Why Won't My Hair Relax? Help!

I just experienced the same thing on Friday for the second time. This is the second time with this new stylist and again the relaxer did not take. The first time she used Elucence. This time she Elasta QP. Both times the relaxer was left in my hair for about 20 min and both times it barely relaxed my hair.
She is wondering if I have some sort of deficiency or build up (ie. Calcium from hardwater). The only thing I can come up with is that a) Prior to going to her I was going to Jazma for wash and wear so my hair might be trained to be curlier (if thats possible) or b) those relaxers simply do not work for me.
Years ago when I was relaxed I never had this problem so I dont know what it is. Any thoughts?
I really don't have the answer to this one. My hair has never ever gotten straight with any relaxer, lye or no lye , that I've used.
All the years I've been relaxing I've tried so many different relaxers and my hair always holds a curl pattern to it.
It used to be frustrating but now I've just leaned to love. I've always wondered about it though.
hmm. . .when my hair wouldn't straighten, it didn't want to be straight. I have very resistant hair. Braids only help make your hair more strong and resistant if you have the hair type. I had a perm that completely reverted under braids and I listened to instinct and just stayed natural.
Anky, I have relaxer resistant hair too. I was wondering...could it be the hard water in AZ causing your hair also not to take? With daily CWing, maybe that could be a factor? Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. I used to use no lye, but switched to lye. Lye does not get my hair strait, but it is more healthier for my hair. Invest in a good flat iron to help u stretch your relaxers and to give u the strait look u want.
When I relaxed this weekend I was thinking of you Anky.

I relaxed and when I went to rinse/wash it out my hair felt very straight. Bone straight even. I was happy. I thought "FINALLY, my hair relaxed!" But as soon as I popped that conditioner in my hair it reverted. It is texlaxed all over again. I don't know why.

It gets on my nerves because it makes stretching so hard. But tomorrow night I am going to go over my nape and 3 other small areas again with relaxer. There is NO way I am going to stretch for 3 mos with this texlaxed stuff again, NO WAY!

Texlaxed is often glorified here, but it truly is the gift and the curse. It is (for my experience) VERY hard to deal with, a matter that I don't feel I am capable of again!
MizaniMami said:
When I relaxed this weekend I was thinking of you Anky.

I relaxed and when I went to rinse/wash it out my hair felt very straight. Bone straight even. I was happy. I thought "FINALLY, my hair relaxed!" But as soon as I popped that conditioner in my hair it reverted. It is texlaxed all over again. I don't know why.

It gets on my nerves because it makes stretching so hard. But tomorrow night I am going to go over my nape and 3 other small areas again with relaxer. There is NO way I am going to stretch for 3 mos with this texlaxed stuff again, NO WAY!

Texlaxed is often glorified here, but it truly is the gift and the curse. It is (for my experience) VERY hard to deal with, a matter that I don't feel I am capable of again!
Girl you took the words RIGHT outta my mouth! ITA with every word you said! But I wasn't determined like you. I was a punk and never corrected when I needed to. I stretched and stretched each time for 3 months and only added more tangled underprocessed hair on top of it. I paid for it for 6 months!
secretdiamond said:
Girl you took the words RIGHT outta my mouth! ITA with every word you said! But I wasn't determined like you. I was a punk and never corrected when I needed to. I stretched and stretched each time for 3 months and only added more tangled underprocessed hair on top of it. I paid for it for 6 months!

Girl part of me is scared, but another part of me thinks about my last stretch (which only lasted a measly 8 weeks) when i tried texlaxing. I hated it! I would be ready to cry from all those tangles.

Anyways, I plan on doing aphogee (the big one) right afterwards to stop any breakage that occur. I will PM you and let you know how it goes. I am either going to do it tonight or tomorrow night.

Stronger hair is more resistant, in addition to courser hair. Have you increased your vitamin intake, especially B5. What about medication, certain medications can create this problem.

Here is some info from AHBAI.

Why Some Hair Will Not Relax
Basically, this is due to the patron's body chemistry. If your patron is on certain medications or consumes large quantities of acid-laden foods or drinks such as lemon, lime, orange juice, carbonated soft drinks or is experiencing a nervous condition or in various stages of pregnancy, these and other conditions can lower normal body pH from 5.5 to approximately 3.5. This means that any scalp secretions, perspiration or sebum will be at the same lower pH. This, plus heavy hair dressings, coat the lower hair shaft causing a pre-neutralizing effect on the hair prior to contact with the relaxer. Combing a relaxer cream with a pH of 12 to 13 with sufficient scalp secretions at a pH of 3.5 to 4.0 may result in a pH of 8.5 or less. This pH is generally too low to relax hair.


