Ready to Be a Wife


New Member
I posted this in the Christian Forum because it is a Christian website, but I think that her tips are quite good, regardless of one's religion/faith.

This woman is a wife and mother, and her blog is written for singles to affirm that it's perfectly normal to want to be married, that they don't need to "wait" until some indefinite time, that they don't need to simply focus on being single and satisfied, and all the other things that single women are usually told.

She provides advice/guidance for women who want to move toward marriage and affirms that the desire for marriage is God-given and holy.

I particularly liked this video that addresses the whole "Jesus is my husband/boyfriend," idea and this post on why long periods of singleness don't prepare you for marriage.
The video really rang true. Thanks for sharing Bunny!

I think a lot of women say things along that line to make it appear as if Jesus is fulfilling that desire for a romantic partner. It's a trick to try to fool themselves and others around them.

I think the idea around it is, well if I say this, people won't 'harass' me about being single because after all, you can't knock a person who wants to serve God.
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The video really rang true. Thanks for sharing Bunny!

I think a lot of women say things along that line to make it appear as if Jesus is fulfilling that desire for a romantic partner. It's a trick to try to fool themselves and others around them.

I think the idea around is, well if I say this, people won't 'harass' me about being single because after all, you can't knock a person who wants to serve God.

Thanks for your response!

When I hear those lines, they usually come from a place of hurt or lack, like you said. It's kind of a spin-off of the "Jesus is all you need," idea. So it's more of a protectionary measure than anything.

I remember on another board when I talked about marriage and desiring a husband as a provider, etc., one woman said, "Jesus is the ultimate provider." Yes, true, but the more I read posts and blogs from this woman, it was clear that she had been in a variety of bad relationships. She finally let those relationships go (good), but then adopted the "I don't need a man because I have God," approach.

I think pretty much all of the women who say this would drop their boyfriend/husband Jesus in a heartbeat if the right man came along! :lol:
Great links Bunny :)

Jesus is the lover of my soul... not the lover of my body, that's what men were created for lol. Humans are relational beings, we need relationships with others to be content.

Some church folks have a hard time acknowledging that someone can have something "missing" by being single. It's okay to admit we have an unfulfilled desire but that God's grace is sufficient to enjoy life until our dreams come true.
I remember a preacher saying, "Jesus ain't gonna lay down and crawl in the bed with you every night" :drunk:! So this "Jesus is my husband" thing can die any day now. Thanks for passing this information on Bunny :yep:.
I posted in two places! :yep:

I know this is a Christian blog, but not everyone goes in the Christian forum, even if they are Christian! :)

I see! I thought they moved your thread because it wasn't "Christian" enough or something. I'm projecting! Nevermind me! :spinning:
Thanks for your response!

When I hear those lines, they usually come from a place of hurt or lack, like you said. It's kind of a spin-off of the "Jesus is all you need," idea. So it's more of a protectionary measure than anything.

I remember on another board when I talked about marriage and desiring a husband as a provider, etc., one woman said, "Jesus is the ultimate provider." Yes, true, but the more I read posts and blogs from this woman, it was clear that she had been in a variety of bad relationships. She finally let those relationships go (good), but then adopted the "I don't need a man because I have God," approach.

I think pretty much all of the women who say this would drop their boyfriend/husband Jesus in a heartbeat if the right man came along! :lol:

I think you're right Bunny and that's what I sense when I hear that too.
im sorry to report that the book is really nothing you should not already know. i read it in three hours. its a small book. if i had to rate it on a scale of one to five. i would give it a 2 just for the effort. i went in there with with a open mind but its really noting special. jmho. im sorry to let some people down.
what was said in book? girl you cant be that short... Was the logic in book along lines of the The Rules, I mean for some what may be novice to you will be exceptional to others... :perplexed:

im sorry to report that the book is really nothing you should not already know. i read it in three hours. its a small book. if i had to rate it on a scale of one to five. i would give it a 2 just for the effort. i went in there with with a open mind but its really noting special. jmho. im sorry to let some people down.
im sorry but i have not read the book the rules but she's basically saying you just have to believe its going to happen. have faith. look good,go out. believe in yourself. dont be a wife to man until he's your husband. im a novice as well. im sure others will chime in.
she also sent a mass email to lhcf ladies. im not sure how she new that i was a member here. i used a different email to purchase the book
ok who got ebook and wanna help a sister out... Lol... I need all reading material on matter as
ok who got ebook and wanna help a sister out... Lol... I need all reading material on matter as

While I don't think there's an e-book, you can have the first chapter of the book sent to you. There's a space on the site somewhere to do that.

Blqlady, thanks for your review. Seriously, I appreciate it. I haven't read the book, although I want to just for my own research (plus, uh, I plan to write one one day on this topic somewhat :look:). I might pick up a copy down the road just to support the author and get more confirmation about my point of view.

I think the idea is novel to many Christian women who've heard the "it might not happen," "wait on the Lord/be content being single/all you need is Him," message and never really questioned it, although it just never "felt right."

It's probably like an epiphany to those readers, but it might be more "remedial" if you are already of the mindset that you WILL be married and that you WILL be a wife.
im willing to mail the copy that i have but i would appreciate if who ever wants it to pay for the postage. i dont know how thats going to work.