RAVE: Herbal Essences None of Your Frizziness


Well-Known Member
I tried the conditioner and the leave in today and they're both a keeper. My hair feels so soft. :grin: I like the leave in better than the SunSilk De-Frizz Leave In.
I love this stuff! I first tried it out a few weeks ago and was amazed! It really has transformed the way I am able to detangle my hair. Typically, I can not stretch past 8-9 weeks because with the 3 textures (new growth, texlaxed, bone straight) my hair just gets way too tangled.

This conditioner gives my hair amazing slip! After I wash my hair and deep condition, I rinse my deep cond out and then apply the None of Your Frizziness to my hair in sections. I then use a shower comb, followed by a medium toothed comb on each section. The comb slides through like a dream! This is the first product that has made my hair so manageable since I started texlaxing!

And the other great part is that after I rinse it out and proceed to rollerset, my hair still has slip. I never had a conditioner that could do that so I was always trying to find a leave in/detangler that would give me this kind of slip outside of the shower (to no avail).

My rollersets come out softer and smoother, and the smell is great and actually lasts for days! I should give the leave in a try!
Herbal Essences is doing the dang thang right now! It saved my life last night. I can't wait to try this one now. I bought it but I haven't used it yet.
Herbal Essences is doing the dang thang right now! It saved my life last night. I can't wait to try this one now. I bought it but I haven't used it yet.

Yeah, boy. They ain't playin' right now!! I still love the Long Term Relationship, but I might pick this up too just so I can have another one of their moisturizing lines in my arsenal.
Yeah, boy. They ain't playin' right now!! I still love the Long Term Relationship, but I might pick this up too just so I can have another one of their moisturizing lines in my arsenal.

I did a B.L.T last night.....I deep conditioned with breaks over at my roots and LT on my ends :love:
I did a B.L.T last night.....I deep conditioned with breaks over at my roots and LT on my ends :love:


I just washed my hair last night and now I want to wash it again just thinking about that! I've been avoiding None of Your Frizziness because I already now have 3 different lines of HE sitting here staring at me calling my name, PLUS an amazing HE leave-in.... Now I am forced to go out and buy this one because it's on sale at Duane Reade and it would be a tragedy if I didnt buy it just cause it costs $3.33!!!!!!

Do you know I have NOT had to touch my moisturizers because of HE... I put in a little leave in and seal with coconut oil and my hair is so freakin happy... The cones worry me but my hair doesnt seem to act up with cones, seems like she LOVES them. I just make sure that out of my 2 washes during the week I do a clarifying wash (1 lather) followed by one lather with Nexxus Therappe.

Now STOP TALKING ABOUT HE!!! SOME OF US ARE ADDICTED!!!!!!:wallbash::nono::spinning:

I just washed my hair last night and now I want to wash it again just thinking about that! I've been avoiding None of Your Frizziness because I already now have 3 different lines of HE sitting here staring at me calling my name, PLUS an amazing HE leave-in.... Now I am forced to go out and buy this one because it's on sale at Duane Reade and it would be a tragedy if I didnt buy it just cause it costs $3.33!!!!!!

Do you know I have NOT had to touch my moisturizers because of HE... I put in a little leave in and seal with coconut oil and my hair is so freakin happy... The cones worry me but my hair doesnt seem to act up with cones, seems like she LOVES them. I just make sure that out of my 2 washes during the week I do a clarifying wash (1 lather) followed by one lather with Nexxus Therappe.

Now STOP TALKING ABOUT HE!!! SOME OF US ARE ADDICTED!!!!!!:wallbash::nono::spinning:

Me neither:yep: I actually was able to cut back on my moisturizers after switching up product lines and now with that LTR leave in....I haven't thought about moisturizer :lol: I seem to like cones too...its the only thing that keeps my newgrowth from matting up. I clarified last week and will probably just use a stronger shampoo once every two weeks. HE is the bidness right now though. If I new what the pH of their shampoo's were I would have a staple line.
I just saw this at bj 40 oz for $5:look:

yalll just made me buy a big bottle of LTR con and two leave ins! with all your ravin it seems my pjisim will be worse now that im in LHCF:lachen:
Me neither:yep: I actually was able to cut back on my moisturizers after switching up product lines and now with that LTR leave in....I haven't thought about moisturizer :lol: I seem to like cones too...its the only thing that keeps my newgrowth from matting up. I clarified last week and will probably just use a stronger shampoo once every two weeks. HE is the bidness right now though. If I new what the pH of their shampoo's were I would have a staple line.

