READ YO Bible 30 day Challenge!


New Member
I know that there are a lot of challenges on this forum for growing your hair and losing weight etc... but I need some members to be in agreement with me for reading their bible for 30 days. I know that I am spiritual HUNGRY for the word but God was showing me that I lack consistency. From month to month I am excited, read, pray, meditate then there comes a period of "busyness", a trick from the enemy where I whisper a quick 5 min prayer and I'm done. I refuse to stay on this level and period in my life when I know that God desires and deserves intimacy from me. I refuse to go around this mountain again. We are all at different stages in our walk with God but everyone needs encouragement to remain focus. Daily I will post my scripture reading and any revelations I receive. Thanks in advance for those who will participate!:grin:


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Count me in All Me! I think this is the jumpstart I need towards a more spiritual year. I have let my day to day activities get in the way too much so I want to renew my effort toward a more spiritual life.
Count me in All Me! I think this is the jumpstart I need towards a more spiritual year. I have let my day to day activities get in the way too much so I want to renew my effort toward a more spiritual life.

Thanks Sis! I did notice another thread I didnt see prior to starting this thread of reading the entire bible in 90 days but I just want to commit to this 30 days first. Today I read Ex 8-13:16; Matt 19-21:22; Psalm 24-25:22; Proverbs 6:1-6:15 and God is so awesome. I prayed for us that God would do a miraculous thing in these 30 days! I also viewed this Pastor Winans, Ty Tribbett and more. It was such a blessing to me.
Thanks Sis! I did notice another thread I didnt see prior to starting this thread of reading the entire bible in 90 days but I just want to commit to this 30 days first. Today I read Ex 8-13:16; Matt 19-21:22; Psalm 24-25:22; Proverbs 6:1-6:15 and God is so awesome. I prayed for us that God would do a miraculous thing in these 30 days! I also viewed this Pastor Winans, Ty Tribbett and more. It was such a blessing to me.

I saw the other thread too but I missed the start and I also know I will need more than 90 days. This is definently a start. Thanks for the link I will check it out ASAP.:yep:
Okay Day ....
Today was a challenge because I woke up later then I should have and I really wasnt "feelin" it but I put on Martha Munizzi and allowed the Holy Ghost to minister to me. So I read Exodus again Chapter 8 - 13. What really touched me was Exodus 14:13 "Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today." Anyway I have been laid off for appx 2 mths and I am like ok God.... :ohwell: but He is so faithful that I am casting all my cares upon Him because He has never failed me! So I will NOT be afraid.

With love!
Okay Day ....
Today was a challenge because I woke up later then I should have and I really wasnt "feelin" it but I put on Martha Munizzi and allowed the Holy Ghost to minister to me. So I read Exodus again Chapter 8 - 13. What really touched me was Exodus 14:13 "Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today." Anyway I have been laid off for appx 2 mths and I am like ok God.... :ohwell: but He is so faithful that I am casting all my cares upon Him because He has never failed me! So I will NOT be afraid.

With love!

All Me, I'm so sorry you got laid off, keep reading the bible and have faith I truely believe this only means something better is coming your way. I officially started my reading today and I am so happy I did. I found this website that gives you passages to help you read the bible in a year and I started my own personsal bible journal to write what standout and questions I have about the readings. I'm so happy doing this and I thank God you chose to post this because I truely believe it was God-sent.:yep:

Today I read Matthew 7, Exodus 37,38, and Proverbs 17. Matthew 7:7-8 was one of the many verses that just "spoke" to me and gave me comfort. I'll quote it for you in hopes that it will do the same.

7 "Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. 8 For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And the door is opened to everyone who knocks.

Keep the faith, All Me, and God will provide!
Thanks Sis! I am so happy that you got your push. I meant to post the One Year Bible online schedule that I found also but I am glad you found one. Today I went to bible study and we studied Matthew 9:35-38. It was so incredible because the pastor was talking about "Laborers of the Harvest- How to be an effective laborer," which is truly my desire but sometimes I admit I get distracted by outside things! All I can say is God is awesome and thank you for posting that scripture. I truly will keep on asking, seeking, and finding because tonight in prayer God just gave me such a peace. I know that God hears our requests. Its so amazing to me that God sits high but looks low; past our faults even some of our disbeliefs to minister to us where we are at. Girl I can go on and on :grin:.

With love!
Today God just showered me with peace and love. I cried, cried, and then cried some more thinking about His loving kindness and tender mercies.
3 John 2
Matthew 36
1 Peter 4
Roman 1:15
I didnt want this to become a blog! :wallbash: So I decided I wont post in this thread I created. I will continue to do the challenge though.
I didnt want this to become a blog! :wallbash: So I decided I wont post in this thread I created. I will continue to do the challenge though.

I'm sorry All_Me I'm still here with your "blog.":lachen: I just didn't want to take over and have it become my blog.

Here are my readings for today:
Matthew 8:14-34 -a very strong example of faith by the roman officer. This touched me the most because a lot of people are still stuck on the ancestry of the "chosen" people when all they have to focus on is their faith in Christ.

Leviticus 1-2 - interesting to me because some have used this to justify giving tithes. I have no problem with giving tithes but I question some of those who receive it and how they use it.:ohwell:

Proverbs 19 - Some real gems in here. Here are a few:

23 Fear of the LORD gives life, security, and protection from harm.
21 You can make many plans, but the LORD's purpose will prevail.
20 Get all the advice and instruction you can, and be wise the rest of your life.

So many words to live by and to think on!
Keep reading and God bless!