
New Member
I am taking my braids out this weekend and I know that I should wait atlest 2 weeks to get a perm. But I am thinking about getting a perm on Monday. Should I wait two weeks ? Would it be that bad to get a perm right after braids?
It's ok, but I wouldn't recommend it. I've done it both ways (now I wait at least a week) and I find that my relaxers come out better when I wait a few more days. I once read somewhere that it has to do with hot spots in your hair or something. I'll see if I can find that article or website where I read it.
It can be done but you have to be very careful. I would suggest waiting at least a weeek if you can! But if you choose not to wait, make sure you follow up with a good protien conditioner and a moisturizing conditioner just to be on the safe side.
THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOUR RESPONSE !!! But I think I just will wait for a week to get a perm b/c may be better to wait.