Reasons to ‘Unfriend’ Your Spouse on Facebook..Does this apply to BFs,SO's,too?


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Can status updates kill a sex life? Maybe it’s time to bring back the mystery

By Ian Kerner, Ph.D.


Ian Kerner, Ph.D

Jack, a new patient who has been married for eight years with two young sons, rails against Facebook: “Let’s see, yesterday my wife: Felt bloated, realized she has nothing to wear, posted yet another adorable photo album of our boys dressed as Jedi warriors, was missing Michael Jackson and, oh yeah … DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH ME!”

Another patient, Katrina, complains that her husband is constantly tracking her every Facebook move.

“He’s always been the jealous type, but now he’s like a stalker. Every new friend is an interrogation.” Out of exasperation, she’s decided to deactivate her account, but feels angry and smothered. “It’s like I’m being monitored by the thought-police!”

Fred complains that every time his wife posts something to her Super Wall, he realizes just how boring their lives have become. “Do I really need to know that my wife is about to do something totally nutty like go have a second cappuccino? What happened to the wild woman I fell in love with?”

In a “Facebook marriage,” a sense of mystery is subsumed by the mundane.

We need to constantly cultivate a sense of newness and novelty in our relationships and defend vigilantly against forces that work against it, like your spouse’s Super Wall.

If you think back to those early days of your relationship and the first throes of romance, there was a time when you didn’t know every little thing your partner was thinking or doing, when the pursuit of knowing each other drove you to new levels of desire and passion.

A sense of separateness and “not knowing” is scary, but it’s also essential to attraction.

The conventional wisdom tells us that in relationships there should be no secrets, there should be nothing to hide — but if nothing is hidden, then what is there to seek? When you’re in a long-term relationship, you don’t need more information about your partner, you need less.

I recently went to the playground with my 3-year old son, Beckett, and watched as he ran off on his own to explore and play — but not without looking back at the bench to make sure I was still there. If I do my job right as a parent, there will come a day when he won’t need to look over his shoulder and check to see if I’m there.

Which is the same way I feel about my relationship with my wife. The more we trust each other to live our own lives, the more there is to share with each other.

Which is why I’m not suggesting you deactivate your Facebook account. Far from it. Social networking is an amazing way to stay connected with friends old and new and maintain some of that much-needed separateness.

A few minutes on Facebook allows us to briefly emerge from our merged lives. And we should be able to do that on our own, outside of the gaze of our partners.

So go ahead, unfriend your spouse. You might just gain a lover.
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Hmm...interesting article.

I kind of got confused towards the end though. So was he saying you SHOULD unfriend your spouse/SO? Or should you stick to facebook?? :confused:

I have to admit, fb is getting ridiculous sometimes. :rolleyes: That's why I try not to go on there too often. DO I REALLY need to know what you had for lunch? Or that you are about to pop a pimple?? I mean come on people!

No offense, but I think that with the increase of technology has come added problems and issues that we didn't even deal with back in the "ancient" 20th Century. LOL*

I don't know...I love technology, but sometimes it goes overboard. It can get consuming if you allow it.
I unfriended DH for this very reason. It's bad enough I've had to endure the same stories since 1998 and now I have to read them on FB?!!! No sir, I've had enough!!!
I understand his logic - it's akin to not leaving the bathroom door open - a little mystery is good in a relationship. :yep:
I'll just bet do:ohwell:

I think he means your lover back...not a new lover...:lachen:

Honestly, I agree. I told my current friend that we will not be FB friends. I dont need the drama. Especially, if he's a "wanted" man, prepare for the cat claws of desperate women coming right for your head. I dont need to know your status, your FB friends which majority you probably dont know. If I really need to know something about you, I'll walk down the hall and ask. If I want to look around your page, we'll sit down and do it together.
Myspace, facebook, twitter, etc cause nothing but problems.

It is a rule of mine NEVER to add anyone I date to any of my social networking pages or instant messengers. I always tell everyone I'm going to be the last one standing with a rare treasure: PRIVACY. My business is my business and not everyone needs to know my business with FH and he doesnt need to know every facet of my existence. At the same time I don't need to be excessively up on his pages interrogating him about every little thing wondering why this person said this or why he is tagged in some pic, etc.... so instead of being deceptive I just dont bother with the online stuff anymore. I like maintaining a little mystery about myself anyway lol
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I think he means your lover back...not a new lover

I was being ironic....with good reason :yep:

I kind of got confused towards the end though. So was he saying you SHOULD unfriend your spouse/SO? Or should you stick to facebook??

He's saying keep your facebook as a part of your own separate identity as an individual
which means not friending your hubby...necessarily
to foster a more interdependent life as a couple..

Too much {as well as offline} can stifle the romance
is essentially what he's saying
and that trust is what the couple should rely on to promote intimacy rather than sharing

do members w/So's or Bf's.... feel this way about Facebook..MySpace?
I personally am not a fan of facebook..I found my ex snuggled up with some other female :(
but in theory... I agree... one must have a full life of one's own ....on and off line
to relate as an SO/spouse in a healthy couple

does that extend to FB & MYSpce?
I think some SO's...Spouses rely heavily on online,too
which replaces..the primary relationship....that happens too
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Hmmm....interesting points being made. :yep:

You know, I'm thinking that maybe there is some truth to this, because when I think about it, my uncle is on fb, but my aunt is NOT. My mom has a fb account, but my stepdad does NOT.

