Question on heat styling weekly...


New Member
If I used this regimine once a week would it cause damage to my hair?

1)Shampoo with regular shampoo
2)Shampoo with moisturizing shampoo
3)Deep condition under heated dryer for 30 minutes
4)Sit under dryer for 10 min to get rid of some of the water
5)Apply a leave in conditioner
6)Blow dry on medium heat in small sections
7)Apply a heat protecting serum
8)Flat iron on medium-low setting in small sections
That sounds like a lot of heat. Hooded dryer, blow dryer and flat iron? Way too much, at least for my hair-it'd be all over the floor.
atl_mulattamami said:
If I used this regimine once a week would it cause damage to my hair?

1)Shampoo with regular shampoo
2)Shampoo with moisturizing shampoo
3)Deep condition under heated dryer for 30 minutes
4)Sit under dryer for 10 min to get rid of some of the water
5)Apply a leave in conditioner
6)Blow dry on medium heat in small sections
7)Apply a heat protecting serum
8)Flat iron on medium-low setting in small sections

Probably. I would search for an alternative means to give your hair a break from all that manipulation and heat. It's not worth jacking your hair up. I have come to realize once and for all it's best to think about what you want to do and decide if you really want to deal with the consequences before you do something. For me trying to put my relaxer in caused my hair to break off bad from overprocessing. I kicked my self in the butt later when I realized I had to deal with the crappy consequences of my hair breaking off. Basically I learned the hard way here.
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Why the hell would you use TWO shampoos :eek:. I definitely don't think that's a good idea.

ETA: using heat to bake in a deep conditioner is fine ..but that other stuff .... I think you should air dry completely then flat iron with heat protectant. I don't do that. But that woman Cathy Howse who wrote the ultimate guide to growing black hair book had no damage from airdrying and using a curling iron to straigthen her hair regularly. She thought the curling iron was a better heat than the hot air dryer. She was able to grow her hair pretty long with that method.

I've never tried it though.
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Sometimes I use two shampoos. A clarifying one and a moisutrizing one after. I don't do it all the time but sometimes it's needed.
yeah, I think the two poo's are over kill. You wouldn't need another shampoo--it'll still just be attempting to do the softening, detangling work of a conditioner. If the first one is very stripping, follow it up with a good, strong moisturizing conditioner. And from the looks of it, you plan to deep condition afterward anyway, so definitely skip that. Cutting out that extra step will cut down on needless manipulation.

ITA about the heat being a bit much weekly. Maybe you could take out the second trip under the dryer.:)
I use two shampoos too, instead of later rinsing and repeating I'll just lather once with two different poo's. Sometimes it's Keracare 1st Lather clarifying poo followed up by the Hydrating Detangling Poo. 1st lather is really gentle and non stripping and I a lot of ther Keracare stuff I use has -cones in it so I do this maybe once every 3 weeks. And if it's gonna be more than 5 days 'til my next wash I'll wash first with the Dry Itchy Scalp Shampoo followed by the Hydrating Detangling Poo. I mean these instructions are right on the bottles of the shampoo and Keracare has been good to me.

However I do think that your regimen has a lot of indirect AND direct heat. A little too much for you to be doing it weekly. Also I don't think you need to go back under the dryer to get out the excess water, I just lightly towel dry my hair and put in my leave-ins, HTH!
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You're natural, right? I find that its easier to blowdry my natural hair from a soaking wet state. Its easier to comb thru and stretch with the denman brush when its wet. I personally think your regimen is fine. I would blowdry on medium heat and use a ceramic flat iron doing only 1-2 passes per section.
caligirl said:
You're natural, right? I find that its easier to blowdry my natural hair from a soaking wet state. Its easier to comb thru and stretch with the denman brush when its wet. I personally think your regimen is fine. I would blowdry on medium heat and use a ceramic flat iron doing only 1-2 passes per section.

Sound like my routine. I don't see nothing wrong with using two poos (if they cater to different needs, for example 1 each for detangling or moisturizing) or once weekly heat. But I would add a little bit of heat protection before you blow dry, skip the dryer before you add leave-in, and sit under the dryer to get your hair 90% dry AFTER your leave-in. But that's just how I feel, some people here think heat is very bad. But if it's been working for you, why stop?
Actually I always HAVE to use two shampoos because my scalp gets extremely oily. I know it doesn't work for y'all but without a 1st lather shampoo my hair doesn't get clean.

I'll remove the hooded dryer and just towel dry it some. Y'all think blowdrying and flatironing only would be ok? I can't let me hair air dry and then flat iron because it reverts back to curly I need to blowdry first. When I had relaxed hair I blowdried and flatironed every DAY (that was before I knew about haircare) hair grew to my waist easily. The thing is that I'm natural now and I don't want to damage it. What do y'all think about every OTHER week instead of every week?
I usually let my hair airdry between 80 and 90% , then blowdry and flatiron or curl.. Once a week...

If it worked for you before, whose to say it wont work again .. People like myself and mizanimami cant do no heat, our hair rebels :lol:
atl_mulattamami said:
Actually I always HAVE to use two shampoos because my scalp gets extremely oily. I know it doesn't work for y'all but without a 1st lather shampoo my hair doesn't get clean.

I'll remove the hooded dryer and just towel dry it some. Y'all think blowdrying and flatironing only would be ok? I can't let me hair air dry and then flat iron because it reverts back to curly I need to blowdry first. When I had relaxed hair I blowdried and flatironed every DAY (that was before I knew about haircare) hair grew to my waist easily. The thing is that I'm natural now and I don't want to damage it. What do y'all think about every OTHER week instead of every week?
My hair reverts to curly also but I refuse to blowdry because it's just too much heat for me and I'd rather cut out that step because it's way more healthy for the hair. I either wrap my hair and sit under the dryer or put it in a ponytail and braid it. Both ways help the roots come out straight and the hair is easier to flat iron.
How about this?
1. Shampoo & Condition
2. Apply leave-in
3. Rollerset on soaking wet hair
4. Airdry
5. Flat-iron

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