Rant and rave..Hair murder as mine is being pampered


TI'm sitting in the salon as I type this. I'm watching some poor woman's hair being blown out with greace and flat Ironed with no heat protectant.

Today as I found out my old stylist Yahira is gone and I was quickly snatched up by Ingrid a young new stylist with Fab hair. I was skeptical at first. As she detangled my hair so gently, she was telling me to always detangle under water with a wide tooth comb. DuH!! LHCF rule number 1. Ladies I did not even feel her detangle my hair. She roller set me.

However I'm sitting here in horror watching smoke come out this poor woman's hair. I vow if I ever come back here I'm never letting that other stylist touch my hair ever.mind you the woman in the chair next to me getting a wrap saw my face and defended the stylist by saying the woman has thick hair.(Great there is that burnt hair smell). Of course it has been revealed that the stylist's defender is her client as well and her edges are missing. Jesus take the wheel.

Anyway I'm loving my new stylist as she put me under low heat to dry.

UPDATE: now she is using a curling iron on her hair and it's smoking.
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OMG!!! Sometimes i just want to cry when i see hair being fried in the beauty shop. The sad thing is, if you were to say sometime to that lady about her "stylist" damaging her hair, she would look at you like YOU"RE the one who is crazy. The average person believe that beauticians know best. :sad:
TI'm sitting in the salon as I type this. I'm watching some poor woman's hair being blown out with greace and flat Ironed with no heat protectant.

However I'm sitting here in horror watching smoke come out this poor woman's hair. Of course it has been revealed that the stylist's defender is her client as well and her edges are missing.

UPDATE: now she is using a curling iron on her hair and it's smoking.



Bad BAD Business...
im in nyc, and want to use your stylist. where did u go?
TI'm sitting in the salon as I type this. I'm watching some poor woman's hair being blown out with greace and flat Ironed with no heat protectant.

Today as I found out my old stylist Yahira is gone and I was quickly snatched up by Ingrid a young new stylist with Fab hair. I was skeptical at first. As she detangled my hair so gently, she was telling me to always detangle under water with a wide tooth comb. DuH!! LHCF rule number 1. Ladies I did not even feel her detangle my hair. She roller set me.

However I'm sitting here in horror watching smoke come out this poor woman's hair. I vow if I ever come back here I'm never letting that other stylist touch my hair ever.mind you the woman in the chair next to me getting a wrap saw my face and defended the stylist by saying the woman has thick hair.(Great there is that burnt hair smell). Of course it has been revealed that the stylist's defender is her client as well and her edges are missing. Jesus take the wheel.

Anyway I'm loving my new stylist as she put me under low heat to dry.

UPDATE: now she is using a curling iron on her hair and it's smoking.
Wow I was at my Stylist's shop Yehia in Hyde Park Chicago this past Monday and they get you in and get you out but man it is like smoke signals are coming from so of these ladies heads I feel so bad and all the women with long hair are lined up to see Flowers McKnight my stylist becase they avoid the other people like the plague.