I thought it would be cool to share notes as well so I will go first:
Day One Reading Notes
*The Word (Jesus) God The Father, and The Holy Spirit are all present at the Creation.
* The "light" is different from the sun, moon, and stars. Wondering if this could be a picture of Christ or the Church (He separated it from the darkness). The Bible doesn't say so I certainly won't add to it, however just pondering.
* We see God's Justice & Mercy present at the fall. Even though God cast Adam & Eve from the Garden, he made then clothing from animal skins. Also we see a picture of Christ. The blood of the innocent is shed to cover the shame/sin of the guilty.
* We see that God curses the ground. I believe this is why Cain's offering was rejected. He brought God an offering from the cursed ground however Abel brought the correct sacrifice. It is only by the shed blood of the innocent that sin can be atoned. Another picture of Christ IMO.
* Cain's response "Am I my brother's keeper?" reveals yet again the nature of man to not take responsibility for his own sin. Much like Adam blaming Eve and Eve blaming the serpent, Cain refuses to take responsibility for his own sinful actions. Mankind grapples with this fleshly tendency to this day.
* Once again we see God's Justice & Mercy. Though God punishes Cain,he shows him mercy by marking him.
* First occurence of polygamy in the Bible came from Lamech from the wicked ungodly line of Cain. Polygamy was not God ordained, it was contrary to His original design (Christ sets this straight later...sorry for the spoiler!
* Out of all the Children Adam and Eve had (how many kids can someone have in almost 1,000 years WHOA!?) only Seth's line called upon the name of the Lord.
*Enoch walked with God and was taken up (I believe Enoch is one of the 2 witnesses mentioned in Revelation)
*Fallen Angels & women came together and produced giants. Have read the book of Genesis several times but this is the first time I ever caught that fallen Angels (demons) at one point could take on physical form....I will be paying close attention to find out when/if they lost this ability. This could be an interesting spin off discussion!
* Ongoing theme, the nature of man is depravity and the only good in man comes from God. In the absence of God there is wickedness and corruption. Noah's time sounds a lot like our world today
* The Bible calls Noah just, perfect and righteous. He obeyed God without question or hesistation. The same thing is said about and occured with Abram. This leads me to believe that God's idea of perfection is unwavering trust and faith in Him.
* We see 3 types of water, the waters of the deep, the rain, and the window's of heaven. There's a theory that there was a canopy of water in the atmosphere which would hold higher concentrations of oxygen in. This would explain how a huge brachiosaurus with tiny nostrils could breathe, why animals were so huge, and why people lived so long. Validation of Creationism.
* Noah give a sacrifice of atonement to God (another picture of Christ)
* God makes covenant with man never to destroy the world by water again, the land is no longer cursed.
*Once again we see that wickedness is not a learned behavior but a part of the human condition (wicked from youth)
* God puts the fear of man into the animals. First instance of man eating meat (we see it no where else prior to this, I'm guessing man and animals were still vegetarian up until this point)
* Noah passed out drunk nekkid, Ham saw him and told his brothers who respected their father and covered him. When Noah awakened he cursed CANAAN (Ham's son), blessed Shem & Japeth, and did nothing to Ham. I think Noah was still a little tipsy and cursed the wrong person
The Bible is so real
* God blessed Abram and made Abram rich using Sarah's beauty! Go team woman!
*Was Mechidedek Christ?
* God gives Abram the land that is still being fought over to this day
* Sarai gets the bright idea
to have her hand maid have sex with her husband and then has the nerve to start trippin when she gets pregnant (like SHE wanted) and blame Abram
*God comforts Hagar, and prophesies the current Middle East conflict.
There's way more there than these notes I took but these were the things that really popped out to me this time through