Raising myself in Christ


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies, I have been struggling with curbing my tongue and thoughts for many years. At times I would wonder why my change in Christ was taking so long. :confused: I have allowed the devil and world to dictate my actions at times. I fallen off the prayer wagon and attending church at times. Things would get so crazy that I would say thank you Lord and keep it moving. I know that I need constant and daily prayer to keep my spirit positive but I have allowed stuff to interfere with my walk. Last weekend my daughter was home from DC from a visit prior to starting her Fall semester. For some reason I looked at her and found my answer to my struggle in my walk. I had an Epiphany!:D The one thing I am most proud of achieving in life is raising my wonderful intelligent daughter singlehandedly from 1995. I never fell off course with her positive and spriritual upbringing. I promised God prior to having her that if he gave me a little girl I would change my life for the better. God answered my prayers and my life has been forever changed. Until I had this child I never understood unconditional love and through her growth I grew in ways beyond belief. Ya'll the devil used to be my guide from 1982-1986. I stopped believing in God because my life was chaotic and couldn't understand how it could be if God truly loved me. Ya'll the answer to my growing stronger in my walk is to raise myself in the same manner I raised my child. Let me explain. I always was upfront and honest with my babygurl. I never allowed her to be in dangerous and negative settings, I monitored and regulated outside influences that were not positive, I taught her discernment, I also told her she needed to police herself and that we all must make positive adult decisions. With all this being said I took action. I am actively changing my environment, music, company I keep, drunkard partying with my cousins, over indulgence in all things, thought process and so many other things that I would never allow my daugther exposure too. Until I am stronger I refuse to read novels, listen to music or induldge in conversations and thoughts that don't assist me in my walk. I have thrown out my old damaged unforgiving heart. This is my new motto "A person who maintains the reins of this heart and controls the patterns of his mind impresses God". God deserves only the best I have to offer!! I just wanted to share this with my LHCF sister. If any of you ladies would like to offer some insight or suggestion please feel free. Also when I am visiting the other forums and get out of line it is your job to put me in check cuz I really want and need ya'll support.
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That is a wonderful testimony Latia, praise the Lord! A book I'm reading right now, Battlefield of the mind by Joyce Meyer, is really good, I need because I sometimes struggle with sinful thoughts, and these can lead to sinful talk or actions, which is why it is so important for us as Christians to think about what we think about. But it is not easy, it is literally spiritual warfare.
Meditating on 2 Corintians 10 v 4-5 has helpful as well.
sithembile said:
That is a wonderful testimony Latia, praise the Lord! A book I'm reading right now, Battlefield of the mind by Joyce Meyer, is really good, I need because I sometimes struggle with sinful thoughts, and these can lead to sinful talk or actions, which is why it is so important for us as Christians to think about what we think about. But it is not easy, it is literally spiritual warfare.
Meditating on 2 Corintians 10 v 4-5 has helpful as well.

Thanks sithmble, I love Joyce Meyers. I watch her on TBN often. I am reading Matters of the Heart by Juanita Bynum. I will be purchasing several new books and cd's over the weekend. I will be ready for the book exchange really soon. :D
Congratulations on raising your daughter so well by yourself (and with God)! Encouraging for me to read this, changing your environment. I'm getting rid of some bad music too. I think I'll check out that book by Joyce Meyer's.
I was so blessed in reading your post! Not everyday a Christian asks to be reminded of which way they are going. Beware of people you hang with and see all the time, because sometimes they can be a road block to your race for the Kingdom. I am not saying cut them off completely but remember whose you are when you are around them and then they will see that the way you used to be isn't present anymore. Both of the books mentioned are great reads. I am still reading Matters of the Heart as we speak.
meka said:
I was so blessed in reading your post! Not everyday a Christian asks to be reminded of which way they are going. Beware of people you hang with and see all the time, because sometimes they can be a road block to your race for the Kingdom. I am not saying cut them off completely but remember whose you are when you are around them and then they will see that the way you used to be isn't present anymore. Both of the books mentioned are great reads. I am still reading Matters of the Heart as we speak.

Thanks so much for your words of encouragement. I am distancing myself from lots of things as I am relinquishing my power.
latia, your post was such a encouragement and blessing. Remembering that he that endureth to the end is what is pleasing to Our Father. That is what is key!

BTW I am reading Matters of the Heart too, so maybe we can have a thread on it after we finish reading.
Praise the Lord! I finally visited one of my hair clients/co workers church that I have heard so much about. It was awesome! I left there lifted in the spirit because I know I found a true church home/family. I belong to a church that I never really felt at home in outside of the sermon I never felt connected. Faith Inspiration will be my new home. I plan on taking the new members classes, getting that prayer buddy for 90 days, getting baptised, giving my time to all the great ministries they have. I am soooo happy because I already have many friends and ole elementary classmates that attend this church. The pastor is young, real and touchable. Thank you Jesus!!! I found a real family in just one visit. Good sho is good!!:grin: I will be joining next Sunday. I am so estactic!!! I can surround myself with other Christians and stay in the light!!
Glory to God! Let's exalt His name forever!

First I would like to commend you for sharing your testimony but more importantly that you are asking for help. God is with you and has been present in your life all along. But also remember that satan is always lurking in the shadows. Why, because he knows God's plan for your life. Well, Latia you have taken the first step to overcoming satan's trap. Never give up but always put your trust in the Most High God. Prayer and having a church family will be a great help.

Congratulations also on the the exceptional job you did in raising your daughter. You will truly be blessed because of it.

Keep your hand in God's hand and your mind stayed on Him.

Meditate on this scripture: 1Cor 10:13
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will notsuffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
Thanks so much for your words of encouragement Blessed24. I have taken one new members class. I have a really nice prayer partner named Sandra that lives near me. Through all the madness the Devil has been throwing my way my faith was never shaken or questioned. My reactions during the storm was truly the test. I have to pray on taming my thoughts and tongue. :(
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WOW ! ! ! ! Thank you for sharing your testimony, very inspiring. God is definately moving in your life, only he can lead and guide your heart into submitting to him. I too have read "Heart of the matter" by Juanita Bynaum. This book is awesome, I've been sharing it with everybody I could think of. I know what you mean about the mouth and being quick to express your thoughts. I think God almost came close to killing me to get me to stop. But the result was a much more humbled person one who tries to treat people in the way that Jesus would. God showed me that people are of the greatest importance to him. God loved us so much that he gave his only begotten son, then his son who loved us just as much or more gave his precious and holy life. My prayers are with you. Congrats, to a job well done with your daughter.

"Seek ye the kingdom of heaven and all of it's righteousness and all other things will be given to you".
You have my vote that you will conquer this. God will see you through. I still pray for God to bridle my tongue because sometimes it is sharper than a two edged sword. :) Praise the Lord, I have come a long way. But we are all works (Christians) in progress. God is working on us all.

Have a Blessed day!
Thank you so much for your testimony. I love when other christians tell of their struggles because it reminds me that I am not the only one who is going through stuff. I only wish you the best and will pray for your continually growing relationship with God and ask that you pray the same for me. Thanks again.
You ladies are the best. Please remember me in your prayers and I will do the same. Remaining the same ole way and being caught up in the world would be much easier but so unrewarding. :grin: There is one thing I know for sure God is real and good. The devil is a liar!