Question for those who went from relaxed to natural


Here I grow again!
How did you deal with learning how to handle your natural hair? By this I mean, I have a hard time dealing with NG. I can't imagine how I'd begin to take care of natural hair. (This is a serious question, btw)

Will you please share your experience in learning how to care for your hair and what styles you used early on. And did you transition or just BC and start from scratch? And, how did you feel in those early days?

Basically, spill the whole story for those of us who may be considering coming off the chemicals. TIA! :yep:
I know some will not agree with this...but for me, long term transitioning gave me an opportunity to slowly get used to dealing with new growth. I began by doing transitioning styles, which for me equated to straight styles....then once my hair was about half and half, I began toying around with more natural styles. This gave me an opportunity to appreciate my new growth even more because I had something to compare it to...

It was a change, I will admit. It was not just a hair style that I was changing, I felt, on some level like my thought process changed too...It's funny how when I was relaxing the new growth was seen as the "enemy", but once I got over the "shed hair" and really began to realize what "my" hair looked like, I fell in love!
I did the bc, basically because i was impatient. I think it takes more to patience when dealing with two textures if you plan to transition. After i bc, i wore various headbands and then went to puffs when my hair got longer. I also wore wash n go's. I think dealing with one texture was much easier for me that was the other reason i did the bc. I learned that my hair loved conditioner washes as well. I just learned as my hair grew. I actually am still learning as well. I think patience is key whether you bc or transition.
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I also did the bc. I wore braids for 2 months an couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to 2 textures GONE!

From there, I did wash and go's. About 4 months into my naturalness I wore braids (it lead into winter months and my poor head was cold). In the interim, I did alot of research and tried out alot of products until I felt what worked best for me! Pretty much the same products as when I was relaxed. So I stick to that!

You have to go with what you think it best.
I went the weave and wig methods. I had not heard of the hair boards and it was the only way I knew how to handle the two textures.

Press and curl was my buddy for a very very very long time.

If I knew then what I know now, I would have backed up off of the heat and did more roller sets and used care free curl for my roots.

There are soooo many ways and you are waaay ahead of the game because of your knowledge. :yep:
i leave it alone (ie cornrows under wigs).. the more i leave it, the more i retain... then when out, i wear it in straight styles to prevent stress on the line of demarcation.. then gradually trim off the relaxed ends.
IMO transitioning is more difficult. I understand this is not true for every person. I had more issues with my relaxed ends versus my new growth.

That said, as soon as I got the BC, I had twists installed
I BC'd exactly a month ago after transitioning for 17.5 months. I knew I couldn't handle short hair so I waited until I had enough hair to bun. I agree with the previous poster that my transition helped me figure out my natural hair, and I haven't made any changes to my regimen since I became natural.

I never stretched my relaxers until I decided to transition, but I didn't find it particularly difficult, especially with all of the information on the internet.
Thank you so much for responding, ladies. This is very, VERY helpful information. :yep:

Any more ladies want to share? TIA.
I transitioned for about a year. I would have NEVER bc'ed if I would have known I didn't have to. What helped me most was research on my own and this forums info. Before that I'd just buy whatever was on sale and use all the wrong tools "normal brushes, regular combs etc". My starting styles were twists and conrows. Now its longer and I'm no stylists so I rock plats under a wig or a twistout. For ng I didn't really have an issue the key is moisture. Most natural blogs or advice you'll see is echoing moisture moisture moisture condition condition condition and thats so real. Another key I learned just last year is moisturizing and sealing.
i mainly protective styled through the whole thing..and i still do. i barely deal with my hair..average between 2-4 days out the month to detangle and henna.
I BCed it was easier for me, i couldnt work with the two textures, maybe cause when i choped i didnt know this place and had no idea about dealing with the 2 textures, besides my hair started to break after 2 inches of NG

Anyway I never used weaves or wigs, im learning by doing, and with every inch i reach is a new amazing challenge for me. I try to research and/or ask in the board cause here you will find ANYTHING, this place is been amazing for my hair health, i didnt remember/know how to take care of it, and im learning here.
I did micro braid extensions, senegalese twist extensions and I would Press my hair whenever it wasn't in those styles because I didn't know how to do anything other styles so early in my journey.

