Question for fine-haired relaxed ladies....


New Member
So I've been on this journey and committed for 5 months this week:drunk:, and I love this place. My staples are all down pat, my regimen is also down to the T although I change things up here and there... My hair is finally "growing up" and I think in great condition for the FIRST TIME in my life.

What I've come to realize is that I have some really fine hair. Soft to the touch, transparent when you hold it to light, and LOTS of dense strands of them. That's just the way they are, my protein/moisture balance is on point, I'm not overprocessed or anything, my hair is just fine. I find that too much fussing with it can lead to splits, it responds well to simplicity.

So my question for you ladies who have the same kind of hair (fine/relaxed) what do you find is the best way to keep it in optimal health and most of all retain length. I cowashed my hair about 4x this week, and although I loved it, my hair I think may be telling me that this may be too much as it got a little mushy and I had to do a DC tonight with Aphogee 2 min Reconstruc. If you co-wash, how often do you do it? What styles do you feel work best for you (ok I think I may hear bun/up do come along)? How often do you trim/dust etc or do you notice any splits (can you pinpoint the causes)? How often do you feel like you need to do protein treatments?

Just some general tips that have helped you along, maybe they can help me and others better understand the best methods for our hair type.
my hair is fine. i've been transitioning and even the newgrowth is fine and thin. it feels thicker since theres no chemical but its still thin and fine. anyway hair like ours will def. get mushy with too much moisture. i only co wash once a week and then shampoo and deep condition once a week too. my dads hair is SUPER thin and fine and he washes everyday w/ shampoo but he noticed that was taking a toll on his hair so now he washes with conditioner but too much makes his hair mushy.
Awesome and thanks for sharing! Yeah I kinda figured out for myself too that I can get by just fine with 1 DC/week two the most but if I do 2 then there's NO co-washing in btw.

I'm finding that if I do protein 2x a month my stands stay nice and stong. My NG isn't as dry as it once ised to be, I find that I can stretch longer periods now w/o too much fuss if I'm gentle.
I don't have fine hair I'm just giving kudos.

Your hair is very nice and 'full-looking' to be of a fine texture.
Keep up whatever it is you're doing.:yep:
I co wash every 3 days a week when i have lots of newgrowth and i try to moisturize every 2 days. even with the lightest of moisturizers, my hair still looks greasy by wash day.

i just try to use leave ins and moisturizers that are not heavy and i only deep condition once a month. more would be overkill.
I stopped cowashing a while back because it made my hair get mushy and split. I like to do a little more protein than moisture. This keeps my hair strong.

I am also going to go back to using Cathy Howse's protein conditioner and moisturizers.
I don't have fine hair I'm just giving kudos.

Your hair is very nice and 'full-looking' to be of a fine texture.
Keep up whatever it is you're doing.:yep:

Thanks so much PhoEnixX (love your name - the legend of the phoenix is my fav lol), in any case, I think I can attribute my thickness to being natural for quite a while and then texlaxing for a while all while wearing weaves. I had a good starting point, but if I left it out and taking care of it on my own I would have surely damaged it. My family always said I had "soft" hair all my life, but now I truly understand what's going on up there.:yep::rolleyes:
I have extremely fine hair and I starting my journey doing cowashes. I was just jumping right into what everyone was doing on the forum. Needless to say, I ended with severely mushy hair, which then led to extreme shedding/breakage. I couldn't figure out what the problem was, and I guess I was experienced enough to ask the right questions. Finally I went to a stylist to get my hair chopped off and she told me I was really mushy and needed Aphogee really bad. I came back here and searched for the perfect protein regimen that turned my hair around. I used to use Aphogee (hard protein) every 6 weeks like clockwork, but since using henna for so long, I don't have to do that anymore. I can get away with using the aphogee reconstructor about every 2-3 washes. I also keep my hair up 99% of the time. Splits come so easy for fine hair. Through trial and error I have concluded that I can go no longer than 12 weeks without at least dusting my ends. But even with dusting, I will see some breaks. Cutting at least 1/2" each time maintains my hair much better, although sometimes I do just dust. Washing 2x a week and alternating moisture/protein conditioners has proven to be perfect for me. I do, however, deep condition overnight because of my schedule, and this too makes me lean toward mushy, so I just use the reconstructor more frequently when needed. HTH!
I stopped cowashing a while back because it made my hair get mushy and split. I like to do a little more protein than moisture. This keeps my hair strong.

