Question: Would wearing a phony bun on chin-length hair be damaging?


New Member
I would like to keep my hair in a protective style that i can cowash with 3x a week. I bought a jet black doughnut bun for my hair. Currently, my hair is is just below the ears in the front, chin length in the back. I was wondering if it would be probable that i would get similar results from using this phony bun on my short hair as those with longer bunned styles.
It's definitely possible. When I first joined, I used a phony pony for about 8 months straight. I would wash and DC every 4-5 days. Once my ends were long enough I baggied my ends and covered it with my phony pony. I grew and retained all my length.

First pic: May 2007
Second pic: August 2007
Third pic: January 2008
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I'm in the Process of Attaching My Phony Bun to EL/TWA Hair!:lachen:

I am trying to Protect My Ends, And give my Hair a Rest. I would like to try it for the remaining of the summer to see how much growth I can attain.

Just Co-Wash, DC, Slick Back and Apply the Bun. Up My Make Up and the Earrings & Jewerly For a Nice Clean Summer Look.

IDK tho', because I tend to get bored.:ohwell:

But I am going to try it for the rest of this month. And if it works, I will rock it at least to September.:yep:
You should be able to get similar results, a pre shaped bun might be more limiting than a straightish phony pony. You could still use a phony pony to bun with, but think about it you could do a lot more bun shapes, with a pony than the premade ones. Just be careful with your hair that you are not pulling to tightly. Last year I chopped by damaged ends off to neck length and started bunning, and I still am. It is an excellent way to maintain your progress.
I'm doing the same thing to my hair. I'm alternating phony buns with wigs and it has been great for me. I chopped my hair to ear length last month.
I am using the phony buns for a protective style as well. My goal is to do this for a year to see if I can make APL by next summer.
I'm doing the same thing to my hair. I'm alternating phony buns with wigs and it has been great for me. I chopped my hair to ear length last month.

IK! ! !

And Your Self Cut EL Bob is Smokin' too!:grin: You did a Fantastic job on that Cut.

Yeah, I think this Phony Bun will give my hair a much needed break and will be far less manipulating than trying to style my super short in-between nothingness of a wanna be hairstyle. :look:

I am at that stage, I really don't have a definite style and this will give me a break from: "Tryna make Sumthin' Outta Nuthin'":lachen:

Sista Gonna Paint that Face to All Out Fierceness! Put on some Big Silver Hoops and Go On!:yep:
I can do it now at cheek level. As long as your hair is moisturized and the phony pony is not too tight, go for it! I get a lot of compliments on my 1$ phony pony from the dollar store. It blends so well, a lot of people were like your hair grew fast!:rolleyes::lachen: My nape is longer than the rest of my hair so I have to brush it strait back. I am able to bun without it now, but the phony pony makes it look better.:yep:
Thanks everyone!! I didn't know there were so many phony bun/ pony wearers on the boards.

Its good to know there are other earlength to neck length ladies phonying it up til we reach SL!

Do any of u ladies comb ur hair everyday? I'm a little worried about the manipulation too. Who wet buns? Is there a difference?
Thanks everyone!! I didn't know there were so many phony bun/ pony wearers on the boards.

Its good to know there are other earlength to neck length ladies phonying it up til we reach SL!

Do any of u ladies comb ur hair everyday? I'm a little worried about the manipulation too. Who wet buns? Is there a difference?

I am EL/TWR (R= Relaxed)

I just purchased Mine on Friday. Wore it for the 1st time on Saturday (yesterday).

No, I don't plan to comb until my next Wash day (friday). However, I will run the brush over lightly to smooth down anything that is out of place.

That is one reason I have opted for this look, is so I wouldn't have to comb everyday. My hair is at such an awkward stage in length that it was difficult to deal with everyday. It was looking a Hotmess. And impossible to "style" which was causing me to manipulate it entirely too much to get it to look like Something to go into the Office.

So, I decided until I get a little more length, this will allow me to Deep Condition and Treat it Extremely Well during these Summer Months without all the heat, attempts to style etc....:yep:

I think one of the biggest issues/challenges for All of us is to keep the edges and nape & crown area Well Cared For.
Absolutely! My sides aren't long enough to fit into a ponytail, so i just brush them in with the rest of my hair. I use a soft 100% boar bristle but i still worry about the stress I'm putting on my sides.

I've attached a picture of my current hair length. I want to retain all of my length this summer so i'm extra careful about how i deal with the length of my hair that's not long enough to pull back.

I never thought about limiting the times i comb my hair, I'm going to try that. Usually i just cowash, moisturize and seal and comb back everyday. On a daily basis I do have some breakage, but im not sure if it's because I'm combing wet hair back or from cowashing. I think I'm going to limit my combing to every 3-4 days.


