator
He encourages me
He always tells me how much he appreciates me and why
Every time we lay down to go to sleep he puts his arm out so I can rest my head on it and we cuddle.
He is a great dresser
He is very handsome
He has a high level of self-confidence, yet expresses humility
He is always looking for ways to grow personally

And...he is black!
Since I'm feeling the lovebug all over again, I'll start. :grin:

One. His selflessness. I am constant amazed at how quickly he'll give up whatever he needs to to make sure I am comfortable. Whether it be money, his own personal comfort, a seat, anything. I want for nothing and he constantly reminds me, "I got you." And I love hearing that. Anything I need, I know I can ask for. I don't like asking for help or money or for anyone to buy me anything; I like being independent, and I've never had someone so eager to please me, so I was uncomfortable at first. Thanks to him I realize that love is not tit-for-tat. It doesn't keep a record, or expect "paybacks." You do it out of the kindness of your heart and expect nothing in return.

Two. His common sense. Not to say I lack any, but I'm definitely a lot more book smart than I am street smart and he's the opposite. He's not unintelligent by any means, but he's definitely a lot more street savvy than I am. :lol: I appreciate this because it gives me another perspective to work with and makes me see things in a way I haven't previously considered. We learn from and teach one another, and this is invaluable.

Three. Sense of humor. He's silly, like I am, but can appreciate more sophisticated humor. It doesn't take much to make him laugh and I like knowing that I'm amusing to him. He makes me laugh, even when I don't want him to, and I couldn't be happy with someone stuffy and boring. He gets a little foolish sometimes and regularly indulges in vaguely rude boy humor, but that's to be expected. :lol:

Four. His commitment to me is absolute and in this I trust and know for sure. I don't have to worry about side pieces or him "talking" to anyone else. I know for a fact that I am all he needs and he reminds me of this often. This kind of security is new to me and, almost ironically, has given me a new sense of independence. I can go about my life without worrying about him talking to any random hoodboogers or whooties (:lachen:).

Five. He's taught me that it is okay to ask for help when I need it. If we were meant to go through life by our own means, God wouldn't have given us families or each other. There is no shame on relying on those who you trust can help you and don't mind helping you. He's taught me that while being independent is fine, I shouldn't let it push me away from others. It is okay to depend on him every once in a while. It helps me and makes him feel dependable, manly, etc., and I want him to feel like the strong man he is.

Ok, it sounds like we are dating the same man..!:laugh:
What I love about my significant other....

He's a good communicator and listener
He has a great sense of humor
I love his personality
I love his appearance
He's black, has a job, own car, own house
He's a great cook
He believes in God
He's a family man
He's fun to be around
He's very open and outgoing
He makes me feel very comfortable
He is caring and responsible

I'm sure there's more things I could list but that's all I can think of right now! :)
I love him because he:

is Thoughtful
is Generous
is Loving
loves his Mother dearly
takes GREAT care of his children
tries his hardest to make me happy
pleases me mentally and physically
can cook
smells so delicious (I nuzzle his neck everytime we are together)
looks at me with adoration
tell me everyday how much he loves me and I make him happy
finds me desirable with lingerie or with a scarf and t-shirt on
can communicate easily
is romantic

there is more but I think you guys get the idea :)
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because he deals with me in all my craziness (that's enough right there)

Another good one. I have my quirks and he takes them in great humor; he's even got a little weirdness about him. We were meant to go out for ice cream one evening and when he pulls up and steps out of his car, tell me why he's got on a collared shirt, slacks, and his good shoes?

I asked him all evening why he was so dressed up - I don't remember him mentioning anything at work or something he had to go to. He says, "No reason." He really just felt like getting dressed up. :lachen:

Not that I minded. He looked so good. :lick:

He has a hot bod
He is so generous...Robotxcore, I am the same as you..I like to be independent and I don't like to ask for help even if I'm having a hard time with something..I'd rather try to find the solution myself..but he too, tells me it's ok to ask for help..and he is there ready and willing when I finally do.
He does so much for me
He is a great communicator
He encourages me
Every time we lay down to go to sleep he puts his arm out so I can rest my head on it and we cuddle.
I can definitely appreciate all of these. :grin:

Especially the hot bod part. :lick:

I also love his communication. We talk about everything. We make sure to establish that we are always on the same page and he's often the one to bring up any concerns. I appreciate his openness and honesty. :yep:

And I :love: sleeping with him. He's so warm and comfortable and doesn't complain when I fidget trying to get comfortable. And heck, I don't even like when I fidget. I feel so safe next to him.

because we agree on everything esp - expect to get hit back if you hit someone else.
We give each other love taps all the time. He'll hit me and then caress the area as if "to take it back." :lol:

But I know he would never strike a woman unless it was in self-defense.

smells so delicious (I nuzzle his neck everytime we are together)
looks at me with adoration
I love these reasons especially! I love waking up and rolling onto his side and it smells like him. Bliss! And I'm always sniffing his shirt or his neck. Constantly. I can't take a hug without taking a big whiff. :lol:

And I love when he looks at me, too. :yep:
Great thread!