How To Handle This Situation
If you konw the client has this problem, simply schedule for a shampoo two days prior to the relaxing treatment. Shampoo very gently without disturbing the scalp. When the client returns two days later, chances are, hair will relax. Although this treatment will not solve the problem, thre will not be enough build-up of natural body fluids to cause retardation of the relaxer.
Have you ever added Roux Porostity control to your regimen? It helps keep the hair porous which allows moisture and chemicals to obsorb quicker/better/easier. I'm thinking your hair is not obsorbing the chemical fast enough to completely process your strands, try incorporating it in your regimen if you don't already. It can be used as a final rinse as the bottle states or mixed in w/condtioners (some ladies here us it this way). I use it either way. HTH's
I know this is an old thread, but my advice: LEAVE IT ON LONGER!

I remember the only stylist that was able to get my hair straight with a lye relaxer would let it sit even after she applied and smoothed a couple of times.
it's ok you guys. I am just going to stop trying to get my hair straight. I think fourty minutes is long enough for me to keep a relaxer in. If it doesn't want to relax, I am going to stop fighting. I'll just get it straight with a flat iron deal with wavy hair. Thanks everyone.
This happened to me a few years ago when I was washing and conditioning heavily on a daily basis. The stylist said that my hair had a conditioner build up on it that would not allow the relaxer to take. You might want to clarify about a week prior and cut down on your cw's during that week.
punchinella said:
This happened to me a few years ago when I was washing and conditioning heavily on a daily basis. The stylist said that my hair had a conditioner build up on it that would not allow the relaxer to take. You might want to clarify about a week prior and cut down on your cw's during that week.

i do that too. :whyme:
I know you said you hate Affirm, but I wanted to tell you that they do have a formula for resistant hair. I know every head is different but I love it(mild) and my 10yr olds hair has always done good even from the 1st time the beautician did it( she said her HAIR didn't shed at all during or after process nor did it burn) so I've always stuck w/ it. She only gets 2 touch ups a year and her hair is growing longer.
I hope you will find something that works. An alternative is press it, use a little WGO after your wash routine and let it airdry and you won't have to do a hard press. The results,soft and silky straighten hair. before they changed the look of the WGO bottle it had that it can be used as a pressing oil and that there was no need for hard press( not letting comb get too hot). I tried on younger daughter and it work good. I just thought about this cause your has really grown and is healthy and beautiful and I wouldn't want see you lose it fooling w/ trying so many relaxers. So slow down and continue taking care of all that hair. I love how simple your regimen is. CONGRATS ON FEATURE OF THE MONTH!!!!!
Hey Anky, I know you have an over load of suggestions and I don't know if anyone suggested but have you tried the TCB No mix No-lye. I admit, it is no frills, but does very well in getting it all straight. As a matter of fact all the TCBs do, IMO.
anky i feel you girl. i can definitely relate. my hair is really wavy because it will never straighten with relaxers. first i used a lye relaxer (revlon) and i HATED it! that was the first relaxer i used after being natural for four years. the lye relaxer made my hair a big floppy mess. so i went on a 26 week stretch with braids. my mom suggested that i use a no-lye relaxer next time (she has had long healthy mid back length hair all her life), so i tried soft and beautiful botanticals course extra strength, and i LOVED it. my hair is tangle free, more moisture, longer, just all around healthier. my hair still won't straighten, but at least now it will lay down and waves really nicely. i will never use a lye relaxer again.
anky said:
it's ok you guys. I am just going to stop trying to get my hair straight.

Good thought because your hair is freakin' gorgeous. My hair straightens easy so it's very easy to overprocess. I think your not completely straightening is a blessing.
Isis said:
It sounds like you received great advice here Anky. I have a feeling your beautiful, long hair will be saved and continue to thrive. :yep:

I agree with the ladies about avoiding petroleum on the scalp. I based my scalp about a year ago with something that was mostly petroleum and my usual relaxer didn't take no matter how much I smoothed. If you have the same stylist, you may want to see what she uses to base your scalp. I use petroleum, like Vaseline, only on my ears and facial areas to protect them.

I now use a product on my scalp that contains castor oil as the main ingredient to base my scalp (Hmm.. maybe I should just use castor oil).

Great point, Isis. I need to see what kind of base my stylist I plan on going to next uses. When I used to self relax (pre-lhcf) I based with Vaseline because thats all I knew about. My hair would NEVER be bone straight. Even with my last stylist, my hair would seem pretty and str8 b/c she would flat iron and bump with the ends with it. It wasnt until wash day when I could really see what was up.

I was also told by my last stylist that I have porous hair and from reading the experiences on this board I think Porosity control might be a good thing to try. I plan on trying the Roux porosity control prior to my next relaxer. I bought the sample from sally's for $1.89 yesterday.

Anky, your hair is beautiful and you already know you are an inspiration to me...I just know everything will eventually work out for you!!!:yep: Even if it never gets bone straight...it is still long and beautiful :grin: