Question for sulfur oil users

Miss AJ

New Member
Do you HAVE to massage it in to see results or does just oiling the scalp produce noticeable growth? I did scalp massages before but I stopped because I got lazy so I was just wondering if I could skip the massaging part.
Oooh I have another question. About how long does one batch of oil last you? I have 9 ounces right now and I can't remember for the LIFE of me how long my batch lasted me when I had a TWA.
Sometimes I massage it, other times I just prepare my hair for bed. My bottle lasts about three months.
Oooh I have another question. About how long does one batch of oil last you? I have 9 ounces right now and I can't remember for the LIFE of me how long my batch lasted me when I had a TWA.

if you're not overdoing it with the oil (im heavy handed sometimes hehe) then that 9 oz should last you a good Month.
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I massage it in lightly just to make sure it coats my scalp, then i place a baggy on my head and a scarf over that and go to sleep. I think using the GHE helps it soak in so there's no need to massage. My 8 oz bottle lasts me 2 months if used consistently. I apply every other day.