Question for All the Self-Trimmers


Well-Known Member
if i frequently do S&D (seek & destroy) missions on my split i really need to trim? i'm guessing the answer is yes (because even with s&d missions i'm prolly not getting all the splits.) if the answer is often do i really need to trim?

and, what's the best method to trim BSL layered hair? (lots of layers) is there a good thread or link with great instructions on how to self-trim? i don't have a stylist i can trust with scissors! so its either going to be me or my mom doing the trimming. thanks!
I'm probably not going to be much help. I trim about every two months or when needed. My hair is not even though because I cut it. I'm to scared to let a stylist in my hair right now. If clsweetie was local, I would trust her with my hair but I'll have to wait until my mother visits this summer for a good trim. I take sections as I'm rolling my hair and clip or cut as i see fit.
i guess that depends on if you're trimming to keep your hair even or not, and the condition of your ends. if you feel your ends are in pretty good condition and you want to avoid trims, i'd say continue S&Ding. if you want to try and even your hair up with a trim and you're at BSL, it shouldn't be too hard. well, i say that because i've cut/trimmed my hair when it was short... i think longer hair is easier because you can move it around to the front of your body and see what you're doing in the mirror... :look:

i divide my hair by front and back, then divide the front into left and right as if i was wearing my hair down. then i put the front left and right into 2 different clips, and bring the hair from the back around both sides of my neck. trim from the neck outward, making sure that the innermost parts on each side are even with each other and then cutting the rest of the hair even with those bits. or if you feel more comfortable, leave your haif back behind your shoulders and let someone you trust trim it for you. :D then, i take down one side and trim it even with the back (this requires turning to the side, and back to the front again and again, or using multiple mirrors). and then repeat with the other side.

i know i just typed that out quickly and it's not very detailed... next time i trim my hair i will put pics in my Fotki so it will make more sense... :perplexed
i'm not into evening out my hair. since its in layers - its not even right now anyway. i just want it to grow. i only want about 4-more inches (all around) of growth (and it seems like its taking forever!) maybe i don't need a trim. or maybe an annual trim will do...just to get the parts that i might miss thru S&D missions.
I trim every other relaxer, which is once every 6 months now. I have pics of my method in my jan 07 album