Quick answered needed, re: oil vs. water setting products


Well-Known Member
Okay I'm a pj and still floundering around in what products to use in my setting regime, whether it be rollersetting or a braid-out.

I tried lottabody before, and I vaguely remember it not working out well, but then saw WestNDNBeauty and DPrincess28 (youtube) using it so I tried it again.

I rollerset my hair and ended up with a frizzy mess. I have used other products... such as Halo Smoothing, Thermasmooth, and some Shescentit products... coco cream and macademia gel and I did NOT get frizzy rollersets.

Could it be that my hair does not like the liquidity of lottabody? I THINK cococream is water based, but it's creamy, not runny, so perhaps that makes a difference?

Can anyone tell me what I mean? (heh) Can anyone explain why my rollersets/braidouts or anything might be frizzy with lottabody where it works fantastically for others?
Everyone's hair is not going to like the same product. You have to find what works for you. If you find that the coco cream works for you then use it.
Thank you! I realize that, but I was just wondering WHY? Maybe my hair is fine and it can't stand up to the liquidity of lottabody.

Okay... maybe I just need to stop pj-ing.