Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

I went to clean my mirrors but I never seem to remember to get some Windex so I used ACV and some newspaper. So I started to do yarn braids, but after 6 braids I changed my mind :lachen:
I struggled with the SAME thing recently cleaning my apt. Didn't have any windex so I looked online and they said you can use vinegar. Worked like a charm!!
I use alcohol (the green one) and water in a spray bottle. I love it cuz everything smells so good after.
Why haven't I been plopping forever?!

My hair just is so defined after doing it.

I've always tshirt dried, but for some reason the order (soaking hair, products, THEN tshirt drying) makes such a difference!

And it doesn't matter which products either! I used a leave in Styler last time and this time my Shea butter mix... soft [more] defined coils!
Oh really now?! *googling*
I went through most of my products and tossed items that needed to go - items that didn't work well, was old or seemed at the end of its shelf life. I didn't dwell on it, I just tossed it because if I sit and think too long, I'd convince myself to keep stuff that really need to go. I still have samples to sift through and another batch of products but at that point, I'll be done. I will try to do this every 6 months as it's my goal to dwindle this stash and only have on hand things that work.
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I think I'm going to be adding 2 vitamins to my current regimen and having protein shakes for breakfast. I just need to find a protein powder that doesn't taste completely disgusting.
I need to drink more water because I know my hair suffers when I'm dehydrated.

I've been using aloe vera gel to close my cuticles at the end of my wash day and it has helped tremendously. My hi-po hair dries in about 20-30" even when I use ACV/AVJ mixed with water. Now that I've switched to aloe vera gel, it takes my hair a lot longer to dry.
I think I'm going to be adding 2 vitamins to my current regimen and having protein shakes for breakfast. I just need to find a protein powder that doesn't taste completely disgusting.

@KinksAndInk - Soy Protein powder is the cheapest that I've found across the board (versus Whey/Pea protein etc). It's unflavoured and tastes like shite (I emailed the company and told them) and the ONLY way to drink it is with banana mixed in (I tried berries and all sorts, and nothing but banana makes it drinkable IMO). I recommend Soy bc it gives The Most bang for buck - around 91% protein compared with around 70% for the other protein types yet is one of the cheapest forms of protein powder.

Also limit your intake to 30g or less per shake, the body cannot process more than that in one sitting and any remaining is converted into either waste, fat or energy.
Thanks for the advice. I've used protein powders in the past and based on my body, I can actually do more than 30grams with no adverse affects. And I know that I can't do soy. Tried and it's disgusting. I'm not worried about the price, for me it's the taste. Bananas are high in sugar and I'm watching my sugar intake as well, trying to limit myself to about 15-20grams a day. A banana can have about 15grams, most times more. Depending on the sugar content of the protein powder that would push me over my limit. I'm looking into rice, pea and defatted beef protein powder to determine which is best for my needs and taste buds.
@KinksAndInk - Soy Protein powder is the cheapest that I've found across the board (versus Whey/Pea protein etc). It's unflavoured and tastes like shite (I emailed the company and told them) and the ONLY way to drink it is with banana mixed in (I tried berries and all sorts, and nothing but banana makes it drinkable IMO). I recommend Soy bc it gives The Most bang for buck - around 91% protein compared with around 70% for the other protein types yet is one of the cheapest forms of protein powder.

Also limit your intake to 30g or less per shake, the body cannot process more than that in one sitting and any remaining is converted into either waste, fat or energy.
@KinksAndInk - You've brought me to my senses. I'm not new to protein but probably ought to have spent more time looking into the benefits of the different types. I have a "most for the least" mentality that is going to end Right.Now.

HHG :)
Thanks for the advice. I've used protein powders in the past and based on my body, I can actually do more than 30grams with no adverse affects. And I know that I can't do soy. Tried and it's disgusting. I'm not worried about the price, for me it's the taste. Bananas are high in sugar and I'm watching my sugar intake as well, trying to limit myself to about 15-20grams a day. A banana can have about 15grams, most times more. Depending on the sugar content of the protein powder that would push me over my limit. I'm looking into rice, pea and defatted beef protein powder to determine which is best for my needs and taste buds.
I use Vega Protein powder. Mix with water. Sweetened with stevia and quite a few flavors. I think most of the protein comes from lentils and other legumes. No soy or dairy since I cant have too much of either.
I can't wait until I get my hair done in Marley twists. Hopefully they last until my birthday. .

I will decide after if I'm going to start my locs again, or keep perming it.
@KinksAndInk @claud-uk I've had similar issues with finding a protein powder I can stomach in the past & recently I began making my own out of raw pumpkin seeds which are an excellent source of protein. The powder has no flavor and it works exceptionally well in all of my smoothie recipes. I only grind up enough seeds for a day or two at a time & I drop it in with all other smoothie ingredients.

I LOVE jumbo box braids, but the weight of the extensions (when the braids are my preferred size) give me horrible headaches; jumbo twists are lighter, but they don't last as well.

Thank you! Might try this.
@KinksAndInk @claud-uk I've had similar issues with finding a protein powder I can stomach in the past & recently I began making my own out of raw pumpkin seeds which are an excellent source of protein. The powder has no flavor and it works exceptionally well in all of my smoothie recipes. I only grind up enough seeds for a day or two at a time & I drop it in with all other smoothie ingredients.

Trying to decide if I'm going to stick with a Wednesday wash day or move it to Thursday. I want to start using my Njoy oil again but I have clinical rotations Saturday mornings and I don't want to hear anybody's mouth about my hair having a noticeable scent to it. So I think I'll wash on Thursdays and use the oil for my nightly scalp massages Saturday-Wednesday.

I also think I need to get more serious about my hair journal. I need to keep track of what I'm doing.
@KinksAndInk @claud-uk I've had similar issues with finding a protein powder I can stomach in the past & recently I began making my own out of raw pumpkin seeds which are an excellent source of protein. The powder has no flavor and it works exceptionally well in all of my smoothie recipes. I only grind up enough seeds for a day or two at a time & I drop it in with all other smoothie ingredients.


@DivineNapps1728 - the green ones right? I LOVE those, I used to add those, sunflower seeds and ground almonds to my protein shakes for calories and texture, but I stopped bc they were making me too full to eat. I need to start back with that as I have trouble absorbing nutrients so if I can drink them in that will work better for me. Thanks for the reminder!
I wonder what I could do with leftover aloe vera gel? Using it as any type of leave in makes my hair super hard and tangled. Maybe add it to a conditioner?
@DivineNapps1728 - the green ones right? I LOVE those, I used to add those, sunflower seeds and ground almonds to my protein shakes for calories and texture, but I stopped bc they were making me too full to eat. I need to start back with that as I have trouble absorbing nutrients so if I can drink them in that will work better for me. Thanks for the reminder!

Yes, the green ones