Quick Question for All of the Crisco Users!


New Member
Hi Ladies!

I asked the following question in one of the Crisco threads yesterday, but I didn't receive any responses. Has anyone ever used Crisco when doing a rollerset?

I ask this question, because I'm prepping my hair for this Saturday's HYH reveal. Right now, I'm sitting patiently with a head full of henna.:lick: I'll be washing it out in a couple of hours, and I'm just trying to figure out my next step. I know I want to use the Crisco, but I'm not sure if I should use it for the rollerset, or for the straightening process.

If you've used it in a rollerset, how did it turn out? How much did you use?

Remember use the crisco like you would use any other oil, it's really no different.

If you'd use an oil to rollerset your hair, use the crisco like so. You only need a little bit.