1. He's a loving caring father to his daughter. He loves her more than anything and shows her daily.

2. He's god fearing and lives by the word. We pray together and study together and we learn from each other, encouraging each other in the word of God!

3. He's an EXCELLENT singer and songwriter! :thud: the first time he sang to me....:grin:

4. He's affectionate and thoughtful! He writes notes, gives me cards and flowers and calls and sends texts just to say "I love you!" He holds my hand and kisses it and I think it's so sweet!

5. He's concerned about my boys and how they feel about us. He constantly asks me about them, and we also pray for them as well...

I love him so much! :love:
(I could write a book!)
1) He's got the most beautiful eyes (n hot bod to boot)
2) He's an excellent father and friend
3) He'e super smart especially about $$$ (which I need to balance me out)
4) He's handy, crafty, and strong
5) He's enriches my life in many ways
6) He loves me
7) Sexy ('nuf said)
He is kind to everyone. He is just the sweetest kindest person to everyone . . . not just me. I fell in love with him, not just because of how he treats me but because of how he treats others.

He loves my insane family as his own. This says a lot because there are many a days I want to disown them.

And oh yea . . . he is hott. :grin:
Keep them coming ladies! I love reading these things.
ROBOTxcore said:
And I :love: sleeping with him. He's so warm and comfortable and doesn't complain when I fidget trying to get comfortable. And heck, I don't even like when I fidget. I feel so safe next to him.
OMG, he is soooo warm all the time! I remember I had just come in from outside in the winter and I was freezing. All I had to do was cuddle up next to him to warm up.

ROBOTxcore said:
I love these reasons especially! I love waking up and rolling onto his side and it smells like him. Bliss! And I'm always sniffing his shirt or his neck. Constantly. I can't take a hug without taking a big whiff. :lol:

And I love when he looks at me, too. :yep:
He doesn't even need cologne because I love his natural scent! I'm ALWAYS sniffing him, lol.
OMG, he is soooo warm all the time! I remember I had just come in from outside in the winter and I was freezing. All I had to do was cuddle up next to him to warm up.

YES! I joke that I like him more during the fall and winter. He's perfect for cuddling up to during a movie when it's nice and cold out. I end up :sleep:, the moment's so perfect! And I don't think he minds, because we both end up :sleeptogether:

:lol: :love3:
He is kind to everyone. He is just the sweetest kindest person to everyone . . . not just me. I fell in love with him, not just because of how he treats me but because of how he treats others.

He loves my insane family as his own. This says a lot because there are many a days I want to disown them.

And oh yea . . . he is hott. :grin:

This really resonates because my SO is the same way. I'm nice when I want to be. To family and friends, I don't mind being generous and giving and nice, but strangers or other people, not so much.

When I first met him, he was so polite and generous to EVERYONE, it annoyed me! But I came to realize that I can really learn from this man and his giving heart and it's one of the things I love about him. :yep:
I love my honey bunny (lol) because...
I can count on him every day
he is very sexy
he is a good father
he is an excellent provider
he is strong and masculine
he just keeps getting better

Ditto on my DH

He is also really funny and always makes me laugh :love:
He is not threatened by my strength and I do not have to "know my place" as a woman.

He is tall and has a sexy lean body.

He works hard.

He loves me so much.
I love him because he loves me,
I love him because he thinks I'm beautiful when I'm 190 lbs and when I'm not.
I love him because he loves our children.
I love him because he takes pride in our relationship.
I love him because he is a good son, great father, and a good brother.
I love him because he is serious about his career and business.
I love him because he is sexy, smart, funny, determined and aggressive.
I love him because he wanted to be my husband, asked me to marry him, and took the lead on planning the wedding.

Great thread OP!
He's smart - one of the smartest people I know actually, so that means we have some of the best conversations........he's considerate - goodness gracious, the things this boy has done to show how much he cares....he loves God - when we first became exclusive he told me that he wanted to put the relationship in God's hands, so we prayed together and gave "us" to God.

He loves showing me off - and I love it because it shows that he believes he has a prize......he has incredible foresight (which I lack)....he is honest to a fault - he's told me things that he knew would make me disappointed in him, but thinks I deserve to know nevertheless......his body is CRAZY....he knows I can be a priss at times but obliges me anyway.
I love him (wow..he doesn't even know it yet) because

we complement each other so well
he can handle my sometimes funky/cold attitude and never takes it personal
he hasn't once tried to change me but instead changed his approach and method to "win" me over
he makes me feel like a 10 even when I'm feeling like a 4 lol...
he 100% respects my time and responsibilities as a mother first

I'm not regretting giving him a 2nd chance.
I'm glad to hear your graciousness was rewarded, Taymac! Not a lot of people deserve first chances, much less a second.