Read the bible in a year challenge...


Well-Known Member
This will be a little long so bare with me. If you just want to get to the meat of the challenge go straight to the bottom. This is my 1st time ever visiting the the Christian Fellowship Forum. I joined LHCF strictly for hair at first & never even ventured to the other forums. Then I finally realized that we had other forums. Why I never visited this one I don't know. I've really been neglecting my spiritual life & I realized that I was becoming too consumed with hair. I would be on LHCF if I didn't do anything else - including read my bible. I'm a firm believer of staying in the Word but I haven't been & I can see it all in my life. So I decided that I was going to start being just as, make that more devoted to my spiritual life than to my hair. Isn't it in fact the inner person/beauty that truly matters?

THE CHALLENGE: I have a one year bible & I started yesterday. I have decided that when I get home in the afternoon, I will not visit LHCF until I have done my reading for the day. I challenge all of my Christian sisters to do the same thing. If you don't have a one year bible like mine, here is a website that will help & a printable version
Today is just the 2nd of January so that's enough time to get caught up & move forward. Let's be in the Word 365 days this year! I'll be checking in weekly to tell about how my progress is coming & tell of the positives that I'm experiencing from this challenge. Please do the same thing.

Be blessed...Nakia

Extra info: I'm also working on The Power of Spoken Blessings by Bill Gothard. It's only about 85 small pages & so far it's been some good reading.
Hi ladies - just checking in. Still staying consistent. Yesterday I went to a really good bible study that my son's godmother holds @ her house. We're doing a study entitled Discerning the Voice of God by a lady named Priscilla Shirer. ( I had never heard of her but after watching the 1st videotape in the series I'm really excited. It's a 6 week study but we're stretching it over a 12 week span. I know I'm going to learn alot so I'll share some of the good things with you all. Well I just wanted to check in to let you know I'm still hanging in here. Take care...
Thank you for the links! I am currently doing the 90 day challenge, but like the site you listed for the commentary and additional resources available! :grin:
Hello ladies - just doing my weekly check in.

Missann, 2buttonsnow3 - are you ladies still hanging in there?

The yearly bible that I have gives you NT & OT & Psalms & Proverbs daily. You end up reading Psalms & Proverbs twice I think. Right now I'm reading in Genesis, where Jacob has just fled his father-in-law Laban & is about to meet up w/Esau for the 1st time since he fled for fear of Esau killing him.

Just curious, has anyone purchased the audio bible by Zondervan? I have the NT but I haven't listened to it yet. Well that's about it - ladies please let me know if you're still on board & how it's coming. Take care...
Well no one has been posting. Hopefully those that joined are still reading. The saying is that once you do something 30 days in a row, it becomes a habit. Well I'm celebrating 30 days in a row of daily bible reading. And hopefully a new habit. I'm currently in Exodus - reading about the plagues that God dealt to Egypt before the Israelites' exodus. Well I just wanted to check in. Take care...Nakia