Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

petty wap but i dont want to talk about haircare all the time...i feel a tinge bad but the last few weeks ive been out and if its a waitress and she is a sistah or if im getting service form sistah, they go into oh what do yo use in your hair and etc....
i feel bad but ive kinda brushed it off...as i just wanna get the service i came for..lmaoooo
anyone whose reading this if i brushed you off nicely and swerved your hair questions my apologies i just want to eat my food or etc:cool:

unrelated the garnier products work wonders for my hair..that Brazilian smooth line....honeyyyyy!!!

and i wanna say i think i can give myself my own wash and sets....i did a set and it came out nice!!! i need to purchase a table top dryer...
@lulu97 what dryer do you use..my hair is not waist length but its dense and is mbl so i use the big rollers....was wondering what dryer you use regular rollers or the mesh rollers?
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Try braid outs and keep practicing the twist outs mine are still hit and miss too it's about products and techniques so times flat twist works sometimes regular twists.
Don't sleep with your hair loose that's asking for trouble even a pineapple is better than that. Try kinky curly knot today it still is the best when it comes to slip and a good leave in base too.
Do you use butters, oils castor oil?

Thanks. aww man I think I had this and gave it to my cousin. I'll see if I can get it back from her. I'll try the pineapple method. I haven't been using any butters or oils really. Just a leave in and qhemet cream as needed.

Are you doing the roll-n-twist technique when doing your twists? That's when you roll the sections between your fingers before twisting them together. That's what helped to give me definition; n addition to adding a holding product (like the gel you're using) and making sure it was all the way dry before I took them down . My natural hair texture was poofy/cloudy 4b so any pattern I had came from twistouts/braidouts. HTH! GL! :)

No I never heard of it. I'm going to youtube it and will try it out. Thanks.
Just various mild ones...decided to try the kiddie. They're still strong.

That's why I don't like that they market them toward children - they're just as strong! My mom used that on my virgin hair when I was 12. My hair started breaking off so badly. When I started self-perming at 15, I just used Optimum. It was better for my hair than the so called "kiddie perm."
petty wap but i dont want to talk about haircare all the time...i feel a tinge bad but the last few weeks ive been out and if its a waitress and she is a sistah or if im getting service form sistah, they go into oh what do yo use in your hair and etc....
i feel bad but ive kinda brushed it off...as i just wanna get the service i came for..lmaoooo
anyone whose reading this if i brushed you off nicely and swerved your hair questions my apologies i just want to eat my food or etc:cool:

unrelated the garnier products work wonders for my hair..that Brazilian smooth line....honeyyyyy!!!

and i wanna say i think i can give myself my own wash and sets....i did a set and it came out nice!!! i need to purchase a table top dryer...
@lulu97 what dryer do you use..my hair is not waist length but its dense and is mbl so i use the big rollers....was wondering what dryer you use regular rollers or the mesh rollers?

@lux10023 Hi! I use the LCL professional standing dryer:


For my rollers, I just use the regular magnetic ones with the snap on caps. They range from 1 1/2 inch to 2 inches in size.

So happy your set came out nice! :gorgeous:
I am sooooooo glad that my hair is finally long enough to put in a low bun. I now have a go to lazy style on wash day w/o doing twist outs. I'm about to be a wet bunning fool. I washed my hair on Tuesday and then slicked it back and wore a scarf to sleep. The next day just took the scarf off and kept it moving. Last night, I sectioned it moisturized my hair and this morning it's in a low bun. I so miss doing this with my hair because this is what I'm use to for years. It also allows me to wash my hair maybe 2x a week now b/c it's so quick and easy to do. Tmrw I will put it up in a high bun.
I finally pulled out my braids:headspin:. I just cancelled my plans for saturday expecting the worst because I could feel the matting and locking at the back. But thankfully those came out with a little bit of work. My hair's still soft though, which made me especially relieved. I think I'm gonna do a quick henna treatment today and just treat myself.
Straightening my hair again on the 31st or the 1st. Last time straightening until December 31st 2016. Hopefully my hair is longer then
In a couple days I'll be hitting my 6th year as a natural. I think it's time to restart & big chop.
Big Chop? Why? Didn't you work really hard for all that growth? Do you ever get Dominican Blowouts? Maybe you should go and get your hair done before you decide to chop it all off... just sayin
Lol my hair is always straight. If you visit the straight hair natural thread there's a recent picture. It's time to start over with this mane!
ohhh ok, I gotcha :thumbsup: btw that's thumbs up lol it looks like flippin off but it's not I promise. Congratulations on your new journey.
Why haven't I been plopping forever?!

My hair just is so defined after doing it.

I've always tshirt dried, but for some reason the order (soaking hair, products, THEN tshirt drying) makes such a difference!

And it doesn't matter which products either! I used a leave in Styler last time and this time my Shea butter mix... soft [more] defined coils!
I'm so annoyed. I'm too lazy to mix my own butters this winter so I went out to whole foods to buy a jar of whipped shea. This heifer tried to sell me 2oz of Shea butter for $20! I just moved to a major city in the midwest from NYC and NJ and so I'm still trying to get used to cultural differences but c'mon!
I'm so annoyed. I'm too lazy to mix my own butters this winter so I went out to whole foods to buy a jar of whipped shea. This heifer tried to sell me 2oz of Shea butter for $20! I just moved to a major city in the midwest from NYC and NJ and so I'm still trying to get used to cultural differences but c'mon!
She tried to get you girl. That doesn't have any thing to do with cultural differences lmao. That was just plain greediness.
I went to clean my mirrors but I never seem to remember to get some Windex so I used ACV and some newspaper. So I started to do yarn braids, but after 6 braids I changed my mind :lachen:
I'm so annoyed. I'm too lazy to mix my own butters this winter so I went out to whole foods to buy a jar of whipped shea. This heifer tried to sell me 2oz of Shea butter for $20! I just moved to a major city in the midwest from NYC and NJ and so I'm still trying to get used to cultural differences but c'mon!
God forbid you go to a Midwest beauty supply store after being on the east coast to discover they don't pack the yellow shea butter down into the container. They leave it fluffed up with lots of air surrounding it.
I went to clean my mirrors but I never seem to remember to get some Windex so I used ACV and some newspaper. So I started to do yarn braids, but after 6 braids I changed my mind :lachen:

I struggled with the SAME thing recently cleaning my apt. Didn't have any windex so I looked online and they said you can use vinegar. Worked like a charm!!
I'm so annoyed. I'm too lazy to mix my own butters this winter so I went out to whole foods to buy a jar of whipped shea. This heifer tried to sell me 2oz of Shea butter for $20! I just moved to a major city in the midwest from NYC and NJ and so I'm still trying to get used to cultural differences but c'mon!




and just nope