Racism/White Nationalism in Christianity

Belle Du Jour

Well-Known Member
How are my fellow Christian sisters dealing with this?

With the rise of Trump it has truly opened my eyes to how deceived many people who claim to know Christ are. :nono:

I’m just curious to know how you all are holding on to your faith. While I’m not at a crisis point personally, I completely understand when people walk away from Christianity based on the hypocrisy and tone-deafness.

I’d love to have an honest discussion on this. Thank you.
Christianity is about Christ, not people. People are deceived about all kinds of things. That's the human condition. Without continuous prayer, one can only drift into deception. I don't really understand how people walk away from Jesus (like go back to 'the world'). I always wonder if they ever met Him. And also, the only alternative to Christ is satan (he's the god of the world), so I'm even more confused when people 'leave Christianity'. Like, where are you going??

I hold on to my faith by keeping my focus on Christ. Honestly, He's the one holding on to me because there have been times where I've felt like I can't go on, He keeps breathing life into me. He keeps filling me with His Spirit, encouraging me to hide His word in my heart and reminding me that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. As long as I keep living for Him and walking with Him, He will keep me from falling (Jude 1:24-25). He'll do the same for all who come to Him.

Besides that, God has told us everything we need to know in His Word, the Bible:

2 Timothy 3:1-5 (NIV)​

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.
2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,
3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,
4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—
5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

This is where we are.

In my opinion if one is truly saved and is truly in Christ, the person is a work in progress. Yes, this includes racists. Everyone was saved from something. For various reasons, some people are still bound in alcoholism, some in racism, some in theft, jealously, pride, gossip, perversion, hatred, misogyny, new age practices, unforgiveness, witchcraft, lust, and on and on. If one has truly met the Lord of Glory and is committed to having Christ form His character in them, then they will eventually let all that go.

The trouble can be in distinguishing between Christians who are bound in some sin (racism in this case) and those who aren't Christians but think they are because they grew up in some kind of church setting. And a lot of professing Christians are Biblically illiterate. It's God's word that you know that changes you.

For me, I'm happy to walk away from people who are too proud to allow God's word to shape and (re)form them. That is where I draw the line. If I know someone who is doing or believing XYZABC, and their friends or pastors or parents or whatever try to get them to give it up and go with God and they say no, that's someone I'm backing away from. I say that to say, if these so-called Christian nationalists have been corrected and remain unteachable and refuse to humble themselves under God's hand, well, I doubt their profession. I personally want to know if I'm dealing with ignorance or arrogance. Pride was the devil's first sin.

I don't know if that answered your question! Sorry if it didn't :drunk:

How are you dealing with racism/Christian nationalism? Are you talking to Jesus about it? Take your frustrations to Him.
Trump and Biden aren't the only candidates to look into. Although there will never be any given candidate or party I fully agree with I don't hate any of the candidates and vote for what I feel at peace with. I have been a registered Libertarian for over a decade although I am switching to independent since this year's pick has been announced. I have never (since the first year I was eligible to vote) voted the full ticket of any given party. I never vote for political commentary. I look over page after page of policy and campaign.

My recent history:
2016 Gary Johnson
2020 Jo Jorgenson.

2024 Trump and Biden are not the only options. There is no way I am voting for Chase Oliver but Cornell West or RFK might come on through. In any case, whether I make you say :eh::huh:
or not please remain in your word and stay encouraged. We are in the world and not of it. You can consistently
  • Seek truth and discernment
  • Keep any anger or disappointment you feel righteous
  • Maintain your relationship with God when no one is watching
  • Be in the world and not of it.
In any case, Christianity is about your personal relationship with the Lord and a quest for sanctification. I do expect any of us to find it within an election as corrupt as America has become. I don't hold onto my faith. It holds onto me.
Trump and Biden aren't the only candidates to look into. Although there will never be any given candidate or party I fully agree with I don't hate any of the candidates and vote for what I feel at peace with. I have been a registered Libertarian for over a decade although I am switching to independent since this year's pick has been announced. I have never (since the first year I was eligible to vote) voted the full ticket of any given party. I never vote for political commentary. I look over page after page of policy and campaign.

My recent history:
2016 Gary Johnson
2020 Jo Jorgenson.

2024 Trump and Biden are not the only options. There is no way I am voting for Chase Oliver but Cornell West or RFK might come on through. In any case, whether I make you say :eh::huh:
or not please remain in your word and stay encouraged. We are in the world and not of it. You can consistently
  • Seek truth and discernment
  • Keep any anger or disappointment you feel righteous
  • Maintain your relationship with God when no one is watching
  • Be in the world and not of it.
In any case, Christianity is about your personal relationship with the Lord and a quest for sanctification. I do expect any of us to find it within an election as corrupt as America has become. I don't hold onto my faith. It holds onto me.
I don't expect any of us to find it within an election as corrupt as America has become. I don't hold onto my faith. It holds onto me.

ETA: and I don't expect worldly ideals to meet our needs either.
I comfort myself by knowing that the Lord Jesus Christ is still on the Throne, regardless of who is in the government. By their words, they'll be justified, by their words they'll be condemned. The Word says to test the spirits by the Spirit and it says that you'll know them by their fruits.
This might sound crazy, but I'm glad the LORD sought me before I even went to church. I was in the world worshipping the Universe instead of the Creator of the Universe. A lot of people are good at being churchy, but have no real relationship with God. I pray the Spirit of Truth lead them into all truth.
Not crazy at all. Your mind is on Christ, not the "institution". Your testimony is a witness, not a "display". Your faith is grounded in truth... not a trend. That sounds like a tree by the fruit it bears to me.