Perm Question


New Member
2 weeks ago some one perm my hair but the perm did not take. And now it is thicker then normal I am thinking about going to the hair dresser to get a perm. It has been 2 weeks I want to know others opinion . Thank You

Since you're going to the hairdresser, tell her that it has only been 2 weeks and see what she says. If it were me, I couldn't dare relax my hair again so soon, I know it would all fall out. But my hair is thin. Since yours is thicker and you say the first relaxer didn't take, then maybe the strands of your hair didn't go through the relaxing process enough and will not be harmed by re-relaxing again so soon. Again, tell the hairdresser the whole story and see what she says. Good luck!!

Have a blessed day!!
Morning Deon,

What type of relaxer was used on your hair? Because there are several of us ladies here who underprocessed our hair using no-lye relaxers. And if you used a no-lye relaxer your hair will not straighten out and it's going to get dry. My advice to you would be to wait until your regular touch up time. In the meantime - shampoo and deep condition your hair at least twice a week prior to relaxing. This way you will have new growth and your hair will be in better shape.
I usually get a perm from the hair dresser which is a Miazzni.But this perm was a Designer Touch or Choice it was my first time using it. This problem is once I wash it ,it will make it worse. I just in wait until Sat to she what she say
Well thats good at least it wasn't a no-lye, you might be able to get a correct relaxer sooner. Well, wait and see what she says but go with what you feel is right.