Quirky things men love about you!


Well-Known Member
What are some of the quirky things you do that men love about you? It can be anything from your personal style, hobbies, interests, personality, physical traits, etc etc. :yay:
The fact that I am goofy. Sometimes I think men think I am a snob but I can bust out in a chicken wing dance or just say the silliest things to make them laugh until the point of crying.
He loves that I send him crazy youtube videos and keep him updated on celeb entertainment (thanks to LHCF)....I never thought men cared so much about celeb gossip but it keeps him entertained! :grin::grin::grin:
I love video games and history and I don't mind making fun of myself sometimes. I'm often complimented on my smile as well.
These are mostly things that my boyfriend loves about me but also some of my male friends:

- I randomly talk in different accents to confuse people. (e.g. I sometimes speak with a eastern european accent and people get confused/ surprised because they don't expect a black girl to talk that way)

- I make up words...again to confuse people but also to see if others notice

-In crowded places I like to stop and gasp loudly and point at nothing in particular to see if others look

- I refer to the kitchen as the ballroom because I always dance in the kitchen (it's usually one of few rooms in most homes not carpeted so it's perfect for gliding and twirling). I also have a special dance to go along with the sound of the kettle, the washing machine and various other kitchen appliances

- When I get bored I tend to do spontaneous things or make random purchases e.g. I brought a saxophone last weekend because it looked shiny and pretty in the shop window....even though I can't play. Another time I went to France on a whim because I really wanted some good french cheese. :look:

- I make up songs to try and remember things (e.g. recipes, numbers, addresses etc) and sometimes get them stuck in people's head

- I love to watch children tv programs and usually do a remixed rap version of the theme tunes.

Although some guys like these things about me some of them also find these things annoying. :lol:
i met this guy who loved that i used to write fan fiction.:look:

i don't think my nose piercing is quirky but guys really seem to like it now that i wear a visible ring instead of a small stud.
From what i'm told...A lot of men like the fact that I'm nice and have a good heart, but am also a big nerd from the hood.

They like the fact that I can hold my own in an intelligent discussion, but know all the words to some of the most gutta songs out there.

I am very goofy, and can find comedy in 90% of anything.
The fact that I"don't look like a nerd but am", my vocabulary and my height or lack there of.
I'm not sure if men love it per se (probably just amused) but I am EXTREMELY animated when I talk...hand gestures, crazy facial expressions, the works...plus I have an island accent :ohwell:.

It use to be very confusing to me when ppl (men and women alike) start laughing when I'm trying to tell them something or just answering a question:ohwell:. Maybe it's the accent..idk.
The last guy I dated seemed to get a kick out of me being a walking textbook with regards to medicine/health stuff. I am passionate about the human body and how it works because my background is in healthcare. I also talk ridiculously fast when I enjoy a subject matter. I get a kick out being called a nerd.
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I'm extremely animated. I will laugh at anything and anywhere. I'm an overall happy person. lol Most love my business oriented mind and general love for life. It doesn't help that I can beat most at Madden. I also play a lot of video games. They really love that. lol As long as I have trash talkers, spirits and some food, I can also watch most sports.
Most men love that I'm very competitive and I love Sports (playing and watching). I also tend to be very blunt about most things, and I've heard that it's appreciated.

I also love to cook for other people.
A lot of men love the fact that I'm a huge sports fan (fanatic might be the more appropriate word). They like the fact that I can speak knowledgeably about the upcoming NBA playoffs or the NY Giants chances of getting their act together next season.
I've also been told they like my height, my intelligence, and my smart mouth.
My shortness...apparently they find that quite cute. I'm also a pretty bubbly person. They seem to like that as well. lol
Once a guy told me that he liked that had a lacking sense of social taboo? Lmao, I guess he got that from my tendency to just tell people what they're doing wrong you know I feel like if there's a problem you should fix it and if I'm telling you fix it you shouldn't feel like I'm insulting you it comes from a place of love you know? Is that a quirk?
What I've heard from various men:
Silly ness
Intellectual curiosity
Good friend
Can dance
Can hang with the boys (I can be a little sailor-ish) Humility
"Mad cool"
Oh yeah and my energy