R U a Do It Yourselfer Now?


New Member
Since joining LHCF I have not only started doing my own hair, but I am also waxing my own eyebrows and giving myself my own manicures and pedicures. Back in the day when funds were low I always had to do my own maintenance but once things began to go better (out of school - real job = real $'s) I outsourced alot of my maintenance into the hands of salons/spas and fancy nail shops. Now I am back to doing things on my own and really enjoying it. I can't promise I won't go back to my old outsourcing ways but for now I am having fun:)

Are u a do it urselfer now?
I've always done everything myself but waxing.

Honestly, I was surprised to find out so many women went to the salon to get their hair "done" on a regular basis. In my family, getting your hair done at a salon was for a special occasion only and considered a big treat. Everything, trimming, styling, was done at home, and especially the routine stuff like washing and conditioning.
I am.
I do my own hair.
My own pedi/manis.
My own brows.
But, every now and then
I will go to the professionals
so they can get things in
shape and then I can just
try to maintain what they've done.
I won't be going to a hairstylist
until APRIL 2008 when I reach BSL
just to get a little trim.
camellia said:
I've always done everything myself but waxing.

Honestly, I was surprised to find out so many women went to the salon to get their hair "done" on a regular basis. In my family, getting your hair done at a salon was for a special occasion only and considered a big treat. Everything, trimming, styling, was done at home, and especially the routine stuff like washing and conditioning.

I guess it was sorta of like a rite of passage in my family. You did it urself until u were able to go to the salon. Then with my busy lifestyle it just became the norm to let others do my hair, nails, etc.
I do everything now. I was still holding out on coloring and eyebrow waxing. Last year, I had my hair colored by someone highly recommended, she gave me hot roots and tried to act like I can' see. Then in March I went to have my eyebrows waxed by a salon voted "best eyebrow wax" in the city. Well, the wax was hot as Hades and i had a burn mark underneath my brow for 2 weeks. Now, I am a complete DIY.
Wow! you can wax your own eyebrows!

I'm a do it yourselfer gal, except for the eyebrows part. Before LHCF, I got my hair "done" only once or twice a year, due to low funds and not knowing whether the stylist could get the job done right (and I'm tenderheaded). Now, I haven't been to a salon, and only one other person has touched my hair. Also, I haven't gotten my eyebrows arched as much as I should. I tried to do them myself, want do that again. For the most part, everthing else I can do I do.

Yep - the first go I jacked up my left brow a bit - but by the next time I had it down:grin:
lisana said:
I do everything now. I was still holding out on coloring and eyebrow waxing. Last year, I had my hair colored by someone highly recommended, she gave me hot roots and tried to act like I can' see. Then in March I went to have my eyebrows waxed by a salon voted "best eyebrow wax" in the city. Well, the wax was hot as Hades and i had a burn mark underneath my brow for 2 weeks. Now, I am a complete DIY.

lmao:lol: :grin: u r a DIY by default, lol
Im becoming a do it yourselfer. I have stop going to my stylist. I have developed of phobia of what they do when I cannot look.. like washing. I took a metro card to my nail wraps took them off. I do my peds myself. Thats like 150 dollars a month Im putting into my bigger house fund. I enjoy the time I spend alone taking care of me. No more getting mad cause someone screwed something up.
coconow2007 said:
Yep - the first go I jacked up my left brow a bit - but by the next time I had it down:grin:

You can wax.. oohhh I gotta try... last lady i had wax my brows hacked off 1/2 and inch on each brow... I went three weeks looking like Brandy with no makeup. I had to use BT on my brows.. I have been tweezing since
Closer1 said:
You can wax.. oohhh I gotta try... last lady i had wax my brows hacked off 1/2 and inch on each brow... I went three weeks looking like Brandy with no makeup. I had to use BT on my brows.. I have been tweezing since

It takes me awhile so I have to be very patient so I can wax off the majority of hairs without having to tweeze alot. I am still a wimp when it comes to tweezing. I use le petite melting pot (Sally's) and a jar of No Tweeze wax (Sally's) - let the wax melt then dip a cotton tip into the wax - not proficient yet with the muslim strips - then I gently cool the wax a lil bit before I place it on my eyebrow area - let the wax cool and then peel it off quickly. Repeat steps until the unwanted eyebrow hair is gone and then tweeze what did not come off. If you are real sensitive in the eyebrow area you don't want to keep reapplying the wax to the same area as this will cause irritation - so u may have to break out the tweezers a lil more until u get the hang of it.
I want to become a DIYer and I vowed to myself that I would be starting this summer. I just need to keep the promise.
I'm a DIY more now than I was before the LHCF. The only thing that has changed is I now can do my own trims. At least I used to before I reached APL. Now I think I need a little help.

Everything else I did myself. I tweeze instead of wax...
my rollersets need work, but forthe most part i do everything myself. Stylists , i find are more interested in the look and style of the hair, versus the health.
I am definetely a do it yourself! I have seen Alllotttt!!:eek: of growth doing it myself so I don't intend to go to a stylist and ruin it all. I just have to learn how to rollerset. Even still, I will just continue to airdry. I have no desire for bone straight hair anymore, so it makes my do-it-yourself attitude muych easier.
I'm a DIYer except for waxing and pedicure ooh and facials. Let me re-phrase that I am mostly a DIYer. I don't get pedicures or facials often though.
:) Im a do it urselfer..
my own hair..eye brows..facials..mani's..pedi's..unwanted hair removal except for the hoo-ha ... I could never do that myself :lol:
I am a diy'er....I have started doing my own hair, nails, feet...won't wax my own eyebrows that could be dangerous....but I am thinking of just using a razor and up keeping that way and gettingthem done every other month at the salon.
Yes, I'm getting to be that way. I've done everything to my hair except color and trim. I'm working on figuring out coloring now. No stylist is going to take the time that I've been taking with my hair. I also like the new products I am using too.

While I was inspecting my ends in the hand mirror last week, I noticed my eyebrows. Instead of waiting until I got to the salon for a wax. I attacked them with my tweezer. I have several of the scissor grip variety around the house. That was $10 saved and I liked the way they came out.

What is truly pampering to me is my pedicure. I do have a home foot spa and foot stones/soaks/scrubs/lotions, but, I will I will still be going to the nail salon. I just love it! I go at least once a month, more in the summer.

I'm not a big manicure person. The more I ignore my nails the faster and longer they grow. Right now, I'm trying to decide if I want to get a manicure when I go for my pedicure on Wednesday. Most of my right hand has broken off. They will grow back soon. I just don't know if I want to spend money on my nails right now. I never used to get manicures because whenever my nails were painted people always thought they were fake.

The bit hair on my legs is so thin and sparse, I can see it to shave or wax. No way will I pay someone else to take skin of my legs. I tried that myself as a pre-teen. OUCH!

I used to give myself facial steam treatments with my Caruso. I should do that again.
I do my own pedicures, high lights, trims, twists, wash, blow dry, flat iron...Whew... no wonder I'm tired:D