Question for fine-haired relaxed ladies....

Increasing the use of protein condishes has been a Godsend for my hair - I wash (not co-wash) my hair 3-4 times a week and use protein 95% of the time - I always follow up with a moisturizing dc - I have been doing this since the end of December/early January and my hair has a whole new texture and feel - kinda feels sturdy but soft - I have been pre/pooing/conditioning on dry hair with my protein - rinse -wash- follow up with either a light protein or moisturizing dc -

Sorry so wordy but I can relate to the issues being a fine haired relaxed chick and it can be frustrating but on the flipside it does not take my hair that long to dry :)
I have fine hair gets weighed down easily, dries quickly:grin:, too much moisture makes it mushy, and protein is my friend!!!
I'm a fine haired relaxed lady who is transitioning to natural hair...

I cowash 3 times a week...
I DC twice a week with a light protein. Once a week, I cowash with Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor... adding this to my cowash regime has really improved the state of my hair.

I have realised my hair needs some form of protein, either in my cowash con, DC or my leave in conditioner...

My hair also loves henna, I just tried henna gloss last weekend and I got even better results than my usual henna mix - keeper!!!

Although, I have a lot of knowledge about my hair, I'm still learning.
For me:
Stretching relaxers!
No more cowashes!
No more overmanipulations!
Good choice of products. (Regular protein treats...)
Special attention to ends!
Consistency in my routine.
I also just started realizing that my hair hates the aphogee hard protein. It gets unmanageable and tangly and hard everytime I used it. But my hair does tend to get musy when I deep condition so I need a protein... What protein are you ladies using? also where can Joico products be purchased?
So I've been on this journey and committed for 5 months this week:drunk:, and I love this place. My staples are all down pat, my regimen is also down to the T although I change things up here and there... My hair is finally "growing up" and I think in great condition for the FIRST TIME in my life.

What I've come to realize is that I have some really fine hair. Soft to the touch, transparent when you hold it to light, and LOTS of dense strands of them. That's just the way they are, my protein/moisture balance is on point, I'm not overprocessed or anything, my hair is just fine. I find that too much fussing with it can lead to splits, it responds well to simplicity.

So my question for you ladies who have the same kind of hair (fine/relaxed) what do you find is the best way to keep it in optimal health and most of all retain length. I cowashed my hair about 4x this week, and although I loved it, my hair I think may be telling me that this may be too much as it got a little mushy and I had to do a DC tonight with Aphogee 2 min Reconstruc. If you co-wash, how often do you do it? What styles do you feel work best for you (ok I think I may hear bun/up do come along)? How often do you trim/dust etc or do you notice any splits (can you pinpoint the causes)? How often do you feel like you need to do protein treatments?

Just some general tips that have helped you along, maybe they can help me and others better understand the best methods for our hair type.

Fine haired sister here...

When I first started, I cowashed 2-3 x a week. But my hair started to stretch, stretch, stretch before breaking...way too much moisture. So now, I've reduced cowashing to once a week with DC.

I am relaxed, but I am also a super stretcher- so no manipuation hair styles work for me. The only time I manipulate my hair is when I cowash for the week. Other than that- it's buns, french braids, or pin ups AND daily moisturizer for me during the week.

My har is the healthiest it's ever been and I think it's because, for the most part I leave my fine strands alone.
I also just started realizing that my hair hates the aphogee hard protein. It gets unmanageable and tangly and hard everytime I used it. But my hair does tend to get musy when I deep condition so I need a protein... What protein are you ladies using? also where can Joico products be purchased?

Joico is at Ulta, Trade Secrets, or JC Penney Salon. I currently have the Joico k Pak reconstructer (a keratin protein treatment). It's pretty quick- you only have to leave it on for 5 minutes with no heat, REALLY. I got the sample size of the Joico k Pak for like $5. I do like it so I'll buy a larger one later. I do a moisturizing DC afterwords.
Joico is at Ulta, Trade Secrets, or JC Penney Salon. I currently have the Joico k Pak reconstructer (a keratin protein treatment). It's pretty quick- you only have to leave it on for 5 minutes with no heat, REALLY. I got the sample size of the Joico k Pak for like $5. I do like it so I'll buy a larger one later. I do a moisturizing DC afterwords.

Thanks! I will have to find an ulta or jc penny salon near me and get my hands on this.. Ive been hearing to many great reviews
Joico is at Ulta, Trade Secrets, or JC Penney Salon. I currently have the Joico k Pak reconstructer (a keratin protein treatment). It's pretty quick- you only have to leave it on for 5 minutes with no heat, REALLY. I got the sample size of the Joico k Pak for like $5. I do like it so I'll buy a larger one later. I do a moisturizing DC afterwords.

How much is the regular price and where can I get a 5 dollar sample? Also do u find its better than aphogee?