I am also going to go back to using Cathy Howse's protein conditioner and moisturizers.

Yeah protein treatments have been key I think for me too.

i just try to use leave ins and moisturizers that are not heavy and i only deep condition once a month. more would be overkill.
You know it's funny I'm finding that if I hit my hair up with a really GOOD DC, I don't have to moisturize again during the week until my second wash (and yes I do that one with a moisturizing shampoo as well or else it's build up city). I feel you on this one!:yep:
I have extremely fine hair and I starting my journey doing cowashes. I was just jumping right into what everyone was doing on the forum. Needless to say, I ended with severely mushy hair, which then led to extreme shedding/breakage. I couldn't figure out what the problem was, and I guess I was experienced enough to ask the right questions. Finally I went to a stylist to get my hair chopped off and she told me I was really mushy and needed Aphogee really bad. I came back here and searched for the perfect protein regimen that turned my hair around. I used to use Aphogee (hard protein) every 6 weeks like clockwork, but since using henna for so long, I don't have to do that anymore. I can get away with using the aphogee reconstructor about every 2-3 washes. I also keep my hair up 99% of the time. Splits come so easy for fine hair. Through trial and error I have concluded that I can go no longer than 12 weeks without at least dusting my ends. But even with dusting, I will see some breaks. Cutting at least 1/2" each time maintains my hair much better, although sometimes I do just dust. Washing 2x a week and alternating moisture/protein conditioners has proven to be perfect for me. I do, however, deep condition overnight because of my schedule, and this too makes me lean toward mushy, so I just use the reconstructor more frequently when needed. HTH!

Wow Lavendar, thanks for the response, I absolutely love your hair!:yawn: I totally agree with the above. I try to do S&D's at least every week during my DC days to just to stay on top of things, I think I can avoid true trimming that way as I catch splits right away and "nip" them in the bud. Fine hair is so delicate and I think that it really requires some special care and figuring out what works best for YOU. It's so easy to get hooked on what other's are doing without realizing if it's even right for your hair type.
I trim every 3 months and dust in between that time when I feel my hair needs it. I do light protein every wash. It's better for me than doing heavy proteins. My fine strands can't take too much protein. I usually wear my hair down two days after wash and then I pin it up in a bun. As for co-washing, I can't do that because of my sensitive scalp. I've tried it twice and makes my scalp feel itchy.
there... My hair is finally "growing up" and I think in great condition for the FIRST TIME in my life.
I know that feeling you are talking about I was like FINALLY!!!
I find that too much fussing with it can lead to splits, it responds well to simplicity.
Me too. Knowing is definitely half the battle!!!

If you co-wash, how often do you do it?
Very rarely. If I do, it is in the hot humid DC summer weather that can quickly make your hair yucky. Even then, I will do it only once in between washes.My hair just really wants to be cleaned conditioned and some moisture/oil once a week.
What styles do you feel work best for you (ok I think I may hear bun/up do come along)?I don't do ponytails/buns, but I do like to keep my hair up a lot, but I will wear my hair down more in the spring/summer. I often tuck my ends in and pin up with a flexi-8 or hairpins or some accesory that won't break/ rip my hair out
How often do you trim/dust etc or do you notice any splits (can you pinpoint the causes)? I trim every other relaxer, relaxing every 8-10 weeks. I can go every 3 relaxers. I feel more comfortable doing it every other, because I feel like I have to baby my hair that much more. When I notice a split, it 99.99999% of the time it is on a shed hair.The other .00001% it is right before I am due for a touchup and trim, so it gets handled before it is an issue. I can be obsessive/anal about inspecting for them. The regular trims and my practices keep them from becoming an issue. For me the causes of splits are direct heat, seamed combs esp.rattail combs (the devil), brushing, the wrong products & rough handling basically.

How often do you feel like you need to do protein treatments?
I get affirm 5 in 1 with every relaxer. I do a light protein maybe once or twice in between, I let my hair tell me when to do it.

Just some general tips that have helped you along, maybe they can help me and others better understand the best methods for our hair type.

