Question for thick haired ladies about shedding


New Member
When you comb in the shower, do you get big balls of hair? I comb maybe once a week, and I will get a substantial amount of hair. I noticed that my hair doesn't ever shed during the course of the week, that it all stayed in my hair because it is trapped by the other curls. It also takes me forever to get the shedded hair out, they keep coming and coming. I do random checks of the hair and they all seem to have the bulbs on the end that indicate they shed from the root, but it's very disconcerting having a handful of poofy hair in your shower every week. Can anyone else relate? Should I be more worried than I am?
Re: Question for thick haired ladies

I don't comb in the shower, so I may not give you the answer your looking for. But like you I don't shed during the week. When I detangle after washing I do comb out alot of hair. My hair has always been like this, so I chalk it up to not shedding the average amount on a daily basis. I would love to hear what other members I have to say...
All I can say is that you have a beautiful head of hair....
You only comb once a week. Every day you normally shed 70-100 hairs now times that by 7, 490-700 per week. You are more than likely shedding normal amounts you just don't come often.
I agree with Thickhair. You may not find the other shed hairs because you don't comb on a daily basis so when you finally do comb your hair, all of the previously shed hair comes out at the same time so it just seems like an overload of hair. Not to worry tho
It's normal.
Sounds like normal amounts. I comb my hair in the shower after I have put tons of conditioner on it.

Your hair is dreamy.
Oh wow, you guys are nice! I should post here more often instead of just lurking and stealing your ideas!

I suspected as much, i just wanted to have some confimation. I have enough hair after each combing session to knit a sweater.
I comb/detangle once a week and I shed alot. Heck, I even shed when I run my fingers through my hair. But my hair is still thicker than I can even handle sometimes so I try and keep that in perspective.
I think about this every time I wash which is almost every other day. My hair is very thick, relaxed usually in a bun. The only time I really shed is in the comb out in the shower. I took out the stopper and put in a tiny colander type thingy intially to decrease clogged drains. Later it became a great way to monitor what is normal shedding for me. It is about a nickel size round. When I first saw this I terrified, but my hair is getting thicker and healthier with very few broken strands. I actually have to wet it to lay down.
I am talking about a golfball sized ball of hair, and that's all rolled up and condensed. I do have VERY thick hair, however, fine strands, but alot of them.
Well you know what? If I saved mine for a week, 3 or 4 washings, I would say it is pretty similar. Even though I don't want to see any when I get results that look like yours I don't even worry. I just figure, 700 out of 200,000 or so during the course of the week isn't bad. There could be another 1000 broken in half, dried up and split but it is not.
Re: Question for thick haired ladies about sheddin

cardinalfire said:
I am talking about a golfball sized ball of hair, and that's all rolled up and condensed. I do have VERY thick hair, however, fine strands, but alot of them.

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I have fine strands but very dense hair also. I don't like shedding though, so I am using Nutrine garlic shampoo and conditioner to combat it.

My stylist says that if I don't comb daily, the shed hairs are trapped among the attached hairs. When I clear them once a week, the hairball is big and frightful because it's cumulative shedding. Same theory as yours.
Re: Question for thick haired ladies about sheddin

I'm laughing at your sig line, sorry

Update: MSM + Brewer's Yeast + Tangerine/Orange/Pineapple juice = yuck!

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Re: Question for thick haired ladies about sheddin

Yeah, I'm mixing up the supplements and pushing my growth rate this spring and summer. I put it all in a little plastic jar, shake violently, then gag it on down.

I'm not Surging so much lately, though. I think I should add garlic oil/extract to my Surge to accelerate growth while decreasing shedding. I'll have to see how much I can add without stinking.
Re: Question for thick haired ladies about sheddin

Hey girl
I have thick hair and I've noticed much less shedding lately since upping my protein intake. i just wasnt getting what i should have been getting daily and it led to me having massive shedding. now that i'm getting what i should and i also take 100mg of b-6 to help supplement my food intake (I dont eat meat) and this has helped alot
I agree with the others though about not being too worried since it's not breakage. Just pinpoint your problem and you'll be fine
-- jainygirl
Re: Question for thick haired ladies about sheddin

<font color="blue">I shed a lot. Cardinalfire, it's probably normal. I'm nearly always mortified to see how much I shed, especially if it's been a week since I last combed my hair. Long as you see the little bulb at the end, you should be fine. I don't think you have a problem because you have a lot of pretty hair!

Re: Question for thick haired ladies about sheddin

I shed about a 1/2 a cotton ball to a full cotton ball size hair ball each week. I used to shed a lot more hair before I started taking MSM.

Your shedding sounds about average.
Re: Question for thick haired ladies about sheddin

i have the same brief panic after an episode with my kcutter and conditioner. i think "AM I SHEDDING TO MUCH??!!" but im going to use garlic shampoo and a protein treatment. i think im shedding normally, and i shed more when i need a trim, which i just got. even so, i keep hearing ladies talk about having just 2 or 3 hairs on the comb and i get nervous by comparison.
I get no balls of hair at all when I comb under the shower. I see very, very few strands in my comb and I always look. Normal daily shedding is supposed to be 50-100 hairs but I never see that many. I only comb when I'm under the shower rinsing out my conditioner and when I'm combing my leave-in through my wet/damp hair. Seems like there should be a buildup of shedding hair on wash day but there isn't.

If this has always happened with your hair, it sounds like your shedding is normal. If this is something new, you may want to see if anything has changed with your diet, stress, iron levels, etc.

BTW, Cardinalfire, your hair is very beautiful!
Yes, the horror - I know it all too well. I keep my hair conrowed for two weeks at a time so I lose a lot of hair during detangling, but it's just the accumulation of natural shedding over those weeks. Don't worry, it's normal.
Re: Question for thick haired ladies about sheddin

hotshot said:
i have the same brief panic after an episode with my kcutter and conditioner. i think "AM I SHEDDING TO MUCH??!!" but im going to use garlic shampoo and a protein treatment. i think im shedding normally, and i shed more when i need a trim, which i just got. even so, i keep hearing ladies talk about having just 2 or 3 hairs on the comb and i get nervous by comparison.

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Me too girl!!! Throughout the week I'm ok, but on combout day I panic!! Yesterday I combed my hair after 5 days and lost about the size of a capsule....which is better compared to when I was a kid, I remember combing out handfuls of hair...but I don't know how much is normal. I also shed a little bit daily everytime I moisturise my hair, there are hairs on my hands. My hair is thick too, and fine.
Re: Question for thick haired ladies about sheddin

I have fragile hair but it is so dense that it looks really thick. I think I can understand what you are going through. What has really helped with decreased shedding is taking my vitamins daily, eating semi-healthy (I'm not perfect!) and handling my hair very gently. BTW what kind of comb do you use? I use a Bone comb, made with resin also known as a seamless comb, I notice considerably less amount of hair comes out when I use this comb. You can buy a comb and take a file and file down the seams on the teeth of the comb, it really worked for me and I hope that maybe this may help.
Wow, I guess I'll shut-up and stop complaining.
My hair balls are btwn nickel and dime sized. I figured it was okay, b/c I don't comb my hair in-between washes (which I do twice a week), but still didn't like it. I think I lose less hair if I comb after conditioning (rather than while conditioning) and adding post-wash products. Maybe it's the same.... I just hate seeing my hair any place other than on my head.