aww. What I do and I notice a lot of other chicks do is wear my hair in a bun on the top of my head. If I want to get in the water to swim or go jet skiing or something I coat my hair in conditioner and oil and put it in a pony tail. Maybe sometimes loose. And just wash it and style it later if I want to wear it down. On vacation I don't care what I do to my hair. I just make sure I am careful. If I am going somewhere that night after the beach I don't hesitate to wash blow dry(on cool or warm) using tension method and flatiron to cut down on styling time. I have fun and don't worry about it. I'm pretty confident with my my hair care skills .
Thanks Mariposa, I cant wait to get to your length and hair expertise level.
A lot of talk about relaxed hair lately. (Of course!) I have no problem with relaxed hair, I just don't see the advantage of it. My hair wasn't straight when it was relaxed... I had to flat iron it if I wanted straight hair.
Sooooo... What's the point?
What are people getting out of relaxed hair? This is not a judgmental question. It's just actually wondering. Right now I'm in a straight hair mood, I guess. But I will hit up the old flat iron to scratch that itch.
For me my hair is much straighter, easier to manage,and less thick than if it was natural. Plus while i can admire natural hair on others it's not a look I want to have on my head nor does it appeal to me.