-If it makes your hair hard, tangled, matted get rid of it!!! ( or use in a prepoo mix) It ain't worth it!!!!
-maintain regular deep conditioning
-Use the feeling of how you know you want your hair to feel and behave after a wash to determine if a product is for you.
-Be gentle and take your time.
-Give your hair what it needs and quit messin with it!!!
-If you are like me, your relaxed hair can't take double processing and a lot of direct heat, so save yourself the drama and don't do it.(I do understand those that still do, I learned the hard way years ago)
-seamless combs and keep your ends protected as much as possible
protected meaning up, or down with fabrics that won't damage the ends.
-If it makes your hair hard, tangled, matted get rid of it!!! ( or use in a prepoo mix) It ain't worth it!!!!
-maintain regular deep conditioning
-Use the feeling of how you know you want your hair to feel and behave after a wash to determine if a product is for you.
-Be gentle and take your time.
-Give your hair what it needs and quit messin with it!!!
-If you are like me, your relaxed hair can't take double processing and a lot of direct heat, so save yourself the drama and don't do it.(I do understand those that still do, I learned the hard way years ago)
-seamless combs and keep your ends protected as much as possible
protected meaning up, or down with fabrics that won't damage the ends.

WOW Evazhair this is some really great info - including your answers to the direct questions! I'm always staring at your avatar and just drooling, lol.

Hot Pepper what kind of light protein do you use?
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I am still in the process of tweking my regime. I wash my hair three times a week, with prepoos and shampoo (no more co wash for me it made my ends very dry and brittle) I plan to alternate a henna gloss and a steam treament for the first 8 weeks of my relaxer and attempt to stretch 12 weeks from now on. I mix Vatika or coconut oil with a cheapie conditioner for my prepoos, followed by shmpoo and conditioner (Patene Relaxed and Natural or Herbal Essence LTR or Herbal Essence Break's Over or Herbal Essence Hello Hydration or Granier Frutics) depending on my mood at the moment. I only deep condition my hair once a week and roller set my hair once a week. I no longer air dry my hair with a ponytail, so I will do a wash and go or a braidout. I also do a hot oil treatment of coconut oil once a week as well.
Fine 4a checking in!

For me:

~ Simplicity is best
~ Less is more

When I tried to co-wash (not to be confused with WEN), my hair was great at first, but then the itching and shedding started. It was too much build-up on my hair. My fine strands cannot support build-up; therefore, shedding occurred. My hair also LIKES shampoo. Again, the cleaner my hair and scalp, the better. Right now I am LOVING Keracare Foam Wrap Lotion. It acts as a style aid and leave in conditioner for me. Consistency is key for me. To that end, I only use Keracare products. After washing and dc'ing, I apply the Foam Wrap, Silken Seal and that is it. Before flat ironing, I put a dab of cream hair dress in my hair. Upon completion, I apply a dab of the essential oils and I'm done. I put nothing else in my hair except maybe a little oil sheen until the next wash, and my hair stays moist, shiny and manageable. I no longer wait beyond 10 wks for a relaxer as well. Again, my fine strands cannot withstand the stress. I lose more than I gain :nono:.

Low manipulation, seamless combs and satin scarves are key. :yep:

Lastly, I only allow a professional to apply chemicals to my hair. Our texture cannot withstand too much experimentation :lachen:

Regular trims, layers in the crown, and blunt ends aid in the appearance of fullness.

So I've been on this journey and committed for 5 months this week:drunk:, and I love this place. My staples are all down pat, my regimen is also down to the T although I change things up here and there... My hair is finally "growing up" and I think in great condition for the FIRST TIME in my life.

What I've come to realize is that I have some really fine hair. Soft to the touch, transparent when you hold it to light, and LOTS of dense strands of them. That's just the way they are, my protein/moisture balance is on point, I'm not overprocessed or anything, my hair is just fine. I find that too much fussing with it can lead to splits, it responds well to simplicity.

So my question for you ladies who have the same kind of hair (fine/relaxed) what do you find is the best way to keep it in optimal health and most of all retain length. I cowashed my hair about 4x this week, and although I loved it, my hair I think may be telling me that this may be too much as it got a little mushy and I had to do a DC tonight with Aphogee 2 min Reconstruc. If you co-wash, how often do you do it? What styles do you feel work best for you (ok I think I may hear bun/up do come along)? How often do you trim/dust etc or do you notice any splits (can you pinpoint the causes)? How often do you feel like you need to do protein treatments?

Just some general tips that have helped you along, maybe they can help me and others better understand the best methods for our hair type.

I have been thinking the same think Foxie. I too have been on this cowashing and washing kick and my hair is loving it. My protein moisture balance is dang near perfect right now. My hair feels much stronger.

After I finish, I just rub leave in through my wet hair and do a little twist and clip it up. As it dries, I usually have to replace the clip and use a bigger one but I love it.