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Absolutely! My sides aren't long enough to fit into a ponytail, so i just brush them in with the rest of my hair. I use a soft 100% boar bristle but i still worry about the stress I'm putting on my sides.

I've attached a picture of my current hair length. I want to retain all of my length this summer so i'm extra careful about how i deal with the length of my hair that's not long enough to pull back.

I never thought about limiting the times i comb my hair, I'm going to try that. Usually i just cowash, moisturize and seal and comb back everyday. On a daily basis I do have some breakage, but im not sure if it's because I'm combing wet hair back or from cowashing. I think I'm going to limit my combing to every 3-4 days.

What I plan to do is Moisturize daily and then tie down with Silk/Satin Scarf. Brush lightly only when necessary during the week. On Wash Day, I will comb and detangle and all that kind of stuff.

But No unnecessary manipulation throughout the week. As long as the Scarf keeps everything nice, neat and smooth.....I'll be good to go.:yep:
I am using the phony buns for a protective style as well. My goal is to do this for a year to see if I can make APL by next summer.

Me too!! I'm doing the exact same thing. Let's check in next year. I was just thinking today I can get to APL in 1 year.
I am SO Pumped ! After I got over the Initial Shock of Looking Completely Different. And It's a Good thing. It's a nice Look for Hot Weather. No Muss. No Fuss.

I just ran out, Bright Red Lips, Big Sunglasses, Large Earrings, Phony Bun. Great Look! I'm pleased.:yep:

Gives your Hair a Break. (No Pun intended). I was just thinking about picking up a couple more next week. Because I can already tell, I am gonna be living in these over the next few months.

A friend of mine even told me she got the "Infinity" Phony-Bun:look:
I am SO Pumped ! After I got over the Initial Shock of Looking Completely Different. And It's a Good thing. It's a nice Look for Hot Weather. No Muss. No Fuss.

I just ran out, Bright Red Lips, Big Sunglasses, Large Earrings, Phony Bun. Great Look! I'm pleased.:yep:

Gives your Hair a Break. (No Pun intended). I was just thinking about picking up a couple more next week. Because I can already tell, I am gonna be living in these over the next few months.

A friend of mine even told me she got the "Infinity" Phony-Bun:look:

LOL i HAVE TWO SO FAR :grin: different sizes

Yeah, I'm rocking these until September, then I'll get some more braids or rock it some more until i reach shoulder length and start bunning with my own hair
Got MAD Compliments Sporting my New Look at Work Today. I think this is going to work out very well. I can keep my hair well moisturized and ease up on the manipulation.

I went out at Lunch time and bought 2 more of the Phony Buns @ $7.99 each. I know I will need them as I play this out this summer.

SelfStyled also posted a Hair Site: and they have some inexpensively priced as well. I may place an order there too.:look:

I will look locally first to avoid S&H, but it was good having access to that site.:yep:
^^^:yep::yep:Yay on the compliments. The way you described it sounds so classy and elegant.

Curly Reese- I wet bun and then airy dry using the scarf method. I only comb my hair on wash days which is 2-3x/wk. I sleep with a silk scarf, in the morning my hair is nice and smooth. After I wake up, I moisturize and seal and then put my scarf back on until it's time to leave the house.
^^^:yep::yep:Yay on the compliments. The way you described it sounds so classy and elegant.

Curly Reese- I wet bun and then airy dry using the scarf method. I only comb my hair on wash days which is 2-3x/wk. I sleep with a silk scarf, in the morning my hair is nice and smooth. After I wake up, I moisturize and seal and then put my scarf back on until it's time to leave the house.

You've been a Great Help. And your Support really encouraged Me to Adopt this method into my routine for The Summer. Thanks:grin:
Selfstyled girl.... you've got me wondering on the phony ponies! I love the look in your siggy! My wheel's are turning lol, I wonder if I can use one to fake some of DLewis' gorgeous buns!? :grin: YAY!
Ya'll I got to Stop Buying the Phony Buns! I was back out there after work today looking around.:spinning:

I think I have enough now to get me through the Summer.:look: Unless I see an unusual looking one.:grin:
I was about to get some braids, but after looking at these updated posts, I'm going to have to stick it out for the rest of the month at least!

Self-Styled, i think you were on point with the accessories. I'm already bored! hahaha
LMAO! hehehe I will (or at least give it my all). I signed up for the Deep Condition every 2 days challenge, so hopefully that will keep me motivated and intrigued. I'll definitely post results in this thread by the end of summer.
I have a bob. I love phoney buns, but I had such a bad experience several years ago. My ends got ripped to shreds underneath the rough netting of the bun. I think I also used a bad gel (Let's Jam- regular hold). How do you ladies protect your ends from rubbing against the inside of the bun? And what gel or product is strong enough to hold in stray hairs without damaging you hair?