Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

I have to stop tucking my hair behind my ears. I do it because it gets in my face, but I'm getting breakouts behind my ears. Never had that happen before and it's not cool. I need to figure out a style that I can wear with the front pulled back.
I need to get my hair shaped ASAP. I’ve been wearing a wig going to two weeks and I’m ready to wear my hair out.

I brought my slap cap with me today. The minute I get the car the wig is coming off and cap is going on.

I’m going to buy some head wraps too, to wear on days I don’t feel like a wig.
I've been slowly taking my hair out and de-tangling as I go but this process has made me realize some braiders are straight disrespectful to your hair requests. Some of these sections are so small it makes zero sense. Since I don't want to lose any hair i'm going to take my time and stretch this process out over the next 2-3 days.
How did you like your sisterlocks? Why are you removing them? I think sisterlocks are beautiful, but the maintenance seems like it might be too much for me.
I absolutely loved them. My consultant had to cancel an appt due to head, neck, back, and shoulder pain, and I went into panic mode. She's been fine ever since, but should it become a long-term issue I was not about to spend days or weeks retightening my locs, nor was I going on a new consultant hunt. So I decided to remove them.
Searching for a steamer is getting annoying. I didn’t want a table top one. I wanted the actual rolling one with a stand. I’ve checked amazon and most have bad reviews, or none at all.
The spa equipment site I looked at only has a few reviews from 2016 and 2017.

If anyone has a one they use and can recommend, please do.

Also I’ve been wanting a revlon brush. I never straighten my hair but I’m thinking about blow drying for stretching. My hair does like heat, it’s just my mishandling that messes me up.
Searching for a steamer is getting annoying. I didn’t want a table top one. I wanted the actual rolling one with a stand. I’ve checked amazon and most have bad reviews, or none at all.
The spa equipment site I looked at only has a few reviews from 2016 and 2017.

If anyone has a one they use and can recommend, please do.
This is the steamer I have. I like it. I got it directly from LCL's website though, not ebay.