Question for the Protective Style/Sew-in Experts!


Somewhere Flourishing...
Greetings, Ladies!!

I have chosen a sew in as my protective style of choice and I am preparing to take it down and get it redone. My regular stylist did my sew-in and although she did decent job I wasnt happy with the way she cut/styled the hair. As a result, I would prefer that she not do my sew-in this next time around. The only thing is my reglar stylist relaxes the hair that will be exposed, but the new stylist that i would like to perform my next sew-in strictly does weaves and does not do relaxers. Ideally, I would like to not relax my WHOLE head (by regualar stylist) only to get it sewn-up a week later (by the new stylist), but i feel like its the only way for me to get my edges relaxed and still allow the new stylist to sew in my weave.

Any thoughts or sugestions? Will i be putting my hair through uneccesary stress by relaxing all of it and then braiding it up for a sew in a week later? (I am going to Miami for my birthday, so thats why i desire a fresh, sleek look) Also, when i take down the install and get relaxed, will this be a good time to trim my ends (its been about 14 wks)?

FYI: The last tough up on my edges was 8/25 (roughly 6 wks ago) and my last whole head relaxer was 6/30 ( approx. 14 weeks ago). I am not trying to go natural, but am trying to stretch my relaxers.

TIA :)
Im not a big fan of full head weaves, because they often dont look natural enough. Plus, id need a closure and additional hair and money. Lol And im actually looking forward to relaxing, because i cant wait to see the progress that ive made.

Thank you for your input, though :)