Questions about if Jesus is not God

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I am going to do further study on this,but I have one question-If deity is a reference that refers to the Godhead, when it is said that Jesus is not God, are you saying that He is just a mere man? Do you all believe that this is actually denying the deity of Christ? I found these definitions in the New Expanded Webster's Dictionary about trinity and deity:
1.) Trinitity- A union of three in one; the union of one Godhead of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
2.) Deity- Godhead; the Supreme Being

My disclaimer-First and foremost, I unfortunately have to explain my intentions of why I am asking this question, so here goes- I am not trying to baffle anyone, I am not trying to coerce anyone, and I am not asking with a self-righteous attitude. I am asking because for so long, I believed that Jesus is God and the previous discussions about this issue has prompted me to do more study on it.
I hope I'm not too late in answering your question concerning the diety of Christ. I think it is a good one and an important one for Christians to know. Yes, Jesus Christ is 100% diety (God) and 100% man. He is the perfect example of what man should be, but are not because of sin. It was planned this way that he be so in order that sinful man might be redeemed from the curse of a sinful nature which in the end leads to death and hell. He is the only perfect atonement and Savior to the world sent to redeem us from eternal death. There are not three gods, but God in three persons: God the Father, God the Son (which is the Word), and God the Holy Spirit. There are false religions who claim that Christians worship three gods, or are polytheists. This is false due to their misunderstanding of the trinity of God.
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are One in the same and act cooperatively as one and not independently as three. The trinity is something that cannot be fully reasoned with human understanding,for it exists outside the realm of human understanding. However, all born-again Christians know this truth to e so. It is a divine revelation that the Father gives to those who are truly regenerated, or born again in Christ Jesus of the Holy Spirit. There is a link that describes the trinity in great depth. It is: (cut and paste if no link is provided)

If you are a christian, pray that the Holy Spirit give you the understanding and search the scriptures. This site is a good start! I hope this helps. I feel it is good that you are seeking. I pray that the Lord will open your spiritual understanding of the truth. God bless you!
Thanks for your reply! The way you responded reminds me of another member here, who doesn't post anymore named Cybra.
Bublnbrnsuga, I am in a Life of Christ class and we have debated over the issue if Jesus is (was) God. Some of the books that we have studied were by N.T Wright, an excellent New Testament scholar and author. His writing is very complex and in depth but the book that we read by him was "The Challenge of Jesus" it is by far one of the best books about Jesus that I have ever read and it's not as complex as his other writings. I would definitely recommend that book. In the beginning of the class my professor stated that he would change our mindset of Christ, and in fact he did (for the better). I know longer see Jesus as just a character that we learn at Sunday School, but of someone that I will pledge allegiance to because He truly is worthy of that. Sorry this was long. HTH
Great thread! Ok, here's my question....Can someone explain why the Trinity seems to place The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit on equal footing? They are not on equal footing, correct? (I guess that speaks to OT) And, how do 3 make 1 without each of the 3 being less than 1 when taken alone?
You are so welcome and thanks to all for the confirmation of the Holy Spirit of what was given. All wisdom comes from the Father above only, and He makes this known to his children in Christ Jesus. I won't boast of anything, except Christ Jesus alone. He won't leave us ignorant of the truth when we seek with our whole heart. I am grateful to the Lord for the faithful witnesses of Christ Jesus here at this forum. It's a blessing and encouragement.
To those further seeking I suggest another ministry site with thorough biblical explanation of the Trinity and the diety of Christ, etc. Much good food!

Some things just won't be understood until we reach our eternal home. All that the Father wants us to understand can be revealed in His Word by the Holy Spirit. I thank the Father that He will give truth to all who seek Him.

God bless you all dear sisters, and much love to you,
CantbeCopied, you present some interesting questions, and I would love to post a reply to them, but it would take up quite a bit of room. I beleive links are so helpful when seeking to explain important biblical doctrines, such as the trinity. There is an excellent link from an excellent apologetics ministry that I beleive answers this question in good detail. It is actually dealing with answering an attack on this ministry's thoroughly biblical article on the Trinity (in the link I provided in my last email.) I suggest you please view the comments given there in hopes that it can shed some light.

