Question For People Who Transitioned Without Bcing


Well-Known Member
In retrospect, at what point did your 'final' texture start to show? How much relaxed hair did you have left?
What she ^ said.
Well... i only transitiomed for a year the first time. My plan was 2 years but those scraggely struggle ends were killing me so softly they had to go. I thought I could tell me texture but then i chopped the ends and it was a different ball game.
I totally agree with the other ladies. It wasn't until I cut my relaxed ends. Also immediately after my cut my texture was looser and tightened up after about a week or so. I transitioned for 17 months. My hair goes from very coily all over to a looser curl in the bang area. I also have a small section over my left ear that doesn't really have curl pattern.
I transitioned for 19 months and I could get some idea of my texture by the 1 yr mark. I didn't know my true texture until around a month after my bc but I could tell little things like the front was going to be looser than the back and easier to care for.
I never really big chopped just did some deep trimming until all the relaxed hair was gone. I was only getting a relaxer at most 2x per year anyway so transitioning for me was easy. About the 18-month mark I could see my true texture coming through and for me I have a looser, wavier curl pattern in the back and the front is much curlier with a tighter pattern.
For me personally I could start to clearly see a pattern at about 10 months. However one just cannot know how much the hair will shrink after the straight ends are gone, and shrinkage of course changes the look of the hair. But you can figure out other things, a year in I knew where the curl would be weakest (the front, bang area), what section was the kinkiest (just under the crown), what was the coiliest (the temples) etc. I transitioned for 28 months.

I tend to think that it's not a bad idea to BC tiny sections in different areas. I did this and it definitely helped me to have patience, as I already knew the pattern, and I practiced a little in these areas too.

Edit: Ah I just remembered that I have a transition folder here, showing the same area (more or less) every few months if you're curious. Those pics were for the most part taken on drenched hair, and looking back on them now, my pattern when drenched is really not that different from what the pics show. But as it dries and shrinkage kicks in, it'll look poofier, shorter, bigger, etc. Products, styling and length can really make the same head look completely different, I find!
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