Razac - Perfect for Perms


New Member
Hello I am a newbie to this forum and I have a question about Razac Perfect for Perms. I just tried their Leave in Conditioner and I must say that this is the silkiest my hair has ever been. Has anyone else tried their line of products? <font color="black"> </font>
I use their leave in and serum and i'm am very impressed. They make the best leave in i have ever tried... really good stuff. It leaves the hair silky and tangle free and it works consistently
Last touchup, I asked my stylist about leave in conditioners. He recommended Razac's. Now I want to try it.

Is this one of those products that's only retailed at salons? The Boston area Sally's BSS don't carry it.
no, this product should be available at any BSS... the sally's near me carries it, maybe you could ask them to oreder it for you.
My stylist recommended this a long time ago and since then I always pick up a container of it and put it back on the shelf

Not sure why. Who knows, when I get 'the urge' I may try it. I'm glad you posted liking their leave in conditioner.
You can get it at just about any Asian-owned Beauty Supply store. You've probably seen it and ignored it. The packaging is really "low-budget" so it won't jump out at you from the shelf. My mom loves the body lotion.

Beana - I've never seen the serum, what is it like?
myco- it comes in the typical 6oz packaging (think fantasia serum, same size and all) Its nice and thick and does wonders for detangling and adding that extra shine boost. Costs like $7, and i prefer it over both the Vive serum and Arican Royale's diamond drops. I think it does more in terms of controlling frizz and so forth. It smells kinda perfumey, but i dont mind it too much.

Its actually the serum of choice in many salons around here.
That sounds like what I'm looking for. Something thicker than the one by Loreal, but not as expensive as Biosilk. I'm going to have to track it down.

its a really good prodcut and its not realy expensive ive been using it for a while i dilute it with aLOT of water since its very thick.I put it in my hair after i conditon my hair them i either set my hair or blow it out.p.s Aphogee products are good also
Britt said:
Razac leave in will be on my "to-buy" list !

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I don't think your the only one. I may just take my hairdressers' advice and try the leave in this time after reading these reviews....
I just bought the Razac Leave-In today and I put it on my new growth, length, and sealed w/ Hotsix oil. Ill post results tomorrow. Thanx for the recommendation Beana!!
Hey. Gotta let the members know what to look for.
You know you want it.
Tell us all about it after you try it out.
Allandra thanks for posting the picture.

Beana3- Do you use the serum after the you apply the leave-in? Do you put the serum only on the ends of the hair or all over?
no problem lunalight, britt, and everyone else

lexi- i have used them both separately and together. I actually detangle with the leave in and use the serum to seal in moisture before i wrap or set my wet hair. I use both products on the whole length of my hair.

With the leave in itself, i notice that my rollersets are smoother and sleeker, plus it makes the process effortless
I am really going to get some of this serum this week. IO might get some today if this rain lets up. Beana how much is it?
Alright now Beana!
Maybe I'll stop at the beauty supply store this evening to take a look at it.
I think BRH should do the same.

Britt- the serum is usually $7, the leave in is around $4-5 and they both last a good while. Definte staples in my regime.
Thanks Beana,
I will get it today.. I deserve a
I have a sign in front of me here at work that says "no [** potty mouth **] buying for week" and I constantly ignore it
I posted about the leave-in a long time ago. It is really great. It doesn't even need to be diluted as some leave-ins. It always gives me a great rollerset.

The serum is also wonderful. I used to use it before I purchased the Fantasia IC and the only reason I bought the Fan IC is b/c the store was out of the Razac.
I bought the Razac ("ray zack"?) leave-in conditioner at my stylist's salon today. He says to apply sparingly OR to dilute it with water if I can't hold back. I'll wet bun with it and my L'Oreal Vive serum tonight and post a review later. (JF Relax texture correcting serum is all used up. Can't keep adding water to "stretch" it.

Beana, when you airdry a wet bun with it, the Razac leave in gives you a shiny, smooth finish? LUST does this for me, but it also turns the bunned hair hard and tangled such that the next conditioner wash is tougher than it would've been w/o LUST.
Well today, after applying the Razac Leave in to my new growth (10.5 weeks post relaxer) my ponytail was smooth and tight w. no flyaways or pieces popping out like usual. I applied Fantasia IC serum over my hair and tied down w/ a scarf. Really did the trick...I can see the ripples and waves in my new growth instead of just seeing a fro under the relaxed hair.

CarmenRose, do you like the Razac serum more than the Fantasia IC? Fantasia is the only one Ive ever tried because my stylist uses it. It seemed to me like most serums had the same ingredients...I just bought the Silken Seal (thanks Allandra...or is it Adrienne???) but I haven't used it yet. I didnt realize that it was only for wet hair...I already had the Loreal serum for wet hair....
I've got to admit it....I am another one seriously thinking about buying both the leave-in and the serum.

I have never used serum before......is serum only to be used on wet hair (after washing it)? If it is okay to use on dry hair....how often should it be used?
beana3 said:
Allandra and BRH this would be perfect as a follow up to the LUST...

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Stop the madness!!! Okay I'm DEFINITELY getting this. I'll try getting it before I rollarset on Friday evening. If this stuff works well on me then I'll know to always listen to my stylist's recs from hence forth.
I didn't see any Razac products at the Sally Beauty Supply in my area. I didn't even see any Razac products on the Sally Beauty Supply web site. However, I did spot several Razac products at a local beauty supply store.