Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Thank you I’ll look at this one.
@Hairties this is the one I have as well, Got it from Amazon. Like it a bunch. I had the same one for 8 years before it died on me.

Thanks. I do see it’s also on amazon. I’m gonna just take the plunge from either amazon or eBay.
I need a leave-in that's not a spray. My hair doesn't need anything when it's straight, but I don't want it getting dry when I wear it without heat.
I haven't seen any thread asking for challenge ideas. I don't plan on joining any, but I have some ideas:
  • No protective stying challenge. There's a wash and go one but some people don't wear wash and gos, but don't really want to wear protective styles all the time
  • Twist out/braid out challenge
  • Simple regimen challenge where people track their wash and style times and try to reduce the total time to a specific goal time without compromising their hair.
...just some thoughts.:drunk:
I haven't seen any thread asking for challenge ideas. I don't plan on joining any, but I have some ideas:
  • No protective stying challenge. There's a wash and go one but some people don't wear wash and gos, but don't really want to wear protective styles all the time
  • Twist out/braid out challenge
  • Simple regimen challenge where people track their wash and style times and try to reduce the total time to a specific goal time without compromising their hair.
...just some thoughts.:drunk:
People aren't really participating in challenges like they use to so we probably will have very few this year. Last year participation was so light in some of them I just didn't bother this year. Even if people sign up, you typically only have 5 to 10 people participate during the year.
It seems like around '07-'08 was when there was this big awareness in our community to learn about proper hair care and to grow long hair. It was fun initially to learn new concepts (satin/silk scarf sleeping, protective styling, protein-moisture balance, hair types, etc.) and we saw women growing relaxed hair to long lengths. Then the natural hair explosion started and we spent many years exploring that as well. I think now things are dying down because we've sorta accomplished our goal. WE now know that we can grow long hair too using the right techniques and practices. So now, many just lurk or have moved on to other things. The haircare community spilled over into YT, FB, IG, and other SM arenas so that also takes away from forum traffic.

Personally, I've never had long hair my entire life. So once I achieved what I once thought was impossible and it became the new normal for me, I got busy with other things. Just like any other hobby, we pick it up and put it down at different times. Or leave it completely, depending on what life throws our way.

I'm grateful for what I've learned here and on BHM. I still find the old threads valuable and don't really see a need to rehash the same topics over and over. And now I can pass it on as common knowledge to my daughter/niece etc. However, I still find it a fun hobby for me so I try to participate. I think others may not. And I know that there are many more who'd rather just lurk and learn. Especially since almost all of the "issues" have been explored/discussed and remedies tested and distributed.
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Always saw that women were taking an MSM supplement for hair growth but wasn't crazy about taking the powder myself. Despite taking chlorella off and on for years, I did a search for its hair benefits and never knew that it is a good, natural source of MSM. I also didn't know that MSM increases the hair growth phase.
This past week, I've been wearing my hair heat free. First in 2 braids, then a bun, then just out. Today I cowashed (haven't done that in forever), left in some conditioner and let my hair air dry. My "wash n'go" looks like a good blowout :drunk:
I just did my first wash post keratin treatment (Ion.) I used the Ion Smooth Keratin shampoo and conditioner. Both products smell great. The conditioner isn’t as thick as I like, but my hair is soft and it seems like it’ll be easy to iron in the morning. I don’t think I’ll straighten it tonight.
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I had the chance to test out 2 of my EAP flat irons for my winter haircut. I tried the 1 inch ceramic with infrared light and the 1/2 inch ceramic. The 1 inch ceramic with the infrared light is an excellent flat iron. First impression: I would put the 1 inch ceramic infrared in the same tier as my staple FHI runway flat iron. Mind you the FHI retails at $450 and is difficult to find now. Whereas, the black Friday deal I got on the 1 inch ceramic was half off made the one inch ceramic cost about 70 bucks(it's around 140 without a sale) . The only con I have discovered is the casing gets super hot. Almost too hot to hold. I was doing fine holding it until half way through my hair then I put my heat glove on to finish using it. I am sure I can get used to using it without needing the heat glove. I also tried the 1/2 inch ceramic. It's just okay. I would put it in the same tier as a standard flat iron: it works nothing special, wouldn't go out of my way to repurchase. The FHI Runway is still my favorite flat iron I have had that for over a decade with no cons but the price point of the EAP with availability makes it a contender for sure especially if over time the performance lasts.
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