I do want to mention that I don't want to imply that YOU persay, are attacking in asking, but this seems to have some good solid answers for you. I didn't quite understand your last statement. It's good to see communication without attacking here on this thread.
I would also encourage others to view the link above as well to reinforce or strengthen your understanding in the biblical doctrine of the Trinity which has come under much attack, as well as the diety of Christ. I beleive with all my heart that in these last days as we draw closer to the coming of the Lord, it is imperative that Christians understand these fundamental Christian doctrines so that we may faithfully contend for the faith in the love of Christ until He comes.

You guys take care!
Always in love!
Bublnbrnsuga said:
Thanks for your reply! The way you responded reminds me of another member here, who doesn't post anymore named Cybra.

It's not that I don't posts, bbs, you know I just haven't had time to come on the forum. But...."Here's Cybra!":lol:

This is a very interesting thread. I want to read other've been given very good information thus far, so for me to say anything would be simply repeating what has already been voiced.

God bless you, bbs, for your willing to search out and study his word. It is my belief that God encourages us to learn all that we can about Him, about His laws, and what He requires of us. Kudos to you for asking. There's a scripture that says "You have not because you ask not...." It's good to ask for clarification or for further information when you are trying to develop your relationship with God. Again, kudos to you!!! :)
CantBeCopied said:
Great thread! Ok, here's my question....Can someone explain why the Trinity seems to place The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit on equal footing? They are not on equal footing, correct? (I guess that speaks to OT) And, how do 3 make 1 without each of the 3 being less than 1 when taken alone?

CBC, first, let me thank you, too, for asking such an honest, and from the heart question. I have always believed if you don't know something or if you are unsure about something, ask. There's no such thing as a dumb question when asked to truly gain knowledge.

Now, to answer your question. How can the Holy Trinity be equal? First, in order to understand this whole concept, we have to stop thinking like man and try to see things through the eyes of God. It is us, humans, that have that whole "big me, little you" concept that we operate on. To even suggest that God would operate on ways of man would be in error. The Bible clearly tells us, "...His ways are not our ways...His understanding is not our understanding." Put another way, there is much about God and the way Heaven operates that we will NEVER be able to comprehend, simply because our minds are so limited. One way we know that our minds are limited is by the scripture the tells us, "Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, nor has it EVEN ENTERED INTO THE HEART OF MAN what God has in store." This alone tells us we can only think within the confounds of our evironment, experiences, and acquisitions. Yet, there is so much more that we will never come to know. Man has even come up with the slogan, "Think outside the box" to encourage people to stop thinking so finitely about everything.

There is no "Big God, little God" in the Trinity. I know this is a "far fetched" example, but let me sort of put it like this. I have two daughters. They both carry my last name and all my genetics. No matter what careers my children may obtain, or alcolades they may receive, one will never be any better than the other in my eyes. Now, other people may say that which ever of the two aspires to be more and accomplishes the most goals is the great of the two, but that's not the way I see it. In my eyes, they are and always will be the exact same in value and stature. When I apply this to the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all one. Although they may have different roles in which they attend to, no one is greater than the other. Does that make sense?

Please keep in mind, again, when we try to fit God into the thought patterns and behavior patterns of man, we are placing Him on a level similar to man, that is an impossibility and a degredation to His level of being God. Think about it, if we had a God who we could fit neatly into what made sense to us, would he be any different than us or someone we know? Would we ever truly see Him as the One true God?

Whenever I come to a place when I cannot figure out something about God, I remind myself that in the end all questions will be answered and we will truly come to know who the living God truly is. Don't be disheartened or dismay if you cannot obtain all the answers in a neat little package. Somethings about God will always be a mistery to us, like how could he always be?

Just know, if you ask the Lord for understanding, he will give you as much as you can handle. If he choses not to give you too much knowledge, he just may be saving something for you to be in awe of when YOU get to heaven :)