Also, my sister has a fb account, but her husband does NOT. In fact, I've noticed that a LOT of my friends on fb don't have their SO on fb. I think it just causes too many problems. Jealousy, interrogation, stalking, possessiveness, etc. I think it gets to be TOO much. So...maybe there is a pattern here. :look:

I don't think fb ruins every relationship, but it CAN if there isn't trust in the relationship, or there isn't enough mystery. There's just too much room for misunderstandings!
With what is going on between me and my SO with the facebook page, I decided to just take down my relationship status and put it as blank, its not necessary. I think the whole FB thing is too open, I also have friends who dont have their SO's on their page just because it gets crazy likeCrystalicequeen mentioned
DH and I are Facebook "friends" (and we were on MySpace before I deleted my account) and we never pay one another any attention on-line. It's not deliberate, we just prefer to get our status updates in person. :drunk:
DH and I are Facebook "friends" (and we were on MySpace before I deleted my account) and we never pay one another any attention on-line. It's not deliberate, we just prefer to get our status updates in person. :drunk:

:lachen: That's how DH and I are. He's on there, but I can't remember the last time I checked out his page.
:lachen: That's how DH and I are. He's on there, but I can't remember the last time I checked out his page.

That's probably best! :yep:

Yeah, I don't think there's anything wrong w/spouses or SO's having fb,twitter, or myspace pages together, but I think it gets to be a problem when the couple is stalking each other's pages.

Usually I only see this in bf/gf relationships though. When you're married, you two already HAVE each other, so it's very unlikely you'd be stalking his page anyway. You two live together and are bound by marriage already so... :look:

Idk...if I had a bf I don't think I would keep my fb account with him on it. I think you can get too nosey. Fb just encourages NOSEYNESS. :nono: You can get hurt feelings pretty fast if you see that your SO was invited somewhere and you weren't invited, or if he takes a picture with a pretty girl, etc.'s just too much "voyeurism" into someone else's life. :spinning: And when you're dating someone, the last thing you want is extra "drama". If he's doing something shady, then I will find out in time. I don't need to go stalking his page or have an account just to keep "tabs" on him. It can make you crazy...seriously.
I tend to date guys who are not especially into FB & MYSP
except for's never been an issue..but these are casual I would not care...

hmmmm might be interesting to take a peek
naaaaaah..:rolleyes: better leave well enuf alone..

but I see potential drama..I blogged about finding the X on fb out of curiosity..
should not have done that! oh no...:nono:

drama..that is... unless
you already have a healthy relationship in place

ie: trust fidelity deep love committment...
that kind of thing... lol....:grin:
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The conventional wisdom tells us that in relationships there should be no secrets, there should be nothing to hide — but if nothing is hidden, then what is there to seek? When you’re in a long-term relationship, you don’t need more information about your partner, you need less.

I like the article for the above quote. I don't think an SO needs to be so involved in every aspect of your life and thoughts.

DH and I are Facebook "friends" (and we were on MySpace before I deleted my account) and we never pay one another any attention on-line. It's not deliberate, we just prefer to get our status updates in person. :drunk:

Yeah, something always strikes me as odd about couples that are constantly posting on one another's pages. Everyone's different, but it kind of seems like the closer you are in real life, the less you tend to communicate through social media like FB.

Besides, does anyone need to know that you're about to go get a 2nd latte? I'd just as soon tell my SO to stop posting such trivial information!
This makes a lot of sense.
Im dating someone right now and we're also fb friends. However, I put myself on ignore
24x7 because if im seen as "online" he'll start talking to me on there rather than calling me. Or if we do talk on there, and calls me later i'll have nothing to talk about. Or sometimes if im online when he is and he doesnt respond right away, ill get mad. lol

so ive decided to bypass all that and just put myself as offline.

When i do status updates though i never talk about what im doing. My updates consist of me finding stuff to make fun of and posting about it. Im not important enough for people to care if ive just gotten home from the gym.
I unfriended DH for this very reason. It's bad enough I've had to endure the same stories since 1998 and now I have to read them on FB?!!! No sir, I've had enough!!!

THANK YOU. I have a FB for school/professional reasons only. My SO is not a part of that circle....therefore, he KNOWS I have a FB because I have mentioned it several times....but he has not been invited to it and he has not seen it. But, I'm also not one of those who updates it with silly little updates about my every thought either. I only use it for school/professional networking. I don't want him as a friend on there....he doesn't even have a FB but I don't want him scouring my friend list. It's too much trouble over nothing.

ETA: I am clearly "in a relationship" on FB so there is nothing untowards about my membership anyway. It's all strictly professional....and even THAT is kinda boring. I don't like all this blogging and social networking interfering with personal relationships.
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Those sites mess up you relationship for real . I had a long drawn out discussion with my newly ex SO about my myspace page that i dont even visit i mentioned i had the page one day by accident and he was flipped and asked me why i didnt show him or tell him i had a page so i said to him i never knew i had to tell you the page was there before you were who told me to say that all of a sudden it was about some dude so from since then i cut my ties with all those sites i never ever joined facebook or visited the site