Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Nearing the 1year mark and while I see my hair has gained some volume, I wonder if I'll even stop seeing my locs as sparse looking.
Nearing the 1year mark and while I see my hair has gained some volume, I wonder if I'll even stop seeing my locs as sparse looking.
Not sure how old you are. But what I’ve noticed is that as people age, their locs thin out. They hold on to them for years and then seen so much hair loss. Our hair things as we age anyways. So the constant weight/gravity does a number on those follicles.
Just got finished oiling my hair. Left side my diy herb oil. The right basic sunflower oil. I wanted to see which oil works best. I must say that as I applied each oil! My hair began to tangle and it became difficult to manipulate with my fingers. Had some hair shed. Should I have added water? I can’t remember if I did last time. I’ll rinse it in an hour or so.
Not sure how old you are. But what I’ve noticed is that as people age, their locs thin out. They hold on to them for years and then seen so much hair loss. Our hair things as we age anyways. So the constant weight/gravity does a number on those follicles.

Ive actually always had fine low density hair. It looks much fully with locs (and as a loose natural), but I still see the lack I guess.
Taking these braids down little at a time, I gave a lot of my hair products/2 tools away (almost got it down to 1 tote for products/tools, and I’m pretty proud of myself for that). Somebody came and took EVERYTHING :lachen:I only saw 1 bottle of heat protectant like 2 blocks away on the ground. It’s a tad ghetto over here lol.
I think I'm going to get some puffcuff micros for my locs. I like the mini that I have (I gave the other 2 away to friends and fam) but it's still a little big for my length and density now.

They're 50% off for anyone interested fyi.
I saw that too! I’m like: how?!?
You can pull them out like that when the braider doesn't split your hair when braiding in false hair and only splits the false hair. It also helps if hair is APL or shorter. That method can cause your braids to slip more during washes before you are ready for the takedown though. The friction can also cause split ends.
Surprisingly enough, that grease kept my hair softer than I expected. I wonder if it’s because I used bulk human hair instead of synthetic Marley hair. I did wash it and condition it once, and I kept it moisturized and sealed more often than I washed it. Ends a wee bit dry because I forgot them. I thought I was getting them, but I wasn’t going down far enough. I glad I didn’t cut the relaxed ends even though I was tempted to because I can put my hair in two little high buns because my hair is too thick to go in one (or my head is too big lol)
I’m looking crazy as h e double hockey sticks. I got a natural upart wig from better length about 2 years ago or so and I didn’t wear it because it had a strong chemical smell to it. I didn’t send it back because I was in the process of moving and time got away from me. I finally got the smell out and the equivalent of a small cat in shedded hair and I can’t get it to work for me. I’ll fart in their eye hopping on 1 leg singing Mambo #5 before I buy something from better lengths again.
I’m looking crazy as h e double hockey sticks. I got a natural upart wig from better length about 2 years ago or so and I didn’t wear it because it had a strong chemical smell to it. I didn’t send it back because I was in the process of moving and time got away from me. I finally got the smell out and the equivalent of a small cat in shedded hair and I can’t get it to work for me. I’ll fart in their eye hopping on 1 leg singing Mambo #5 before I buy something from better lengths again.
Im trying to sell a upart wig. check me out in the selling thread @ItsMeLilLucky
It’s been a while since I’ve been on this side, cause I’ve been ignoring my hair.

I’m legit considering texlaxing my hair again. I’ve been relaxed and then natural, and then relaxed and then natural again, like 66 times in the last decade. I really want to just get somewhere and sit down, but me and being natural ain’t vibin’ (never really have, if I’m being honest).

I’m starting to feel like DDtexlaxed. ( :lol: )
Not me, 2 gels deep and halfway through this wash n go… only to hop back in the shower and shampoo the whole thing out o_O.
I feel like I just had a confrontation with what I actually want and what I think I want. My hair priorities have completely changed this year. I used to want fabulous hair all the time… now I just want my hair neat and out the way all the time. I realized a wash n go wasn’t gonna do that for me and now I’m towel drying a bit before I reach for my blow dryer :look:
It’s been a while since I’ve been on this side, cause I’ve been ignoring my hair.

I’m legit considering texlaxing my hair again. I’ve been relaxed and then natural, and then relaxed and then natural again, like 66 times in the last decade. I really want to just get somewhere and sit down, but me and being natural ain’t vibin’ (never really have, if I’m being honest).

I’m starting to feel like DDtexlaxed. ( :lol: )
I feel like we’re on the same wave haha, except I don’t wanna texlax or anything. I just don’t have hair energy these days.
I feel like we’re on the same wave haha, except I don’t wanna texlax or anything. I just don’t have hair energy these days.

I don’t have the energy either. My life has been super stressful as of late, but the thing about my natural hair is that it can’t be put on pause. My hair has to be constantly tended to in order maintain a good condition.