RANT: Keep your hands out of MY HAIR!!!


New Member
So one of my homegirls ran into me at a comedy show and she knew that I had started transitioning in Sept. 08. I straightened my hair that weekend and she stopped me to give me a complement on how it's grown. That was cool. But then she runs her fingers through my hair at this rapid pace, catching her fingers on a snag and then she says "Ooooo Girl, you should just go on 'head and get the relaxer." :fistshake:

I was in the middle of a conversation, but I really almost spazzed out on her. I had to fall back and smile. What is she trying to prove? She has pretty hair, but she keeps it shoulder length because she is always cutting it off from the damage she has. I'm not anti-relaxer. If your hair looks good, it looks good. But you don't have to keep :deadhorse: about MY hair and lack of relaxer. And besides, the dude I'm dating can't keep his hands out of it. :yep:

Why can't we just applaud each other in our hair goals?
Ignore people like that and do what YOU want to do. Women just have a competitive nature and we all know it doesn't stop with hair.
So one of my homegirls ran into me at a comedy show and she knew that I had started transitioning in Sept. 08. I straightened my hair that weekend and she stopped me to give me a complement on how it's grown. That was cool. But then she runs her fingers through my hair at this rapid pace, catching her fingers on a snag and then she says "Ooooo Girl, you should just go on 'head and get the relaxer." :fistshake:

I was in the middle of a conversation, but I really almost spazzed out on her. I had to fall back and smile. What is she trying to prove? She has pretty hair, but she keeps it shoulder length because she is always cutting it off from the damage she has. I'm not anti-relaxer. If your hair looks good, it looks good. But you don't have to keep :deadhorse: about MY hair and lack of relaxer. And besides, the dude I'm dating can't keep his hands out of it. :yep:

Why can't we just applaud each other in our hair goals?
Girl, you have to keep on keeping on. She was just being mean spirited. Keep doing you! I, too am not anti-relaxer, I'm just trying to do it my way and what's best for my hair. Sometimes I get questioned about when I think I'm going to relax my hair. I'm and 28 weeks post and honestly, I don't know when or if ever. When and if I decide, it won't be because of comments from friends or even my hairdresser. Keep it up!
ignore her.. I had something like this happen to me this weekend, I mean whats so wrong with new growth..

Why do people even tell other people they need a relaxer, whether your a stretcher, transitioning, or relax every 4-6 weeks everyone KNOWS when its time for their relaxer. Mind your own business! And I don't like this attitude people have on stretching/ transitioning being unhygienic.. like as if not getting a relaxer is sign of not taking care of your self
Did she ask to put her hands in your hair? And it did grow a lot!

I would ignore her. zmost of the people IRL arent like us on the hair boards. Most people IRL still believe in the good hair/bad hair and feel that relaxers a must. Just ignore her and keep doing you.
See this is why everyone needs to carry a sock full of quarters. So when some simpleton does garbage like that you can bop her upside the head with a smile.:wallbash::lachen::lachen::lachen:
I still don't understand why a person can't compliment using words only. Must you stick your fingers in my hair? Besides, going around touching people's hair isn't exactly sanitary.
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See this is why everyone needs to carry a sock full of quarters. So when some simpleton does garbage like that you can bop her upside the head with a smile.:wallbash::lachen::lachen::lachen:
Girl, you got me envisioning a sock with some quarters. Thanks for making me smile. That was too cute!