I also am noticing less split ends. This is making me rethink what I am going to do in the fall when it starts to get too cool to walk around with a wet head
:spinning: SherylsTresses 3c/4a fine

Weekly - Prepoo, shampoo, DC, leave-in
Style - Always airdry scarf method and wear in a bun daily
Nightly - Moisturize with KeraCare conditioning creme headress and seal with 100% jojoba oil
Current length: Just above bra strap. Was MBL but hair fell out due to permanent hair color

I use KeraCare exclusively and I agree with LikeNoOther, the less I do to my thin hair, the better. I'm on a 6-month stretch and not sure if it's good for me but I was really disappointed with I got a 3" blunt cut.

I'm rather new to Fotki and LHCF and hoping to find a perfect regimen. My goal is wasitlenth and full. :drunk:
Awesome and thanks for sharing! Yeah I kinda figured out for myself too that I can get by just fine with 1 DC/week two the most but if I do 2 then there's NO co-washing in btw.

I'm finding that if I do protein 2x a month my stands stay nice and stong. My NG isn't as dry as it once ised to be, I find that I can stretch longer periods now w/o too much fuss if I'm gentle.

After I finish my stash of products, I will try Organix Coconut Milk product line also. :grin:
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DUO TEX is a miracle of protein for FINE hair! I use it about once a month. It is designed for fine hair and has a Phlevel of 4. I recently used it as a mid protein step in applying the touch-up. Trimming is also a must for fine hair.
Thanks guys for all this information. I am still trying to figure my soft/fine/thin 3c/4a strands. You all are helping with my shedding because I have been co-washing alot. During the summer months I can co-wash, but during the winter months, I don't think my hair likes it and my hair become soft. So I have been adding protein back to my regimen ever so slowly. Keep the info coming ladies. I appreciate it.
My fine natural hair loves protein reconstructors. I think Joico K-pak products were made for our type of hair...

ETA: My hair was the same when it was relaxed too..
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Thanks guys for all this information. I am still trying to figure my soft/fine/thin 3c/4a strands. You all are helping with my shedding because I have been co-washing alot. During the summer months I can co-wash, but during the winter months, I don't think my hair likes it and my hair become soft. So I have been adding protein back to my regimen ever so slowly. Keep the info coming ladies. I appreciate it.

Thanks guys for all this information. I am still trying to figure my soft/fine/thin 3c/4a strands. You all are helping with my shedding because I have been co-washing alot. During the summer months I can co-wash, but during the winter months, I don't think my hair likes it and my hair become soft. So I have been adding protein back to my regimen ever so slowly. Keep the info coming ladies. I appreciate it.

I'm also a 3c/4a thin.....:drunk:
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I'm a 3C/4A fine, w/ dense strands...and my hair doesn't like protein. My hair actually loves moisture...moisture..moisture. I co-wash 2-3 times a a weekly dc....the only drawback is that my hair gets weighed down really I have to go light on my moisturizers..
I finally came to the same realization about a year and a half ago. My hair is just fine by nature. When straight it's light and kind of wispy like. I've just learned to be careful with styling and manipulation because it's fine texture doesn't allow it to stand up to as much torture as thick hair would. What works best for me is to leave it alone. I always find that when I'm trying to do too much to it to often, it stunts my growth. I wash and DC (and style if necessary) once a week and that's it. It doesn't like cowashing, elaborate styles, being combed/manipulated every day, etc.

ETA: Also no heavy products. Or oily/greasy products. It will weigh the hair down.
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glamazone, again my hair has that same problem. On wet hair, I finger detangle with conditioners instead of a wide-tooth comb and it work wonders for my fine hair.....
I'm still trying to figure this one out. I have really fine, dense strands as well, and what I've been doing for the past couple weeks is mixing my moisturizing DC with my protein reconstructor, sometimes half and half or less depending on how my hair is feeling. Its been breaking alot less and this is the only tweak i've made to my regi. I cowash 2x weekly also. any more and my hair would be too soft, my hair is really fragile so i try not to do too much until its about 50% dry.
I never co-wash (tried and it was disastrous). I use protein every 6 weeks, shampoo/condish every week, use GOOD tools including comb/brush (Kent or Mason Pearson and denman for bdrying only). I wear my hair up as much as I do mood dictates more than anything else. But honestly I think KISS, excercise and a high protein (relatively) healthy diet have worked the BEST for me.