Of course you can do flat twist outs, braid-outs, bantu knot outs etc

However I think BCing is the best way to go natural (imho)'re immediately completely rid of your relaxed get the freedom of short hair for a while and you become accustomed to your hair completely natural....not while attached to different textures....thats jmho

I honestly think I may BC a few years down the line so I can know what its like to have short hair for the first time and really enjoy every stage.
I did micro braid extensions, senegalese twist extensions and I would Press my hair whenever it wasn't in those styles because I didn't know how to do anything other styles so early in my journey.

Of course you can do flat twist outs, braid-outs, bantu knot outs etc

However I think BCing is the best way to go natural (imho)'re immediately completely rid of your relaxed get the freedom of short hair for a while and you become accustomed to your hair completely natural....not while attached to different textures....thats jmho

I honestly think I may BC a few years down the line so I can know what its like to have short hair for the first time and really enjoy every stage.

remind us to come give you a nice whooping when you do that :spank: :lachen:
OP, thanks for askin this question. i have been natural for a little over a year now and i barely every handle my hair because i simply do not know what to do with it besides PSing. we need more vets to come chime in :yep:
This one is really long....:perplexed

-It's a work in progress, really.

-I started by stretching relaxers. 8, 9, 10, 12, 16 weeks. then I stopped putting relaxer in my head in december 2009.

-when I stretched I used the S-Curl moisturiser mixed with water in a spray bottle along with my other products.

-roux porosity control and Tresemmé conditioners helped ALOT for slip. slick it back in a bun, airdry, and you're good to go.

-I upgraded my co-washes.

-sometimes, would wake up with what I call ''breakage galore''. NG+relaxed ends airdried in a careless way. Yeah....
I quickly learned to slap on half a gallon or moisturiser, gather everything up in a bun, put on an accessory an go. At the end of the day I'd wash the hair and airdry it in a proper manner.

- I would also use my spray profusely to 'melt' my hair and finger comb it gently in a bun with pompadour.

-I bought a huge wide tooth comb.

-When I was relaxed, I could detangle gently on dry hair. now (still transitionning) I detangle under the shower.

-At some point, it was not necessary to have the most slicked-back-so-tight-it's-like-a-mirror kind a bun. I liked my waves and it it was a bit frizzy, it was still very good looking. I still like the slicked back look. I just don't do it as often.

-I live in Canada. So this winter, I realized I could not co-wash as often as I did. Enter the wigs, half wigs and kanekalon hair to make a fake textured bun. My hair was in cornrows during that time. I'd moisturize everyday then wash once a week. or once every two weeks but that was rare. GREAT opportunity to forget my hair a while and not obsess on the breakage and all that.

-Now I will not lie. I love, love straight styles. But last summer, I discovered bantu knots out. Even if sometimes it can get really humid here, I'd wear it whenever I could.

-Talking about summer I was anxious because I had a trip to the south planned. At that time (july 2009) I forgot that my last relaxer was in december, I just knew i had new growth to deal with. bantu knots out , french braids, and my blowdryer (one night) was all i needed. I co-washed, airdryed in a bun, or two mini buns, then let loose in waves .

-deep conditionned every week helps a lot. you see your natural patttern stretched my the weight of the relaxed ends but it can get so addictive to sit there and touch the curls...

-It is still a love hate relationship. I'd like to wear my hair out more often but I'm transitionnimg and I don't want to BC just yet. maybe another year and a half?

- I did not try senegalese twists, or individual 2 strand twists. But I do like flat twists... and I used them over and over again on different ways. easy to do even on hair that is stretched but dry.

I know I'd be satisfied if my hair unstretched is at least to my shoulders... now will I be transitionning forever? I'm 4a and shrinkage is no joke...

sorry this was long.... hope it helps...