Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

I think I figured out a solution! When I go to Mastercuts on Sunday to have my hair straightened (flatironed) and they ask me the never fail question: "Do you want me to even up your hair (cut it). I'm going to say " Can you just curl the ends under, because I'm trying to grow it long and I'm even in a length challenge." Because I really don't want to go from APL back to SL. And I just redid my hair and watched my tutorial on how to flip the front and it looks good. You have to conceal the uneveness. But it will always be uneven because the nape and crown grow differently than the rest. So why lose all that length? I'd like to say thank you to LHCF because without you all I'd probably be the victim of haircutting vicious cycle insanity, lol.

Why not just tell them what you want as soon as you show up? "I would like my hair flat ironed, do not trim my ends because I do that myself :)"
That sounds good, I will thank you! :)

No problem! I spent a very large amount of my life being afraid to speak up and being super shy...I'm still somewhat shy, but one thing I practiced over the years is to communicate exactly what I want and that I mean it.

So I understand it can be intimidating going to a salon and doing so. In any situation where u depend on anyone else for something like hair...let them know up front bc if you don't say anything while they are working on you, they could sneak in a trim without telling you.

I had this happen to me YEARS ago before I found the hair boards. She cut my hair from APL to SL and then snuck in a deep conditioning and tried to charge me extra for it. :(
Finally finished these crochets. This hair was tiresome for this style. I used Freetress deep twist (my first 'silky' texture, I usually use marley hair). I had to make, like, seven freakin knots and they still kinda slipping. Don't make me no difference, I don't have no where to go for the next lil while, so if ish start falling out, at least I'll be in the house. :lol:
My hair will no longer go into a cute heart shape no matter how I pick it out. I guess this is a good thing because that means it's growing but I definitely miss the shape. But I'm not cutting just to get heart shaped hair. Maybe once I surpass my goal but for now I'll learn how to pin it and fake it til I make it.
I cut a few inches off my hair and I love it! I haven't had fresh ends in years. The cut was pretty blunt, and didn't transition back to curly well. Now I just have to find a shape that works for me. I think it looks somewhat ok curly, but it's very hit or miss. I think I need to cut more off the top, but I'm not sure. I'm very scissor happy now that the "big" cut is done lol.
Here's pics of b4, the cut, and after..image.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpeg

I added pics to the "everyday hair" thread of the crazy damage


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I cut 2-6 inches relaxed ends off yesterday, ending 2.5 hrs transition. I posted it in the transition support thread, and noticed someone said something about "RenPure" being good...

Today I was in Marshalls NOT for hair stuff, and Renoure caught my eye. They had the entire line. Which I purchased. Each bottle of hoop was 5.99...not bad. So far I like the leave in conditioner. I have not tried the rest yet.

I see I will have to keep an eye on product accumulation and set some boundaries.
Ugh, I need to find a new moisturiser for my hair especially since I'll be relaxing straighter. Everything feels so greasy on my hair.
I had a dream that I straightened my hair and I really liked how the stylist cared for me hair, so I asked her for a small trim...and she cut it from WL to BSL. I was pissed!

I really need a trim though...
Going into week 3 in these braids and I'm still looking cute:happydance:. This gorilla snot gel saved me last week, but I'm gonna give it a break and go back to fsg for this week. The gorilla snot only works on my edges if I blowdry it hard as soon as I apply it. Haven't noticed any damage but I don't want to chance it.
Going into week 3 in these braids and I'm still looking cute:happydance:. This gorilla snot gel saved me last week, but I'm gonna give it a break and go back to fsg for this week. The gorilla snot only works on my edges if I blowdry it hard as soon as I apply it. Haven't noticed any damage but I don't want to chance it.
Is it really called that?!?! UGH...
I was lazy last week and didn't DC <.< ugh my braidouts are so moisturized and defined and I don't even have to really moisturize during the week when I DC....all this laziness and I just made more work for myself in the end.... I just took down my last 2 week set of Celie braids, but I'm gonna re-braid today, DC on dry hair and go back to my wigs.

My hair doesn't feel type shabby though, even without DC, but the difference in shine, moisture retention and bounciness from DC'ing weekly has really spoiled me lol
In looking at a pic from last Dec., I'm convinced my hair experienced some sort of growth spurt. This is excellent...just wish I could pinpoint why.
Ugh, they've increased the price of my relaxer. On the other hand I've found what promises to be a really good deep conditioner. I should have snapped a picture because I forgot the name of it already :look:
so i went to the doctor...and came home and took off my wig..

my nephew looked at me like this

I cut 2-6 inches relaxed ends off yesterday, ending 2.5 hrs transition. I posted it in the transition support thread, and noticed someone said something about "RenPure" being good...

Today I was in Marshalls NOT for hair stuff, and Renoure caught my eye. They had the entire line. Which I purchased. Each bottle of hoop was 5.99...not bad. So far I like the leave in conditioner. I have not tried the rest yet.

I see I will have to keep an eye on product accumulation and set some boundaries.
I am looking for that leave in. I cleared the shelves at Walgreens when they had the cowash and Argan oil conditioner on sale.
I would appreciate the follow and showing some of your healthy hair whether long or short as well as regimens attached to it. You can also drop your Instagram names down if you want as well. Instagram name is Goldenstrandz

You can also just send a picture only.

2 requirements only for pictures are that it is healthy and it is your real hair

Submit pictures and regimen to be featured at [email protected]
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So I figured out how to add pictures again. Well my flat iron came yesterday finally. SO said it was sitting outside the door. I don't understand why and I was home and no one knocked