Reached your goal length? Then share your setback and success stories!


formerly known as "keyawarren"
I've been on here for over 2 years now, and I licked BSL, but had a drastic cut due to damage. I was feeling discouraged for quite sometime, but then I realized that the road to success isn't always straight, narrow, and paved with conditioner. So:

How long did your journey take you from beginning to goal length?

How many set backs did you encounter?

Pointers for the newbies?

Let's share and encourage :yep:
I transition to natural for 15mths, natural since 2010 APL. Feb 2011 use indigo 2 weeks started to get dry flakes, Apr seen derm treated with derma smooth and loprox shampoo, May hair started shedding hand full, doc say its not meds, test for alpecia, thyroid, lupus all negative. I told her it didn't start to come out until i use the meds, she wanted me to continue, so i stop using both i lost 4inches of hair, its thin! I started doing tea and coffee rinses, made garlic oil, growth oils and use nutrine garlic shampoo, it stop shedding. I went from wearing big afro to hiding my edges and bald spots. My hair is growing back, but the med change my texture, i am 3b/c and now i can't wear a puff but of course with bald edges i wouldn't anyway.

All drugs and products don't work the same for everyone, all drugs are tested, once they get approved no new side effects are noted, so my situation may be rare but the heck with anyone i lost my hair.
OP, it may be that many people are not quite in maintenance mode...however, those ones who are--I hope that they come in and participate!