I'm so happy I'm a believer who knows who she is in Christ Jesus and not allow the enemy and his tactics to have control over my life. The bible tells me to
"cast down imaginations and every high thing that will exalt itself against the knowledge of God, and bring every thought to the obedience of Jesus Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5
I'm so blessed to be able to have a ministry where I can be myself...God uses me so much with people. There are so many young adults (19-32) who come by and visit me, call me on the phone, hang out together, etc. We have good bible studies and the one thing they always say about me is that "You are real...no fake, no phony! I appreciate these young adults because they are so open and honest and respectful. There's nothing like being around them.....
My prayer is that the Father will continue to add them to my life. Bring more Lord! There are so many that want someone to talk to...someone that totally understands them....and someone that won't play being a christian...but will be one!
Hallelujah...thank you, Jesus!