Ramblings of a poor black girl that can't relax her hair


New Member
heh... funny title

It took me THREE YEARS to figure out that my hair simply cannot take any type of relaxer.

They make my hair weak and prone to breakage and splits. Even with exellent hair care regimens.

I've used lye relaxers and even fully transitioned to texturized. I tried everything:

-Protein treatments - hard, light, monthly, bi-monthly

-Co washes

-Deep conditioning - weekly, bi-weekly, with heat, without heatn adding honey, adding evoo and jojoba oil adding aloe vera

-No sulfate shampoos - also clarifying monthly

-No cones, grease or petroleum jelly


-Low manipulation/no brushing/wide toothed, seamless combs

- Daily moisturizing and sealing with oil

- self relaxing / getting it done

I've tried it all... my hair LOOKED great, but would always break right above shoulder length.

My natural hair is fine and just growing away. I havent relaxed since Feb 07'. I've slowly cut about 4 or 5 inches off over the last year and I still have about 3 inches of texturized ends left, but I see a big difference in health and managability (although the texturized ends still like to break even though I baby them to DEATH)

I didn't want to go natural before simply because of my extreme shrinkage, I basically was forced by my hair to go natural lol

The good thing is that I've found a way to combat the shrinkage and I'm suprised and in awe of my hair natural hair texture and I'm looking forward to becoming fully natural by next year.

I'm just curious to know if anyone can relate...
Honestly, I can't relate, but I do love the title of your thread!!!! :lachen: :lachen: I was going to start singing some old Negro Spirituals to support you in the struggle but I thought better of it... :look: :blush:

But hey - what did you do to combat the shrinkage???
Honestly, I can't relate, but I do love the title of your thread!!!! :lachen: :lachen: I was going to start singing some old Negro Spirituals to support you in the struggle but I thought better of it... :look: :blush:

But hey - what did you do to combat the shrinkage???


I use banding! You know... the ponytails that have ponytail bands going down the entire length? I band my twists and twistouts before I go to bed. I still have shrinkage, but it helps stretch it out a bit and makes it lay down better.
I also band. I use satin ponytail bands made by scunchi. they come inn different sizes and baggy my ends twice a week with the tiny ones.
Hmmm... I've never really banding although I've seen it in other people's fotki albums... this is something I should explore! :yep: