I adore my husband! I never would have gone natural if not for him, and he hangs in their with all my incessant chatter about hair. He knows all the hair lingo! He can detangle my hair better than I can! If I yell for help with a knot, even if I'm in the shower, he'll let me stick my head out and he'll patiently detangle it. He'll wash my hair at the sink if I'm too tired to do the get-in-the-shower-multiple-times thing. He gives me gentle reminders ("Where's your chunky twists and bonnet? I thought you said you can't sleep in loose hair or something like that.") When family members say I look so pretty with straight hair, he doesn't even let me respond. He responds for me. He makes me feel like I am gorgeous, no matter how much I weigh or how much shrinkage I get. He applies and rinses my henna treatments. I could go on and on, and that's just hair. Don't get me started on the kids, cleaning, cooking, listening, talking, the spiritual, the physical . . .
It hurts his feelings when I try to sneak things in past him. Because of my collection, he's watching a little more closely.
So, until my stash looks more . . . reasonable, I try to respect him and stay on budget and divulge.