Raleigh Ladies PLEASE HELP ME!!!!


Active Member
I have been away from LHCF for awhile, but I paid the $6.50 because I need serious HELP!!!!! I recently moved to Raleigh and I cannot find a stylist! My current stylist is very nice and she believes in stretching relaxers and I love that, but the relaxer that she uses on my hair leaves it very dry and under-processed in some areas. Seriously, from the top of my head to mid-back I see a texture difference. The ends are fairly straight (old relaxer - Mizani for Color Treated Hair - Worked wonderfully) and near the root is completely kinky (new relaxer - Affirm maybe with shea butter). I do not know what to do! I exercise alot. I have had to get all of my hair cut because of breakage that started last year, stopped last summer, and started again with this relaxer. It has only been 7 weeks and my hair feels like week 14. HELP!!!!!!
I'm in Raleigh, not a big fan of salons, but gut a friend who's been going to the same person for years. Ill have to get her info for you, so ill check back tomorrow.

In the mean time, id do a lot of moisturizing, dcing and low manipulation to your hair. Do you Co wash? That will help out any rough areas or tangles.
THANK YOU!!! Ugh, I have my faithful "curly" look that does not require must manipulation or heat. I co-wash about 2 to 3x a week, followed by Giovanni leave-in, hairveda almond glaze, and beemine moisturizer. I dc with ORS mixed with vatika coconut oil once a week. Light protein aphogee 2 step once a week. Once a month I use ORS hair mayo. After spending $$$$ on products, I like my mix...now I just need to right relaxer :)
Sounds like you have some nice staples, will your stylist not use a relaxer of your choice? Was affirm all she uses?
Unfortunately, all she uses is Affirm. After my first visit I was super surprised that my hair was DRY, dull and kinky after a few weeks. I had been with my old stylist since I moved to NC in 2005 (all I did was talk a walk once day and stumbled across the salon - if only I had such luck in Raleigh :( So anyway, like I said my current stylist is really nice, so does not want to the regular Affirm relaxer because she thinks it would be too strong, which I agree. So at first she used the Affirm with butter-something (maybe butter cream). I told her about the results so she switched to the Affirm with shea butter. My hair was not even straight when I left the salon. Not that I am going for bone straight, but she was using the hair dryer to straight parts of my hair, which irritated the crap of out my scalp. Sorry for the rant!
I've been told about Epitome Salon in Raleigh (on Milbrook Road). The best stylist is Dion and the person who referred me had BSL hair. I haven't gone to her yet so I can't give a personal guarantee but it could hurt to give her a call to feel her out. I hope this helps.
Epitome...huh, I just checked out their website. It is close to wear I live and they offer MIZANI! :grin: I will definitely call. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
Wow...Dion is the stylist that my girl has gone to forever. My girl has gone to her as a natural and relaxed. What a coincidence. Sounds like the votes in. good luck!
Just called...she uses the relaxer that my old hair dresser used - Mizani for Color Treated Hair! Off to a good start. Thanks so much ladies!!!!!
I went to Carmen Carmen in the Belk in Durham’s Southpoint Mall. I can’t remember the name of the stylist, but there were only 2 black women there. It started with an L I believe. She gave me the best trim of my life, was always on time, and was just wonderful. It’s an Aveda salon, but she used a Mizani relaxer.
Great thanks! I love having options. I made an appt at Epitome. I surely hope it works out. If not I will move on to the other salons. Thanks so much ladies!
:woohoo:Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

My appointment at Epitome went very well. The owner is extremely knowledgeable and she even makes her own products. She talked to me about the importance of knowing your hair products and their ingredients. She was all about paraben-free products. Also, I told her about my scalp condition, seborrhea dermatitis, she knew about it (a first for me) and she even created a shampoo for it. Again a BIG THANKS to you ladies.

I could kick myself for not re-joining LHCF earlier with my hair was 5 inches longer :wallbash:!
I'm glad you had such a great experience with her. If I ever need to go to a salon, I'll definitely be going to her. Thanks for following up, leigh.hill!
I'm so glad this thread is still open for posting.

I just moved to Raleigh in August and I did go to Epitome (Dion) for my last relaxer. I did not have a good experience and will not be returning. I felt I should add my review here (which is where I found out about her in the first place) so that others can at least consider my experience.

She did talk a lot about hair health. I found that to be where hair health ended for her. First of all, she belittled every technique I've learned on here (such as coating the ends with conditioner to prevent overprocessing). I didn't see a need for her to literally scoff at techniques that have allowed my hair to grow 3 inches longer than it ever has been in my entire life but whatever. Honestly you could do a jig standing upside down on your head so long as you do my hair right.

Two major problems for me:

- She was so so so extremely rough - not just ripping at my hair with whatever she happened to have in her hand at the moment - she was also dragging my head and neck sideways. I wondered if I'd mistakenly ended up at the chiropractor.

- She was very pushy and insisted on putting a reconstructor in my hair after I told her I'd had a very bad experience with strong proteins a few months ago. This part is probably my fault because ultimately even though she was insisting on doing it, I should just have said flat out no and/or walked out.

Well since leaving her salon, I've been experiencing major breakage again, just like in May with my first protein overload experience. I'm still trying to curb it and this is going on three weeks. Well you know how protein overload goes. Sigh.

Those are just my two cents. If I do find a good salon in Raleigh, I'll come back with the recommendation. For now I've made a new friend here who is also on a HHJ and self-relaxes so I'll be hitting her up for the time being.

Happy Sunday, y'all

- Leia
princezzLeia I am so sorry to hear about your experience. I still go with great results. I don't look for anything special just a relaxer. Also, I have learned to NOT share my tips from LHCF with stylist, even though the tips are AWESOME!!!! In my opinion, they have a business to run and if I can do my own protein treatments, tea rinses, deep conditions, etc. I am not going to be much of a customer for them, except every 10 to 12 weeks for a relaxer.

I hope you do find a great salon/stylist and please post!