Question for transitioners


Well-Known Member
I'm in the process of transitioning from the relaxer (my last retouch was...July, I think). Anyway, my hair journey has gotten me to the point, presently, where I'll wear my hair straight moreso than natural even though the jury's still out on that one.

My concern is that I work out 5 days a week, which of course results in a sweaty scalp. With my hair being relaxed, this wasn't a big deal because I didn't have to deal with my hair "shrinking" when I washed it. When my hair is no longer relaxed, I will have to deal with it again. For those of you who press, blow-dry or flatiron your hair and work out, how do you manage your hair without damaging it with constant heat? Do you wear it natural for the most part, or do you end up pressing it a few times a week (and if so, HOW do you protect your hair from heat damage)?

The ease of which I'll be able to manage my natural hair and maintain my workout schedule will be determining factor in whether or not I stay relaxer-free once I'm done transitioning. I'm going to grow out as much of new growth as I can handle, then I'm going to let my stylist chop off the relaxed hair--hopefully I'll have 3-5 inches of growth (unless I get really antsy and find myself fighting the urge to grab the scissors before then). I really don't want to go back to chemically straightening my hair again. My objective is to find some natural styles to rock, as well growing out my hair past my bra strap and just blow-drying or flatironing it if I want it straight.

Any pointers you can give will be very much appreciated.
I'm not using heat regularly during my transition. Since the end of April, I've only used direct heat twice, both were Dominican blowouts. I wear my hair in a wash n go on the weekends and in a bun with or without a phonytail.

Does your hair handle direct heat often well? Could you do rollersets or wraps instead? I don't know if you would be able to use direct heat frequently while transitioning without causing damage.
I advise against using heat a lot while transitioning.

Also, being natural offers one of the biggest advantages for a regular workout schedule. You can wash your hair everyday or after every workout if you want and not lose a hairstyle like you would relaxing. Rinse with conditioner, style, and you're done.
My hair handles direct heat well, but I'd have to watch my ends. I don't really want to expose it to the heat more than necessary though, because in the long run it will cause damage.

Thanks for your feedback :-)