

Well-Known Member
Those of u who are relaxed, do you feel or notice you retain more length when you relax? I'm trying to transist to natural. I'm 4 months post. But the breakage I have now seems rough and I feel like if I go natural it will be worst for me...anyway do you..and those of you who are natural do you ever regret being natural?
I regret nothing.

The thing is, I learned my hair down to the science while I was relaxed before transitioning to Natural.

I researched before jumping into being natural and before I started transitioning to be 2 steps ahead, that way I had an idea beforehand what I'd be dealing with.

You might actually find that your natural may actually be similar to your relaxed hair as far as how much it likes to be washed and certain products.

I feel like a lot of women are going natural bc "everybody's doing it" or bc they really believe and understand that it's a healthier choice, but they do not research or become familiar with their hair first.

It will not be a successful natural hair journey if you are not prepared. Just like most of us came to LHCF as relaxed heads learning to take care of our hair and grow it to longer lengths, we have to take the time to get to know our relaxed hair.

Today makes me 5 yrs as a complete natural and I am STILL learning about my hair. One, bc I don't know anyone IRL with my hair type and also bc I spent a good 20 yrs being when u put it in that peespective, you realize that you still have a lot to learn about something so new.

It just takes consistency and patience. :yep:
I loved being relaxed. I don't regret being natural at all (and love it just as much) even though I spend more time on my hair as a natural. I see more retention natural, but that could be because I spent more time in the salon getting trims and cuts when I was relaxed.
I loved being relaxed. I don't regret being natural at all (and love it just as much) even though I spend more time on my hair as a natural. I see more retention natural, but that could be because I spent more time in the salon getting trims and cuts when I was relaxed.

Same here. I loved my relaxed hair and I am loving getting to know my natural hair. Styling/washing/detangling does take longer, but even with that, I have no regrets whatsoever.
I don't regret going natural. When I was relaxed I had a perpetual bald spot in the back of my head. My hair just hated the relaxer. It was difficult at first being natural but I know my hair a little better. Still learning, always learning but it gets better and better.
I have been mostly natural for the last several years. During this period, I have texlaxed a few times (1-2 times per year, sometimes) but decided about 4 years ago that I would not use chemicals any more. When I texlaxed I would leave the chemicals on my hair for no more than 8 minutes and my hair looked totally natural. At some point, I just decided that I was not interested in any chemicals, period. I was more interested in a clean life, including hair, skin and food products. That being said, I find that my hair is a challenge and always has been, relaxed or natural. I always had issues with relaxers breaking my hair off when applied by the "professionals." I will say once I started doing my own texlaxes breakage was not an issue and my hair grew a lot. I like my retention rate and hair health much more in its natural state, but I don't like how my hair frizzes so readily at the least bit of moisture. I have had three major set backs since going natural, and in fact, am going through one right now. I got in a dry sauna about 9 months ago without protecting my hair and it tore up and ruined my hair. It will take 2 years to gradually regrow new hair. The other two set backs involved a well water fiasco and a brazilian straightening treatment, both which damaged my hair. Bottom line, I have no regrets about going natural and doubt that I will ever go back to chemical dependency/reliance. Natural hair is not different from relaxed hair, meaning that you must learn to care for your hair no matter if it is natural or relaxed. If you have been relaxed for a long time expect it to take more than a minute for you to learn and understand your natural hair. To be honest, I am still learning and fighting with my hair. I been fighting with it since I was a child because it is a weird texture with a mind of its own. I still however, prefer its natural state.

BTW, when I transitioned from relaxed to natural (it took 22 months), I too, sustained a lot of breakage. Breakage became a beast around month 10 and did not settle down for a long time. Things started to settle down around months 14-15. I kept my hair in protective styles for the whole transition so I really only had breakage on wash day. By the 22th month, I had a head full of beautiful new hair that only got better. Honestly, during the transition, I thought that I was going to lose all my hair but I did not and you won't either as long as you are patient and not rough with your hair.
I loved my sleek relaxed hair, but now I am in love with my big voluminous natural hair. Yeah it takes a little more time to wash and style, but it's worth it. Plus I can go from kinks and curls to smooth tresses with no commitment.
I had major breakage when I was natural.. I couldn't even comb my hair without wetting it first.. I am relaxed now and do not like that either... I'm thinking of texlaxing next month. But like everyone said, whatever you decide is going to take time.
I don't regret going natural at all. The one thing to remember to have a successful transition is to condition on a regular basis. Protein and moisturizing deep conditioners are your friends. Learn as much as you can about moisture protein balance and that will help you conquer more than half the battle. Good luck!
I relaxed for 20+ yrs. I cut my hair at APL. I'm barely a year natural and already 2 inches to APL. I notice no difference in retention from Relaxed to natural. I retain length because I don't abuse heat and give my hair constant moisture. I accredit my speedy hair growth to the Inversion method. It has worked for me. I'll never relax again. If I want straight hair, I'll flat iron it or wear a wig. Right now I'm rocking it straight.
Retention was the same for me chemical styled vs. natural.

I love both but I honestly feel that with knowledge, patience and a simple regimen, natural hair is easier.

My 1st big chop was in 2009 and by 2012 I was fed up with my natural hair (I grew frustrated with my styling options and super long detangling sessions) and decided to go back to texlaxing. That was fun for a little until I remembered the ups and downs with texlaxed hair. It truly is a science to have beautiful texlaxed hair. All the fuss with lines of demarcations, New growth vs. texlaxed care protein moisture balance, the tangling, the texture timing for processing game (not too much texture but not too straight) blah blah blah. I was done.

So by mid 2013 I chopped my almost BSL texlaxed hair to SL... and October 2014 I big chopped again to about 2 inches all the way around for my 30th birthday... and actually rocked my twa in all of its "stages" throughout 2014 /2015.

Now I'm on PS auto pilot. Keeping it stretched, clean and moisturized. Protein about once every 6 wks.. or "as needed".

I should be APL by December 2016. 2 years post BC.