Hmmm yeah I'm not too sure about the poo's. I had accidentally picked up the bottle of LTR poo not realizing it wasnt the condish, and I started to read the label. Well it has both A Lauryl and Laureth S... :perplexed Pantene's poo's have both too - also in the first 3 ingredients. These are the harsher cleansers right? I put that ish RIGHT back on the shelf and slooooowly backed away. :nono:
Hmmm yeah I'm not too sure about the poo's. I had accidentally picked up the bottle of LTR poo not realizing it wasnt the condish, and I started to read the label. Well it has both A Lauryl and Laureth S... :perplexed Pantene's poo's have both too - also in the first 3 ingredients. These are the harsher cleansers right? I put that ish RIGHT back on the shelf and slooooowly backed away. :nono:

Yeah, I don't really like shampoo's with multiple sulfates. Is is really that serious
My membership expired, so I couldn't post for a few days. But I had to come back to this thread cause I REALLY wanna try this conditioner!

I deep conditioned with the Break's Over and I liked it, not better than the LTR, but close. I have a feeling that I'm gonna loooove the NOYF. DH told me I can't get any more conditioners till I use up what I have, so I have to finish 6 other bottles before I can try it :cry3:

Maybe I can try and..... Persuade him :poledancer:
My membership expired, so I couldn't post for a few days. But I had to come back to this thread cause I REALLY wanna try this conditioner!

I deep conditioned with the Break's Over and I liked it, not better than the LTR, but close. I have a feeling that I'm gonna loooove the NOYF. DH told me I can't get any more conditioners till I use up what I have, so I have to finish 6 other bottles before I can try it :cry3:

Maybe I can try and..... Persuade him :poledancer:

Girl, throw them bottle under a bed somewhere.........What bottles:look:
Girl, throw them bottle under a bed somewhere.........What bottles:look:

:lachen: You are a mess!!

I wish I could sneak and get them, but I'm horrible at keeping secrets. I'd have a combination of these two faces :look: :nervous2: all day until I just couldn't take anymore. I'd end up telling on myself before the day was over :lol:
:lachen::lachen: Use them for other things like shaving. That's what I do with conditioners I don't want. I use them to clean my makeup brushes and wash weave hair too. :look:

I'm so huge and swollen, the only thing I can reach is my armpits :look: I got frustrated and attempted to shave my legs the other day, and the furthest I could reach was the top of my knees :ohwell:

I'm gonna be doing a loooot of co washes and deep conditioning on my daughters heads! :lol:
Aight, I was trying to resist, but the PJ in me wants to try out these HE conditioners for a co-wash. I'mma pick some up and try them out.
I had to do something to check my newgrowth. I was telling LadyEsquire in another thread that I had to remind her that my pimp hand was strong :slap:

Wowwwwwwwwwww cuz....:lachen:

*will pick up the NOYF this week to try out...the LTR and DS are quite nice to my hair...so this can't hurt to have as well..*
Ya know Miss NG be wildin out right now*nearly 10 weeks post* She forgot who was boss :cool:


Look at you at 10 weeks post! I'm proud of you!!!:yep::yep:

And I do thank you for the HE push....I know there is no way I would've tried the conditioners out if you didn't give your stamp of approval... I was pleasantly surprised :yep:

Look at you at 10 weeks post! I'm proud of you!!!:yep::yep:

And I do thank you for the HE push....I know there is no way I would've tried the conditioners out if you didn't give your stamp of approval... I was pleasantly surprised :yep:

Aww thanks Mona:blush: You know if it weren't for the fact that I promised you and Artemis that I would wait, I would have BEEN slapping on the creamy crack.

HE was a surprise for me too. I always liked the leave in but since the release of LTR :yay: Its been a wrap.
Aww thanks Mona:blush: You know if it weren't for the fact that I promised you and Artemis that I would wait, I would have BEEN slapping on the creamy crack.

HE was a surprise for me too. I always liked the leave in but since the release of LTR :yay: Its been a wrap.

I think it (LTR) is the bomb diggity on the length of the hair....now, need to experiment and see how the NoYF works on the new growth...

that might be a nice combo for stretching...:yep: