Re-thinking my goals


New Member
I don't know what I want to do about my hair. I'm funny about this issue. I really don't want to wear it down and relaxed until it reaches my ideal length which is about shoulder blade or a little bit above. At the same time, I don't want to be stuck wearing braids all summer long. I'm tired of braids I've been wearing them for over 20 weeks now.I know I need about 2 more inches to go and that will take another 4 months. I don't know what to do. What would you do?
I would do all of the above. Life is all about versatilty. The whole idea is retain growth that you would get whether your hair is up or down. I would have it braided a month or two, protective hair styles and couple days here and there where it out. Have a little bit of everything gives you a better balance you have 4 month window to work with. Remember you do not need to get real small braids in your hair go for medium to large size this alone will cut back on your money. Do what makes you happy but at the same time keeping your eye on the goal. Have some fun with it. :)